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Voice Yourself Abroad: Use A British Vote!*

Thu, 15 Apr 2010 Source: --


involving the Planet Repairs Youth Positive Action Campaign (PRYPAC) and its

associated organisations, networks and other campaigns in Ghana;

supported by the


All-Afrikan People's Community Consultative Commission in Europe,

London, United Kingdom.


*For British Candidate Members of Parliament in the May 2010 United Kingdom

General Elections*

Collated by

Kofi Mawuli Klu,

PANAFRIINDABA Chief Executive Commissioner,

London, United Kingdom.

25th February 2010.



The pronouncements and actions of some high official Representatives of Her

Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom (UK), as for example the

contributions made by Dr. Nicholas Westcott, the British High Commissioner

to Ghana, to the Public Lecture organised by the Public Affairs Directorate

of the University of Ghana, Legon, in Accra, and held in January 2010 on the

theme "Governments, Growth and Migration: Britain and Ghana Compared", give

credence to the view held by many people that the UK is still using Foreign

Aid and its deeply embedded vestiges of Colonialism to promote dependency

through Neocolonialism, and thus maintain the capitalist stranglehold of

British Imperialism upon Ghana even today. From this viewpoint, many believe

Decolonization was aborted, Sovereignty lost and Independence rendered

meaningless to Ghana since the 24th February 1966 overthrow by coup d'etat

of the Government of the first President, Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, with the

implication of British intelligence and security forces in the putsch.

In the light of all these factors in the historical background, how will

you, as a British Candidate Member of Parliament (MP) in the forthcoming May

2010 General Elections, ensure that the diplomatic and other official

Representatives of the UK take these sensitive concerns into account and do

well to prove otherwise in their dealings with the contemporary governments

and the people of Ghana?

Question Exponent: Kwame Adofo Sampong, London, United Kingdom.

Exponent's Organisational Affiliation: GHANADIKAN.

E-Mail: [email protected]



Many British governmental and non-governmental organisations openly declare

their concerns about and interest in the Eradication of Poverty in Afrika

and other parts of the World. Tony Blair took such concerns right up to the

setting up of his Commission for Africa, which published its 2005 Report

entitled "Our Common Interest". Bob Geldof and Bono have gainfully

popularised themselves in Europe and the Americas, with their

self-promotional fronting of the Live Aid and other concerts, as well as the

Jubilee 2000 Drop the Debt and Make Poverty History campaigning jamborees,

as the "leading Celebrity Tribunes of the West against Poverty in Africa".

There is no denying the fact that these schemes have attracted considerable

support in Britain. Nevertheless, most Afrikans, including Ghanaians,

particularly those who are actively campaigning and working at home and

abroad against the Impoverishment of the masses of their own people, keep

expressing strong cynicism, together with the dismissal of such Live Aid,

Jubilee 2000 Drop the Debt and Make Poverty History schemes as mere

diversionary gimmicks to throw "Stardust" into the eyes of the World. Many

critics also believe that such schemes are purposely designed to spread the

kind of obscurantism that can blind people not only to the actual

root-causes of Poverty, but also to the grassroots Resistance actions of the

Poor themselves to completely eradicate, and not simply to partially

alleviate, Poverty. Many Ghanaians point to the abysmal failure only

recently of the IMF/World Bank scheme of the so-called HIPC to reduce

Poverty, let alone seriously empower them, as their own experientially lived

proof of the emptiness of the spurious outcomes of such scandalously

fraudulent gimmicks as the "stardusty" Jubilee 2000 Drop the Debt and Make

Poverty History deceptive campaigns and similar cruel jokes that are being

perpetrated against the Poor in Afrika by most of the mainstream British

governmental and non-governmental organisations, charities and self-assuring

philanthropists. No wonder that opposition to what some deem "Eurocentric

Schemes of Northern Establishment Grand Deception" is accelerating,

particularly now that Resistance to them is becoming not only more

sophisticatedly polished academically by Think Tanks like the Kwame Nkrumah

Institute of Pan-Afrikan and Global Studies (KNIPAGS), but also galvanized

with more dynamically innovative grassroots Scholar-Activism by the likes of

ABAHLALI BaseMjondolo and its allies of the Poor People's Alliance of South

Africa (PPASA) and the MMOBOROWAHALA Grassroots Resistance Against

Impoverishment Network (M-GRAIN) and its allies of the ADIEYIEMANFO Movement

of Positive Action Networks in Ghana.

