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Tender Mercy Care Foundation blesses mothers and children in Ghana


Sun, 14 Feb 2016 Source: Essiful-Ansah, Karen

United States based Non-Government Organisation., TENDER MERCY CARE FOUNDATION, recently brought lots of joy to Mothers and children who were mainly members of the Methodist Church of Gomoa Eshiem near Agona Swedru in the Central Region of Ghana.

The presentation by Founder Mrs Jane Ashun was also to children from Gomoa Anyanful about ten minutes walk from Eshiem. Items presented to the elated recipients included Exercise books, chalk, pens, clothes and other school items. Children and baby clothes, doilies, toys, feeding bottles etc. were later presented to the village’s Clinic by Mrs Ashun.The items donated were made possible as a result of gifts from members of the Foundation resident in North America.

Making the presentation to Brother Samuel Emmanuel Aggery, Caretaker of Gomoa Eshiem Methodist Church, Mrs Ashun herself a staunch Methodist and ‘child of the Manse thanked the TMC membership and made special mention of Mrs Rebecca Nsaful who organised and co-ordinated the event. Mrs Nsaful, a native of both Gomoa Eshiem and Ayanful who was present, is a retired Theatre Matron and Author. She helped Mrs Ashun distribute the items to the Mothers and Children. Also present to witness the short but impressive ceremony were Caretaker Mr Samuel Emmanuel Aggrey,Society Steward Richard Akyere and Leaders Samuel Otu, Joseph Dadzie and Nowa Aidoo. Assemblyman, Mr Paa Kwesi Ndo was also present. The event was beautifully captured for posterity by Photographer, Mr Mbir.

The team also visited the Village clinic where items were received by Midwives Ms. Elizabeth Enu and Ms Comfort Ato. Babies on admission received clothes, diapers, toys and the like. It was indeed a sight to behold as babies and children clung to their new possessions with gratitude.

An elated Mrs Rebecca Nsaful claimed no praise as she stated in an interview after the function, “I thank the Lord for giving me strength to help AUNTY JANE in my home town.” She was full of praise for the Founder and members of TMC Foundation for assisting in no small way to alleviate the hardship of mothers and children in the two villages.

Before visiting Gomoa Eshiem,Mrs Ashun aka Mbofra Maame, had visited several other villages in a space of a month. The places visited and items donated were as follows: Dentin Methodist Primary School, Offinso in Ashanti Region where along with her classmates of the said school she donated school items; Agona Duakwa Polyclinic: babies and mothers wear; Agona Duakwa Methodist Primary School - School supplies,that is books, pens, pencils, erasers, etc.; at Agona Nsaba mothers and children received clothes,’,about 25 pieces of ‘ntuma’ [a favourite of the older ladies] and children's wear; Gomoa Ankamu Day Nursery children received books, slates, crayons, coloring books and pencils.

The Gomoa Ankamu Clinic received babies wear, toys, blankets, towels and many clothes for mothers and children and again some ladies’ and men's wear were distributed to some of the villagers. The final stop was Gomoa Abonko Methodist school where the Founder distributed school supplies and other stuff for all ages. Gomoa Abonko Methodist Primary was started by Mrs Ashun’s maternal Grandfather, the late Rev. Ewudzie, a Minister of the Methodist Church, Ghana. From humble beginnings the said school is now at the J.SS. Level but like most schools visited is in dire need of basic school supplies.

Tender Mercy Care (TMC) Foundation is a nonprofit organization that caters to the needs of the underprivileged or less fortunate children in Ghana, specifically children living in the deprived rural communities or villages. The vision of this Foundation is informed by Jesus’ affirmation in Matthew 25:40, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

The Tender Mercy Care Foundation, the brainchild of Mrs Jane Ashun, was launched at a colourful ceremony in Brooklyn, New York in March 2015. It went to work immediately with appeals to individuals and families of Ghanaian origin for funds and purchased school supplies,primarily for orphans and needy and deprived school children in Ghana. The appeal was largely successful culminating in several loads of school supplies and clothes being shipped to Ghana for distribution in realisation of the Foundation’s ‘mandate’.Membership of the TMC Foundation as it has come to be affectionately called, is open to all Christians but is currently made mostly of Ghanaian Methodists in North America.

Commenting on her endeavours in the last month in Ghana,Mrs Jane Ashun was full of gratitude to God for using her as a vessel of relief for many. She also thanked members of the Foundation for helping her realising her dream but stressing that the work has just began. “I love to work for the Lord and am very grateful indeed. God is good Sister, but we need sponsors for TMC,” she added.

Source : Karen Essiful-Ansah.

Source: Essiful-Ansah, Karen