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The Methodist Church Ghana, North America Mission Diocese holds synod at Washington DC

The Methodist Church Ghana 897 This was the first meeting since the outbreak of covid-19

Wed, 27 Apr 2022 Source: Joe Bafour

The Sixth Annual Synod of the North America Mission Diocese (NAMD) of the Methodist Church Ghana (MCG) was convened from Friday, April 22 to Sunday, April 24, 2022, at the Ebenezer Methodist Church, College Park, Maryland. It was hosted by the Washington DC circuit.

The synod met in both its ministerial and representative sessions, with a total attendance of over a hundred delegates and observers from the four circuits. Representatives were from Newark, NJ; Atlanta; Toronto, (Canada); and Washington DC circuits.

Presiding over the deliberations was the Very Rev. Prof. Emmanuel Y. Lartey, Bishop’s Deputy; assisted by Bro. Sekyere Mensah, Lay Chairman; and the Very Rev. Joseph Owusu Atuahene, Synod Secretary; all three, executives of the NAMD. The theme for the synod was “Living By Faith in Jesus Christ in North America” (Gal. 2:20-24).

The 6th Synod was extraordinary in the sense that it was the first in-person national gathering of NAMD since its meeting in Texas in 2019, prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prof. Lartey, in his keynote address, thanked God for the preservation of NAMD and reminded the congregation that God had purposefully designed that we be kept alive for missionary work, as “salt and light” in North America. Bishop’s Deputy challenged Synod to be united in mission and service, especially, as new initiatives have been launched in Los Angeles, California, and Rhode Island.

Speaking on the Synod theme, Professor Lartey challenged Ghanaian Methodists to seek revival and growth, demonstrating their faith in service to society.

His Excellency, Mr. Ernest Yaw Amporful, Head of Chancery of the Embassy of Ghana at Washing DC, USA, congratulated NAMD for the Synod. Mr. Amporful represented H.E. Hajia Alima Mahama, the Ambassador of Ghana to the USA. He also commended the church for its continued support of the spiritual, psychological, financial, and material needs of Ghanaians in the USA and Canada. He implored all Ghanaians to support the National Cathedral project in Ghana and invest in various resources in Ghana.

Bishop Dr. Evans Glover from the Council of Ghanaian Pastors and Churches, USA talked about the importance of being transformed. That is, “Metamorphosed” to achieve spiritual and numerical growth of the Christian Community in North America. He, also, stressed the need to support the National Cathedral project in Ghana. Other dignitaries present at the formal opening of synod were three queen mothers namely: Obaahema Manzeb II, Queenmother of Edele Zuazo Lowe Axim; Obaahemaa Saakoa III, Gyangyaadze Odikro Ohemaa; and Nana Abaefi I, Apagyahene Queen mother of Gomoa East traditional area.

There were several other important highlights of this Synod, including

a. Unanimously approving a resolution requesting the Conference of the Methodist Church Ghana to grant the North America Mission diocese a full diocesan status with effect from October 1, 2022.

b. Approving the process for Commendation and Commissioning of 9 of its members: 7 men and two women for the ordained ministry within NAMD.

c. Celebrating the continuing success of the ministry of the nine ministers (probationers) who were commissioned last year, and synod approved that they should be moved to the next level in their probation.

Finally, Synod elected Brother Dr. Alex Adu Osei to be the next Lay Chairman. Brother Adu Osei is the current circuit Steward of the Washington DC circuit.

Source: Joe Bafour