Taking into account the growing exposure, condemnation and opposition to

such discredited campaigning gimmicks as far as Poverty in Afrika is

concerned, how will you, as a British Candidate MP, respond with more

convincing efforts to effectively tackle what is seen by many as a

deliberately continuing British imperialist role in the globalization of the

Impoverishment of the "Wretched of the Earth", including those in Ghana


Question Exponent: Kofi Mawuli Klu, London, United Kingdom.

Exponent's Organisational Affiliation: PANAFRIINDABA.

E-Mail: [email protected]



"Dirty Aid, Dirty Water", published in 2005 by the London-based World

Development Movement (WDM), exposes the United Kingdom Government's push to

use its Foreign Aid, with strings attached, to misguide, seduce and even

coerce Ghana and other underdeveloped countries into privatizing their water

resources and sanitation works. A source close to the UK Government's

Department for International Development (DFID) is quoted in the publication

as saying that in Ghana "DFID provided funding specifically earmarked for

asset studies and financial studies including those done by London Economics

and Halcrow". A May 2002 memorandum presented to the Government of Ghana by

the country's National Coalition Against Privatisation (NCAP) is also quoted

in the same publication as stating that: "The framework is largely imposed

by external interests in a non-transparent process that has deliberately

avoided public scrutiny and democratic debate", and it singles out the

consultants as "firms [that] all happened to be ideologically favourable to

Privatisation and had a track record working for the large private water

companies. All the studies concluded that the model of Privatization being

proposed by the World Bank, their direct client, is the best one for Ghana.

That said, the implementation was driven by the forceful conditionalities of

the IMF and DFID loans".

Utilising information from the WDM, War on Want (WoW), the Public Services

International Research Unit (PSIRU) and other sources, PANAFRIINDABA is

supporting the TANUSROHA, the PANAFRIKANYEMEI and other member-organisations

of the GHANADIKAN Network, alongside others in the ADIEYIEMANFO Movement, to

challenge British governmental and non-governmental donors to Afrika to

equally, if not actually even a lot more as desirable, fund community and

public ownership alternatives to Privatization. Such Public Ownership

Advocates point to the countless successes of numerous variants of people's

democratic creativity in State as well as Community/Social Enterprise models

of developing water and other natural resources in other parts of Afrika,

Latin America, Asia and the rest of the World. That is why, after the chiefs

and people of the farming Community of Tanyigbe, in the Volta Region of

Ghana, had in 2008, victoriously resisted government-backed foreign

corporate encroachments upon their unique water and other natural resources

of the very rich Kabakaba Mountain range, they are being encouraged by

Activists of the TANUSROHA to organise something like the Cooperativa de

Servicios Publicos Santa Cruz Ltda (SAGUAPAC) in Bolivia to help them

achieve their egalitarian desire to effect a more ethical, equitable and

sustainable development of their water and other Eco-Heritage resources by

way of their own self-empowering, cohesive and vibrant community

enterprising ingenuity.

Will you, therefore, as a British Candidate MP, add your voice to those of

the PANAFRIINDABA as well as of the WDM, the WoW and other British

campaigners, in order to get the British Government, through its DFID and

other departments and agencies, to provide adequate funding to public

alternatives to the needless privatization of water and sanitization

infrastructure development in Ghana and other parts of Afrika and the World?

Question Exponent: Sohefia Kwasi Akposoe, Atidze, Tanyigbe, Ho District,

Volta Region, Ghana.

