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4 life lessons in the labour ward

Kobina Ansah 201924 Kobina Ansah is a Playwright

Tue, 31 Aug 2021 Source: Kobina Ansah

The labor ward is a war room. In there, people fight for their lives and those of their babies. If you have been in the labor ward before (not as a worker), your paradigm in life shifts greatly. You appreciate human life better because you witness the pain out of which it was birthed.

In the labor ward, a woman is not beaten yet she wails unendingly. Some curse their husbands out of pain. Others hurl insults at anyone around them. The worse the labor pains get, the more some feel like giving up.

Every man should have a taste of the labor ward before their life on earth is done. When men have an experience of the labor ward, it totally changes their perception about life and women. They cherish children and value their mothers and women even better. It is rare to find such abused women.

When you find a mother who will go any length to protect their children, you better understand what she went through to bring forth that seed. Men who stood by their wives in the labor ward will spare no chance in disciplining their children because they can’t stand all their efforts in the labor ward going to waste.

Though the labor ward is a place of pain, it is a place where so many life lessons can be learned. Here are a few of such;

Birth is death!

Every woman in labor is filled with anxiety, no matter how many children they have already given birth to. It is an interesting but scary experience to observe childbirth. Giving birth via cesarean section looks like an easy escape route but when a woman gives birth vaginally, they stand at the crossroads of life and death. The lives of both mother and child can be lost. The moment of birth could be their moment of death!

A dream is like a baby. If we don’t push it hard enough, it would have no life in it. It is at the point of conception of every dream that we remember all the obstacles we may face. Always be reminded that there will always be a thousand and one reasons a dream may never be possible. However, as long as we are willing to pursue such with all our might, nothing can stand in our way.

The beginning of every dream is the most difficult phase. All the challenges we have never imagined flood us just when we are about to start a new dream. It is at this point that we may want to give up. If only we can put in more effort to overcome the hurdles, our dreams will be born.

The waiting period is always painful!

If you ask most mothers, they will confess that labor pains were the worst pain they had ever felt in their life. In the dying moments when they waited for the birth of their little one(s), the pain pierced their hearts.

At the point of birth, the thought of giving up crosses every mother’s mind because of the excruciating pain. Similarly, it is when we are nearest to the destination of our dreams that we feel like giving up.

Of course, labor pains are worse when a baby is about to be born. The waiting period maybe a few minutes but, to a mother, those minutes look like years. The pains almost tear apart their ability to think.

No waiting period ever comes on a silver platter. In the waiting period of our dreams, a lot of frustration sets in. The consolation of our waiting period, however, is that it is close to the manifestation period. Even though a mother may be drowning in unimaginable pain at this point, she is hopeful that she will see her baby soon.

If you are expectant in life, be hopeful. Like every mother, the waiting period may be painful but that is an indication that the destination is only a few miles away.

It takes pain to gain!

A pregnant woman’s nine-month journey is marked by pains of all sorts. These pains reach their climax in the labor ward. The baby is pushed out in pain. Though a blessing, pain is what ushers a baby into the world.

Every beautiful dream we want to usher into this world will be done in pain. It requires a great deal of discomfort to birth any dream. There will be heartbreaks when pursuing a dream. These setbacks should, however, not deter us.

The road that leads to greatness is not tarred, hence, it won’t be a smooth ride. It will demand a great sacrifice to achieve great results; sacrifice of our comfort and time. No great victory comes easily. The size of a dream will tell the size of setbacks we will face.

Out of our pain, our dreams will be birthed. Like a pregnant woman in the labor ward, push out your baby in pain!

A baby’s birth dissipates all the pain!

A woman goes through a hell of a pain in the labor ward. At the birth of the baby, however, all the pain she was experiencing somewhat vanishes. The melting moment when she sights her baby for the first time is when she heaves a big sigh of relief. All the pain has been breathed out!

It is always painful to pursue any dream. There is little or no support. People reject us. Others boo us. We sometimes feel like giving up because the future looks so bleak. Like in the labor ward, the day a big door will be opened unto us, we will forget all the pain life has subjected us to. Our victory will dissipate all the pain.

The day your prayers will be answered, you will forget about your losses. Keep pushing. Keep working hard at your dreams. Despite the setbacks, don’t give up. The day those dreams will be a reality, all the pain will be forgotten.

Columnist: Kobina Ansah