









25 years of NDC: Mirroring the past into the future

NDC Flag1 Flag of the opposition NDC

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 Source: ghanapoliticsonline.com

I guess it is only right and proper that I give thanks to the Most High for making it possible for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), to have celebrated the first phase of its Silver Jubilee Anniversary, in great style.

In a quarter of century, the NDC has won four out of the seven General Elections that have been held under the fourth Republican Dispensation, and there is no gainsaying the fact that the NDC is a mass party that has a massive following.

In 25 years, we have had three Leaders: President Jerry John Rawlings, President John Evans Atta Mills, and President John Dramani Mahama, and we are grateful to all of them for flying high the flag of the Party.

President Jerry John Rawlings and President John Dramani Mahama, are automatic members of the Party’s Council Of Elders, and we say ayekoo to them as they operate from the highest Advisory Body of the NDC.

Many are those who have responded to the call of their ancestors while in service to the NDC, and we salute their memory as we celebrate this auspicious milestone.

As I salute the fallen comrades, I give a special salute to the late President Atta Mills as the first Leader of the NDC in Opposition during 2001-2008, and the struggles he went through to win back power for the Party in 2009.

May the souls of the likes of A.A Munufie, Justice D.F. Annan, Professor Kofi Nyidevu Awoonor, Harry Sawyer, Dr. Mrs. Mary Grant, Kojo Maama Adam, J.H. Owusu Acheampong, Clend Sowu and all departed comrades, continue to rest in perfect peace!

It will be remiss on my part if I do not mention the likes of, Captain Kojo Tsikata, Tsatsu Tsikata, Ato Awhoi, Professor Kwamena Awhoi, Kofi Totobi Quarkyi, Commodore Steve Obimpeh, Dan Abodakpi, Cecelia Johnson, Daniel Ohene Agyekum, Kwame Peprah, Naval Captain Butah, and others who continue to keep the flame of the NDC alight.

I cannot hide my joy at being part of the Team that put together the first phase of the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of the great National Democratic Congress (NDC) and I salute the likes of, comrade Kofi Adams, comrade Kofi Kukubor, and comrade Koby Balon for the team spirit they exuded as we planned the activities.

The four-day event was organised with tact and finesse and I must doff my hat for the Founder of the NDC, Jerry John Rawlings, for participating in two major events – The Panel Discussion at the Party Headquarters, and the, Mammoth Rally at Ashaiman.

I do not only respect the Founder for participating actively in the milestone Silver Jubilee celebrations; I also respect him for accepting the feelings of the Party, and not “Booming”.

It is only right and proper that I congratulate the Founder for disappointing the NPP and the enemy press.

It is common knowledge that the NPP and the enemy press were on standby hoping that the Founder will take the shine away from the Anniversary via his usual Boom Speeches.

This time around, the Founder decided to allow the NDC to seize the moment and enjoy the shine.

As Deputy General Secretary of the NDC, I know it for a fact that the base of the Party has been deeply energised as a result of the wind of UNITY that is blowing through the Party.

Indeed, if the Founder had refused to participate in the celebrations, the NPP and the enemy press would have had a field day drooling and frothing at the mouth in vile ecstasy and so why should I be wrong in thanking the Founder for being present at the celebrations and also not saying anything that would have given more ammunitions to the enemies to fire at the NDC?

I particularly love the candid manner in which the various presentations from the bigwigs were made.Oldguards

It was such a beauty to see Old Guards like, Alhaji Mahama Iddrissu Chair the Panel Discussion at the Party Headquarters, and it was heart-warming the words of wisdom that tell from the lips of the revered Alhaji.

I cannot forget the profound words of wisdom that Alhaji Mahama Iddriu dropped in his brief presentation.

According to Alhaji, the human being can operate without legs and hands, but cannot operate without a head.

In other words, Alhaji was telling us that the NDC has a Head (Leaders and Elders) and any attempt to cut off the Head will lead to the death of the party.

It was also very educating listening to Alhaji Hudu Yahaya, the first General Secretary of the NDC tell a lucid story of the formation of the Party and how far we have come.

From all the presentations at the Panel Discussion, and all the speeches at the Ashaiman Rally, there is no gainsaying the fact that the NDC can only move forward by mirroring into the past.

Any unpardonable mistake that may have been done to cut off the Head (wise counsel of the Elders) of the NDC, must NEVER be repeated!!!

It is pretty obvious that there is no way we can throw away the past and hope to build into the future.

The NDC has a past; the NDC has founders; the NDC has owners; the NDC has old guards; the NDC has senior citizens; the NDC has a philosophy; the NDC has its underlying principles; the NDC has its ethos!

We have to mirror into the past; give respect where it is due; and pick up the positive pieces that we have thrown away.

In like manner, we must drop the negatives.

As regards negatives; we must also drop the negatives of the present as we strive to move in the future on a much brighter note.

At 25, the NDC was born before some of its members were born and it is critical that people understand the real spirit and driving force behind the formation of the NDC.

At 25, a critical mass of the NDC’s supporters were barely out of the cradle, or were barely out of nursery when the Party was formed, hence the need to whip up the history of the Party and get the new generation to imbibe the real philosophy of the NDC.