Exponent's Organisational Affiliation: TANUSROHA (Tanyigbe International

People's Empowerment Society of Lifelong Learning for Global Citizenship


E-Mail: [email protected]


Contrary to what many have been misled into believing, Activists of the

ASASEYAAMMA Pan-Afrikan Green Campaign for Global Justice argue that

governments, companies and environmentally irresponsible elements in Afrika

and other parts of the global South must also share considerable blame

for Climate Change with the governments, corporations and other polluting

elements of the global North of our planet Earth. Some leading members of

the Planet Repairs Youth Positive Action Campaign (PRYPAC) are still engaged

in making, as their current Work-in-Progress, a very interesting documentary

film on "ENVIROGENOCIDE", which exposes how governmental and

corporate bodies and irresponsible members in society are worsening the

already deplorable sanitation and genocidal environmental problems

in Ghana's capital city of Accra.

Noteworthily, some efforts are now being made by an increasing number of

governments and corporations in Europe to carry out their own and

even support non-governmental campaigning in promotion of Green Awareness

and Lifestyles and in taking some kinds of environmental action, albeit

grossly inadequate and oftentimes very misleading. One cannot dispute the

usefulness of some of the efforts of such European governmenal and corporate

bodies, as for example, the propagation of messages about the need for all

to be careful about the use of motor cars and other polluting goods and

services. To the contrary, most governmental and non-governmental

organisations, companies, schools, colleges, universities, even research

institutions, intelligence and security agencies, Parliaments and other

bodies of State and Civil Society in Afrika, appear to be more callously

impervious to any kind of serious Environmental Justice Reasoning!

For example, the State of the Republic of Ghana, according to ASASEYAAMMA

Activists, is still promoting environmentally damaging Lifestyles and

activities. It is incredible that increasingly Green conscientious British

taxpayers will, time again and again and again, have their monies given as

donations and loans to Ghana for Poverty alleviation, only for the recipient

governments to turn around and misuse such precious monies by recklessly

distributing them to members of Parliament and other officials of State, and

even some non-governmental organisations, to buy 4x4s and other high carbon

emitting posh vehicles, goods and services, and extravagantly indulge in

wantonly vulgar acts of conspicuous luxury consumerism and other obscenities

of environmental havoc-wrecking profligacy. The attempts by Greenstaryouth

Activists of the PRYPAC to popularise the use of bicycles and other

environmentally friendly means of transportation, more appropriate

technology and Green Lifestyles, particularly in homes as well as schools,

colleges and universities throughout West Afrika, are being seen to be not

very well supported by other non-governmental and even governmental

organisations in Ghana, despite their quite voceferous post-Copenhagen 2009

hypocritical media propaganda.

Will you, as a British Candidate MP, try working diligently to get the UK

Government, and also non-governmental organisations, to ensure that none of

their donations and other resources, especially those meant for Poverty

alleviation, are diverted in Ghana into procuring 4x4s and other similar

posh vehicles and environmentally damaging luxury goods and services?

Question Exponents: Kwabena Ed Antwi, and Kojo Prah Annan, Accra, Ghana.

Exponents' Organisational Affiliation: Planet Repairs Youth Positive Action

Campaign (PRYPAC).

E-Mail: [email protected] and [email protected]



"GOLD RUSH: The Impact of Gold Mining on Poor People in Obuasi in Ghana", an

investigative Report by ActionAid, published in October 2006, gave huge

credence not only to the long expressed serious grievances of persecuted

local Ghanaian campaigners like those of the Wassa Association of

Communities Affected by Mining (WACAM) but also to the Global Justice

Advocacy work on such matters by the AFRIKASOREE Pan-Afrikan Human and

Peoples' Rights International Defence Campaign, in partnership with

PANAFRIINDABA and others. Among the recommendations to the United Kingdom

Government made in the 2006 ActionAid Report is the need to "establish an

independent review to examine the rights of redress of affected Communities

in UK Courts for abuses caused overseas by UK companies and their

subsidiaries". This recommendation was correctly addressed to the British

Government because, since the colonial expropriation of the gold mines from

the local Community, foreign corporations have controlled mining, and the

Obuasi mines are now completely privately owned by AngloGold Ashanti

Limited, the parent-company of which is the Anglo American Corporation

(AAC), with headquarters in London, United Kingdom.

