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Statement: WASSA in the diaspora

Tue, 7 Jan 2014 Source: Ghana Veterans Asssociation (USA)

The Ghana Veterans Association (GVA) USA (INC), held its annual WASSA celebrations on Dec 21, 2013 in New York. The association consists of all ex security personnel who had served the Coat of Arms of Ghana and have migrated to the United States in the New York tri-states area in particular. Other Veterans groups are springing up in other states, particularly Ohio, Virginia, Massachusetts and other few states.

Wassa celebrations are an annual occasion which affords the security personnel back home the opportunity to meet and refresh themselves in the previous year’s activities, and to make projections for the future. It is also an event that aims at assessing performances and adopting measures to enhance the delivery of service. Furthermore, it also offers a platform for members to socialize and familiarize with each other.

In his opening speech, the President of the Ghana Veterans Association (USA) Inc Comrade Kwame Ofori Koranteng, called for a minute’s silence in honor of all departed colleagues back home and here in the US including Ex WO1 Anthony Narh, who lost his life during “Hurricane Sandy” in New York a little over a year ago.

He also called on all ex-service personnel in the tri state area to come join to unify and forge ahead for a common goal of service to one another and also to extend to other needed and deprived areas in mother Ghana.

Comrade Ofori Koranteng lamented on how some founding members have dropped out on the way and how other comrades have been on the touchline watching to see if the association would survive.

This negativity he said has challenged the association to spur to greater heights after 17 years of its formation. He appealed to all colleagues on the touchline to come with their brilliant ideas to help GVA grow from strength to strength and also to know that most organizations like GVA will come with difficulties.

Furthermore in his remarks, Comrade Koranteng said despite few challenges that have befallen the association, GVA have improved in so many ways since its inauguration almost a decade ago.

He said “this improvement will never cloud our ultimate goal WHICH IS BEING THERE FOR ONE ANOTHER, so the GVA will strive to be consistent to illuminate the association’s name and efforts to be abreast with other Ghanaian ethnic groups in the diasporan community by continuing to show support physically, financially and spiritually”. With its discipline, dedication and the Never give up attitude, GVA will get there, he further said

In attendance were executive members of the National Council of Ghanaian Associations (NCOGA) led by its Executive Secretary General (ESG) Hon G Ofori Anor. Also in attendance were families and friends in the community including the Zongo chief of New York Hon Alhaji Ibrahim Ballah and his entourage. Also, GVA Virginia executives were in attendance. Hon. Ofori in his speech was full of praise for GVA, who he said joined the National Council not quite long but have made a huge impact in the council.

He said “I am overwhelmed at how dedicated and disciplined Ghana Veterans Association has been in the community”. He commended GVA for the excellent role they have been playing in the National Council since they became a member few years ago. The Guest of Honor was Colonel (Rtd) P Twumasi- Ankrah. Zeek Ayaah Commey’s cultural group and DJ Efo from New Jersey treated the gathering with excellent cultural display and music.

Comrade Esther Abubakari stole the show when she presented a touching citation on the GVA president, bringing tears of joy to all. She later presented a surprised award on behalf of the association to Comrade Ofori Koranteng in honor of his selfless and dedicated leadership to Ghana Veterans Association (USA) Inc.

Source: Ghana Veterans Asssociation (USA)