I can say it with all certainty that the current National Executive Committee, is working with alacrity to set up the PARTY SCHOOL in order to have a melting pot to shape the raw energies of the teeming youth who continue to jump aboard the fast-moving train of the NDC.

There is NO WAY we can throw away the Old Guards and the solid past of the NDC and hope to build a solid future.

Indeed, the attempt by some persons to want to break away completely from the past and build a new party within the NDC is one of the main reasons why the NDC suffered a humiliating defeat in the 2016 General Elections.

When the Founder said at the Ashaiman rally that, the NDC has a strong tradition and has the capacity to win election after election; he knew what he was talking about.

The best way forward is not for any group within the Party to think that they can rubbish the history of the NDC and also rubbish the relevance of the Old Guards.

The NDC has its unique identity and the penchant for some to think that the best way forward is to be running away from the Party’s identity and rather mimicking the identity of the NPP is certainly not the best way forward into the future.

Any member who is shy of identifying fully with the core values of the Party cannot claim to be a committed member of the NDC.

Those who are quick to rubbish the ethos of the Party but are quick to pander to the whims of the NPP, cannot be the ones to lead the renaissance of the NDC.

The renaissance and re-imaging of the NDC must be led by thoroughbred and committed ‘soldiers’ who understand the Party’s “Art Of War” in order to execute the battle ahead with military precision.

This is not the time to be toying with the destiny of the great NDC.

The needless hero-worshipping and the blatant and repugnant sycophancy, is certainly not the best way forward for the future of the NDC.

As a Party born out of a revolution which resulted in a class struggle that sought to give “power to the people” as well as spread egalitarianism, NEVER AGAIN should the Party be hijacked by persons who owe no allegiance to the tradition and philosophy of the NDC.

As Comrade Alban Bagbin said during his delivery at the Panel Discussion “we must not allow strangers into our bedroom”.

I agree 100% with the 2nd Deputy Speaker of Parliament because it does not make any sense to allow strangers into our bedroom – especially when the strangers kick us out of the bed and we end up sleeping on the bare floor.

I am glad that the Party now has a solid Communications Policy that will guide all activities going into the future.

NEVER AGAIN will the Party run a Campaign that shall blatantly disrespect the philosophy of the Party and court anger and hatred for us.

All the nebulous splinter groups that operated outside the Party’s structures, will NO LONGER have room to operate.

As the Party begins its restructuring right from the base (which is the Branch Level), it is expected that true loyalists will move to their branches and participate in the reorganisation.

This business where people do not get involved in party activities and only pop up under all kinds of names during election period, will not be allowed to happen again.

All future campaign activities shall revolve around the accepted party structures and no compromises shall be made.

The situation where some faceless persons decide to plant monstrous billboards all over the country in contravention of the Party’s decision not to have such billboards; shall not be allowed to happen again.

All persons who will be desirous of supporting the Party, will have to do so in accordance with the NDC’s agreed modus operandi.

The task ahead of the NDC by way of restructuring and positioning itself for victory in 2020, is very achievable and doable but as the Founder told us at the Ashaiaman rally, “… Unity must be pursued with sincerity and integrity” . We can only unite if we are sincere about it.

To quote the Founder again; “unity will only come if it is not done in a monkey dey work baboon dey chop manner”

I agree 100% with the Founder: No monkey should slave for some baboons to come and ‘chop’ ‘waa waa waa’ with a lot of arrogance and impunity.

It is a fact that many of us have not agreed with the modus operandi of the Founder in the past; but on this occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the NDC, I have no option but to support and salute lots of his views on the way forward for the NDC.

I know that some persons are insulting me for supporting the Founder on his call for the NDC to go back to its CORE VALUES.

Do I care about the insults?

I do not give a toss for as long as I am being truthful to my conscience.

NEVER AGAIN should baboons emerge after the monkeys finish doing all the dirty leg work.

Honestly, I cannot hide my joy at being part of the current National Executive of the NDC which managed to pull off a neat and unity-driven Silver Jubilee celebration.

Ayekoo to Chairman/Leader Comrade Kofi Portuphy, General Secretary, Comrade Johnson Asiedu Nketia, and all the other National Executives of the NDC.

I once again thank the Founder, Founding Fathers, Old Guards, Party Elders, Former Executives, and all the rank and file who made the first phase celebration a success.

Since it is a year-long Anniversary Celebration, I have no doubt that the Regions will replicate what the National Team put together and celebrate our Sliver Jubilee in grand style.

I can feel it in my marrow that the NDC is coming back in 2020 and NEVER AGAIN shall we repeat the mistakes of the past.

Once again, Happy Happy Happy Birthday to the National Democratic Congress.

E ye zu; E ye za!!

Emefa; Mia Mia Mia!!

E he dzor; bordorrrr!!

I rest my case for now and pray we meet again same time next week under the shade-giving Umbrella.

Hasta Luego Amigos


Koku Anyidoho Deputy General Secretary (NDC) Founder/CEO Atta Mills Institut

Columnist: ghanapoliticsonline.com