Greater weight has been added to the ActionAid position by the August 2007

published Report of the British Charity, War on Want (WoW), entitled "Anglo

American: The Alternative Report". Among the observations made in the 2007

WoW Report is the clear statement that: "In Ghana and Mali, local

Communities see little of the huge profits being made by AngloGold Ashanti

but suffer from fear and intimidation and from the damaging impact of its

mines on their Environment, Health and Livelihoods". In spite of all these

abuses long exposed by WACAM and others within and beyond Ghana, Queen

Elizabeth II, the United Kingdom Head of State and titular Leader of the

British Commonwealth of Nations, conferred an Honorary Knighthood in June

2003 on Sam Esson Jonah, KBE/ACSM, a Ghanaian former President of AngloGold

Ashanti, who is seen by many as a willing stoogey accomplice to the crimes

perpetrated by Anglo American PLC against not only the Obuasi Community but

also the entire people of Ghana and the rest of the continent and diaspora

of Afrika. Not surprisingly, Sam Jonah in 2009 also became a non-executive

Director of Vodafone.

In a 15th April 2008 Press Release, Ruth Tanner, the WoW Senior Campaigns

Officer, strongly emphasized the point that: "While Anglo American reaps

massive gains overseas, the firm is complicit in the dreadful cost to the

Poor and the Environment. We cannot rely on companies' voluntary action to

ensure responsible operations in developing countries. If Gordon Brown wants

to tackle global Poverty and Climate Change, he must bring in regulation to

halt this abuse".

What is your own response, as a British Candidate MP, to these position

statements of both ActionAid and War on Want in order to ensure true Justice

gets done to WACAM Activists and the long suffering Communities they are

standing up so courageously to defend in and beyond Ghana today?

Question Exponent: Kofi Mawuli Klu, London, United Kingdom.

Exponent's Organisational Affiliation: PANAFRIINDABA.

E-Mail: [email protected]



The 8th February 2010 article, "The UK and Corruption in Ghana: The British

Government Are the Biggest Hypocrites", is one of the latest bombshell

contributions of Craig Murray, a former United Kingdom Deputy High

Commissioner to Ghana, to the controversial debates and Reasonings about the

nation-wrecking malaise of Corruption in Afrika. Craig highlights,

most noteworthily, the hypocritical role of UK Governments in scheming

cover-ups and promoting British state and corporate involvement in nefarious

anti-People deals in Ghana, contrary to its global propaganda vociferously

decrying Corruption and other repugnant acts of bad governance in Afrika.

PANAFRIINDABA has added its voice to those of the MMOBOROWAHALA Grassroots

Resistance Against Impoverishment Network (M-GRAIN) and other

member-organisations of the ADIEYIEMANFO Movement of Positive Action

Networks in amplifying support for the GHANADIKAN Network idea of annually

holding "Anti-Corruption Video Conferences on the State of Ghana and the

United Kingdom Relations", with reports to be officially discussed by

participants with the Parliaments of both Ghana and the UK every year.

GHANADIKAN means this to be primarily a Civil Society grassroots-led

initiative, rooted in the Praxis of People-to-Peoples' Internationalist

Solidarity, involving and actively supported by genuine social movements and

a wide-range of vibrant non-governmental as well as governmental

organisations, networks and campaigns in Ghana and the UK. Above all, such

Video Conferences are meant by GHANADIKAN to be seeking, in particular, to

globally amplify the true voices of the impoverished Communities of

Resistance, and of their grassroots Activists who are courageously standing

up, speaking out and taking Positive Action in defence of their own Human

and Peoples' Rights.

Will you, as a British Candidate MP, support, work for and promote this

proposal of the GHANADIKAN Network?

Question Exponent: Kojo Prah Annan, La, Accra, Ghana.

Exponent's Organisational Affiliation: GHANADIKAN.

E-Mail: [email protected]



There is a very strong perception among huge numbers of Ghanaians at home

and abroad that the British Government and other Western Powers are

pressurising President Fiifi Atta Mills and his new Government to desist

from implementing the recommendations of their own appointed Committee to

review the controversial 2008 Vodafone-Ghana Telecommunications Sales Deal.

