









61 years of Independence; what at all are we celebrating?

Independence Arc1 Ghana celebrates 61 years of Independence today

Tue, 6 Mar 2018 Source: McMichael Nana-Kojo Appiah

As we celebrate Ghana’s 61st years of Independence, let reckon on apparent events that would make you cry for our home nation, Ghana.

I personally hold the opinion that, we the youth of Ghana have nothing to celebrate due to the adverse effect of unemployment, which in turn as characterize into all forms of social disorder and anarchy. 61st years on, Ghana does not have any laid down regulations to ameliorate the ever growing unemployment, Bad roads, Weak Security, Currency devaluating considerably etc. With no shred of becoming a spectator for once, today should be a day for mourning and not celebration.

Ghana should be in a mourning state. It is not for the country alone but for the youth sectors. Apparently, the price of crude oil is on the hike, killing, Armed robberies and many of such sad likes, whereas we could generate a considerable amount of money from managing our natural resources internally with less stress and adequate labours. With my application of comparative analysis and accurate juxtaposition of past and present Government, it is not far fetch to say, we as a sovereign nation, we are celebrating Dependent and not an Independence.

Today, we would have been celebrating independence if the unnecessary bureaucracies, Protocol entries and corrupt practices by babies with sharp teethhad been curbed.

The only thing an average Ghanaian can be thankful for at this pressing material time is the gift of life. It would be absolutely sheepish to blame our leaders because we voted for them, hence, let keep to the suffering. As citizens, we are quick to settle for less during Electioneering period, instead of us critically examining the various working policies of our political parties, rather we turn to settle for Bags of rice, Money as low as even Ghc5, Frytol, T-shirts, Food parties, Rallies and what have you.

Someway somehow, I can state without missing words that majority of we the youth have the "You Chop; Make I chop" mentality and just waiting for an opportunity to embezzle when the chances pops up with which is the no other reason why we find ourselves in a mutuality tied to the garment of corruption and other forms of social disorder indicators.

With my vis-a-vis interview around our central capital districts, Ghanaians are not happy at all, especially the youth because there is no clear indication of good life any moment soon. Hence would automatically be out of place if the Government buoyantly celebrate this 61st Independence because it would be a celebration of foolery if indeed true that a Fool at Forty (40) is a Fool for ever.

Imagine as at 2017 according to World Bank, Ghana's total debt had increased from $29.2 billion (73.1% of GDP) at the end of 2016, to $31.7 billion (68.1% of GDP) in 2017, reflecting a slowdown in the rate of external debt accumulation, as well as higher GDP growth with which, no modicum of doubt, as grossly affected and continues to haunt

the country's GDP.

As a result of our affected Gross Domestic Products and with time of writing this article, the exchange rate of dollar to cedis is $1 = Ghc4.50 and the British pounds £1= Ghc6.18 respectively.

To wit, it is worth to note that the monetary policies of this nation since the first republic has not seen a significant monetary advancement to ensure and help reduce the fluctuating state of our currency.

Although the 'cedis' is performing globally after the Egyptian Pound, Libyan Dinar, Tunisia Dinar, Moroccan Dirham, but these are countries we could have surpassed them if we had the spirit of continuing previous government initiatives, plans and love for the country.

Also looking at our road networks, much of the road system is in disrepair. Massive traffic jams connecting major municipalities, say Kaneshie connecting Kasoa, Achimota connecting Circle aka Dubai, Ring road connecting Sankara to Osu, Achimota connecting Pokuase - Amasaman, 37-Airport connecting shiashi to roundabout linking to both Spintex road and Tema motorway seem not to end anytime soon.

Highway robberies, accidents and deaths are frequent as only January and February recorded about hundred and fifty (150) road accidents.

Infrastructure development has in recent times assumed a central importance in our fight to attain economic, political and social stability. Our political players are using infrastructure as a focal point of their administrations and policy enactments, but then Infrastructure in my view generally has to do with the fixed provision of tangible assets which involves the provision of Electricity, Technology, Transport, Housing and Education of which succeeding governments after been declared an independent nation in 1956 has not done well so much to be proud, hence mourn rather than celebrating Sixty one (61) years of poverty and both social and political insecurities

The political situation here in Ghana is not encouraging to foreign investors any longer because Governments do not set the priority right in infrastructure development due to wide space between provision and needs of the majority populace.

All we do best as a country is to organize election strategically every four years to see the exit or continuation of Leadership and this in my opinion has not allowed this nation to become the independent nation that it should be.

It is quite unfortunate. Our economy can’t seem to stand on its own because when a particular government seem to have got things right, then another one takes over and sucks it dry then we begin from zero again. We are indeed celebrating a sickly independence today, my heart and the many youth of Ghana bleeds heavily.

As the cliché posit, people would always want to associate themselves with person or persons that are successful but it seems Ghana is not trying its best to succeed so that other developed countries can associate themselves with our nation.

I would have advised that people go about their daily duties today and keep facing the hardship because the future is bleak and no hope of a better Ghana any moment soon. But then;

I hope henceforth as we acknowledge and unhappily celebrate our 61st Independence, it is my hope that things get better.

To this end, let me be quick to ipso facto that democracy is a journey and only with the spirit of generational continuity can we mitigate gradually the everyday challenges we face and continually face. Things Must Get Better!

Happy Independence Homeland and God bless the good people of this nation.

Nothing is late, Ghana can work again!

PS: Please forgive me if my above opinion overstates the truth or impinges on any Political divide worldview. I am just expressing my harmless opinion on how I see the state and the collective betterment we anticipate pretty soon.

Columnist: McMichael Nana-Kojo Appiah
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