Some people understand this to be so because of the obvious weaknesses of

the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC), which appear to be due not

only to their vulnerabilities arising from albatrosses around their necks

such as the Mabey and Johnson Bribery Scandal but also the dependency

constraints of Neocolonialism which are still imposing

the capitalist stranglehold of Imperialism upon the State of the Republic of

Ghana. The 8th February 2010 article and subsequent follow-ups by Craig

Murray have stronger reinforced this perception among even greater numbers

of Pan-Afrikan and Global Justice campaigners all over the World.

What will you, as a British Candidate MP, do to allay such fears of all

those concerned in and beyond Ghana and the UK, ensuring that there shall be

no unscrupulous inteference by the British Goverment and other foreign

Powers in the making and/or review of contracts between Afrikan governments

and Western corporations, so that the legitimate democratic will and

interests of Peoples shall always be transparently seen to prevail over and

above voracious corporate greed, in accordance with the best norms of Human

and Peoples' Rights and the Global Justice letter and spirit of

International Law?

Question Exponent: Awura Afitsufe Ampofo, Pokuase, Accra, Ghana.

Exponent's Organisational Affiliation: GHANADIKAN.

E-Mail: [email protected]


The official residence of the British High Commissioner to Ghana is located

in the La township of the country's capital city of Accra. The

PANAFRIKANYEMEI Cooperative Society for Community Regeneration has now

started working to draw the British High Commission into constructive

engagements of shared Social Responsibility with the La Community

grassroots. This is being done with a PANAFRIKANYEMEI view to promote

"Lifelong Living Learning" partnership amongst all, by way of sharing both

the Ghanaian and British experiences of Neighbourhood Renewal in terms of

the Best Praxis in the Regeneration, Cohesion and Empowerment of Communities

in the two Commonwealth countries.

As may very well be known to many, there are seething grievances and

numerous burning issues concerning the Social Responsibility owed but yet

inadequately fulfilled by local and foreign companies as well as

governmental and non-governmental organisations to the Communities where

they locate their businesses, offices and/or residences in Afrika. This

matter is now getting to boiling point not only in La but also in all the

other urban townships and rural outskirts of the city of Accra. The

temperature of Community sentiments is fast rising in Accra in particular

because of growing popular agitation and mainly youth-led Resistance to

the aggressive expropriation of the indigenous population. Indeed, many of

the Accra youth at home and abroad are planning even more sophisticated

Community Resistance in defence of the impoverished majority of their

indigenous Ga-Adangbe people, who are being ruthlessly dispossessed of huge

tracts of their Community land and sea resources by predatory Afrikan and

foreign property grabbers. Such predators include not only cowboy/girl

speculators of all sorts but also absentee land-hoarders, biofuel

crop-farmers, other commercial agrobusiness venturers and luxury private

estate developing companies, some with European connections, as for

example, Dale Murdock Properties, with an office in London,UK, Trasacco,

originating from Italy, and even some Afrikan Church business-contricksters

who are directing their unscrupulous operations from the cities of Europe.

Amidst these growing tensions focusing upon Land and Housing, the

PANAFRIKANYEMEI Activists are striving to bridge gaps and conflicting

interests with their own grassroots people's democratic creativity

initiatives in Neighbourhood Renewal Dialogue around issues of Community

Regeneration, Cohesion and Empowerment. It is for this reason that they are

seeking to draw the British High Commission into such Dialogue. Moreover,

PANAFRIKANYEMEI believes there is a lot Activists like its own, embedded at

the grassroots of their increasingly multiethnic and multiracial Communities

in Ghana and the United Kingdom, can teach and learn from each other in

promoting true Global Citizenship educational fraternity to advance genuine

People-to-Peoples' Internationalist Cooperation in Community Regeneration

for Sustainable World Development in the best multicultural interests of all


There is a vital need also to take into serious account the widespread

criticism that most DFID programmes and other international development

initiatives of British governmental and non-governmental organisations

remain locked up in the ivory tower realms of the privileged Elite in

Afrika; and that, even when they are supposed to be about Poverty

alleviation, they often have, in actual fact, little to do with the

impoverished majority of Afrikan people, because they do not reach the

Community grassroots where most people live.

Duly taking all such concerns into account, therefore, how will you, as a

British Candidate MP, help the UK Government to respond appropriately to the

PANAFRIKANYEMEI overtures being made to the British High Commissioner who

resides in their La neighbourhood of Accra?

Question Exponent: Nii Amaa Ollennu, La, Accra, Ghana.

Exponent's Organisational Affiliation: PANAFRIKANYEMEI Cooperative Society

for Community Regeneration.

E-Mail: [email protected]



Contrary to official British governmental propaganda as being spewed out

globally by DFID, many people in and outside Ghana believe the United

Kingdom is among those European Powers that are actually orchestrating not

only the Brain Drain but also the destruction of meaningful Education for

All throughout the continent and diaspora of Afrika. This is grossly evident

in the institutionalisation of Anglophile Eurocentrism and Afriphobia,

particularly against Indigenous Knowledge Systems and non-Westernised

traditional Intelligentsia within the curricula and entire system of

Education (or more appropriately system of foreign Miseducation) in Ghana,

indeed since the colonial period of the Gold Coast. This very bad deplorable

situation is being more obscenely worsened by the fact that the UK

Government appears to be ensuring that only the children of its brainwashed

"Black-Skin-White-Masked" Elite (see Frantz Fanon) get the increasingly

restricted access to the best resourced schools, colleges and universities

within and outside Ghana. The disgraceful corruption being apparently

encouraged, condoned and promoted by the UK Government and its diplomatic

Representatives and other governmental and non-governmental agencies,

between British and other foreign corporations and unscrupulous Ghanaians,

is now witnessing, as in the infamous Mabey and Johnson Scandal,

the sponsorship and payment of the very exhorbitant fees being demanded

in Britain today by bribe-giving foreign business-crooks to enable the

children of high ranking past and present Afrikan government officials

and party apparatchiks to study comfortably in the UK and other countries of

Europe and North America. The UNESCO-initiated Education for All propaganda

being vociferously touted on behalf of the UK Government by DFID and other

governmental and non-governmental organisations is reaching only a neglible,

numerically insignificant and lucky few of the children and adults among the

vast majority of the impoverished "Wretched of the Earth" (see Frantz Fanon)

in Afrika, including Ghana, today.

Facing the stark reality that most of such unfortunate people who comprise

the masses of those suffering abject impoverishment can never access better

resourced Education abroad, there has been put forward a proposal to try and

address their predicament by the UBUNTUMAFUNZOKRONTI Pan-Afrikan Council for

Global Citizenship Education. This proposal seeks to establish a Communities

Lifelong Learning International Project of Distance Educational Cooperation

(CLLIPODEC) as an agency for linking up grassroots

community-based organisations and institutions in Afrika and those in

Britain, Europe and other parts of the World to provide free and/or cheap

affordable access to well-resourced Distance Learning to the youth and adult

Poor, starting from Ghana. The GYE NYAME Ecology Educational Complex (GYE

NYAME Ecoducomplex), being a versatile, trailblazing, non-governmental

social enterprise, has put itself forward as an institution located in the

predominantly deprived Pokuase rural outskirts of Accra as well as Nsawam,

in order to serve as a grassroots base for the experimental launch of the

CLLIPODEC in the Greater Accra and Eastern Regions of Ghana respectively.

So also has been put forward for the experimental launch of the CLLIPODEC

the publicly owned local authority school in the village of Atidze in

Tanyigbe, in the Ho District of the Volta Region of Ghana. Seeing that

various Communities of the impoverished masses of Afrikan people are

creatively making such strenuous attempts to innovatively address their

burning want of Education and other basic necessities of life, some

organisations, networks and campaigns of Civil Society within and outside

Afrika are lobbying the governments of the UK and other European Powers

enriched by Afrikan human and material resources to give back at least some

of that wealth to the Poor. This is expected to be done in such way and

manner as to ensure the Pay-Back actually gets into the hands of

impoverished Communities to enable them support their own grassroots

endeavours, especially community economical ventures, cooperatives and other

social enterprises and, thereby, work themselves dignifiedly out of

impoverishment. The CLLIPODEC proposal of UBUNTUMAFUNZOKRONTI is one such

very good example. If the CLLIPODEC gets well launched in Ghana for it to

take off properly as the envisaged authentic, community-driven and duly

accountable vehicular agency for achieving true Education for All, then it

will certainly go a long way to prove the real possibilities of resounding

successes for similar other initiatives of the Poor, by the Poor and for the

Poor, to lift each other out of Poverty as they climb together in principled

Unity within and beyond Afrika.

Will you, therefore, as a British Candidate MP, work to secure regular

funding from governmental and non-governmental sources, within and beyond

the UK, for the CLLIPODEC and similar initiatives?

Question Exponent: Kofi Mawuli Klu, London, United Kingdom.

Exponent's Organisational Affiliation: PANAFRIINDABA All-Afrikan People's

Community Consultative Commission in Europe.

E-Mail: [email protected]



During the recent 18th February 2010 hosting of John Lipsky, the First

Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), by a

Special Committee of the Ghana Parliament in Accra, the Majority Leader,

Alban Bagbin, an MP of the currently governing National Democratic Congress

(NDC), was reported in the media to have called for a change of the "Old

Order" whereby the IMF only deals with the Executive of State in their

transactions with countries like Ghana. Decrying the lack of transparency in

the operations of such International Financial Institutions (IFIs), Alban

Bagbin demanded that the IMF also reckons with the Legislature of State,

explaining that it is Parliament that forms a better microcosm of society

and that, properly consulting MPs meant consulting the whole country. Other

members of the Special Committee of the Ghana Parliament who met with John

Lipsky were also reported to have said that the IMF conditionalities were

unacceptable because they offer packages to developing countries that had

detriments far outweighing their benefits.

Noteworthily, the request made in Ghana recently by Alban Bagbin simply

echoes the standpoint expressed in the "International Parliamentarians'

Petition for Democratic Oversight of IMF and World Bank Policies", which was

formally launched in April 2005 to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the

creation of the IMF and the World Bank - the now quite notorious Bretton

Woods Institutions (BWIs). Endorsement since then of this International

Parliamentarians' Petition (IPP) by a considerable number of MPs all over

the World, including those belonging to the UK All-Party Parliamentary

Groups on Debt, Aid and Trade, World Government and Overseas Development,

the European Parliamentarians for Africa (AWEPA) and the Parliamentary

Network on the World Bank (PNoWB), not to mention the host of Civil Society

organisations, networks and campaigns that have signed up to it, has changed

nothing substantial in how the Bretton Woods Institutions do their dirty

business with most countries of the continent and diaspora of Afrika today.

In its September 2009 official statement on Economic Policies for 2010,

submitted to Government, and entitled "Regaining Sovereign Control over

Development Policy-Making", the Trades Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana

counselled the new administration headed by President Fiifi Atta Mills to

ignore the policy advice and directives of the Bretton Woods Institutions

because of the view it holds "that the standard IMF and World Bank policy

prescriptions are not the way out of the Crisis". Indeed, the Ghana TUC went

further on in its statement to categorically "urge all workers, Civil

Society organisations, research institutions and all Ghanaians to stand up

against IMF/World Bank domination in economic and social policy-making in

our country". The September 2009 statement of the Ghana TUC ended upon the

following unequivocal note: "The only way we can achieve true social and

economic development is to ignore the IMF/World Bank neo-liberal policy

biases towards inflation management to focus attention on employment

creation for our people. We hope Government will gather the courage to

ignore IMF/World Bank prescriptions and lead us away from Poverty

to Prosperity".

Will you, as a British Candidate MP, support and help to rally

Internationalist Solidarity from the masses of British and other peoples,

for the Government and People of Ghana if they were to act in accordance

with the exhortation of the Ghana TUC in dealing with the IMF/World Bank and

similar International Financial Institutions (IFIs)?

Question Exponents: Kwame Adofo Sampong, GHANADIKAN Co-Chairperson and RMT

Trade Unionist, London, United Kingdom; and

Kofi Asamoah, the Ghana TUC Secretary-General, Accra, Ghana.

Exponents' Organisational Affiliations: GHANADIKAN and the Trades Union

Congress (TUC) of Ghana respectively.

E-Mail: [email protected] and [email protected]

Source: --