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“… A Brighter Future,” Ahead Of Present Opaque

Fri, 7 Jan 2011 Source: Amponsah, Jerry

On the night of the New Year’s Eve, the good people of Ghana went into a vigil

and passionate prayers were said, voices were raised and requests made.

Believers called on the good Lord to deliver them from the evil’s bondage just

as He delivered the Israelites from the bondage in Egypt through Moses and led

them to the promise land.

It’s true that “His Love for us is boundless and bountiful.” Even in the face of

the NDC government’s ill-results, the entire country celebrated the Yuletide in


Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in his New Year’s message of HOPE on Saturday Jan 1,

2011 strongly rekindled the Ghanaians lost hope, confidence and affection for

the country. The passionate message delivered clearly demonstrates the political

contender as a seasoned political leader on Ghana’s soil. Hard-charged Akufo

Addo used the platform to demonstrate the potential power he has gained by

mobilizing the people of Ghana behind him. He sounded more national than

partisan. He really “Believes in Ghana.” This message elicited a comment posted

by Bismark, Sunyani, through Myjoyonline Website, “Yes this is the man we have

to follow. These are words of wisdom and peace that brighten the future of our

dear nation, Ghana. Nana, ayekoo. Long live Nana.”

He kept his pledges specific, his rhetoric grounded – and his swagger to

himself. Akufo Addo can deliver a rousing speech if he wants to – it’s in the

blood. He kept the message simple and straight. He’s prepared well to act with a

lightning speed. He’s filled with extraordinary intelligence. He knows what he

wants and took time to school the entire nation. He delivered an eclectic mix of

political ideologies. The New Year message was delivered with grace, class and

majesty, and there is hope for Ghana. He is the one we need to right the wrongs

and clean up this mess and bring us back to prominence.

Go, Nana!

It was also an awakening call on the Osu Castle to get ready for an unbearable

political pain and hard work. Nana best chance of prevailing against the

incumbent is to move quickly – whiles the country is in economic and political


He humbly showcased his silver bullet in his political gun – a populist voice –

that is amplifying the voices of the ordinary denizens. This reminds us of how

distant the self acclaimed “social democratic” government has been distant from

the people who voted it into office. It is mind-boggling. They should spend less

time patting themselves on the back and fix the “broken economy.”

“Much of what is expected of a leadership is doable: good governance, good

schools, good health, good security, good transportation system, skills for good

jobs and good pay.” What the presidential timber mentioned above are all in

shambles – nothing good could be written about – all are virtually in

retrogression. President Mills does not measure up the standard Nana Addo set.

He spelt out exactly how he means to accomplish this turnaround in Ghana’s

current politics.

The law and economic professor have bludgeoned the whole nation into economic

stress and woes in the last two years. Wild promises made still remain

unfulfilled. President Mills has shown that he’s a political acrobat. He keeps

his balance by saying the opposite of what he does. We humbly urge him to follow

through his campaign pledge.

In the public lecture of former president Rawlings on the occasion to mark the

29th anniversary celebration of the 31st December Revolution, he brought the

whole podium down to his feet, and raised his bashing whip on President Atta

Mills and his top government officials. He said officials are usurping the

authority the authority of the president and doing their own things to the level

of appointment without reference to the president. He went on to say that,

President Atta “Lonely” Mills lacks wise advice and counsel. It’s now a public

knowledge that, President Atta Mills is not actually in charge and control. He

lacks the requisite leadership skills. The country’s president does not even

know the people within his own government. Do you need a job? Go and see

Professor Awoonor, he will find you a political job without sweat. “Worse still,

the president failed to act on the few occasions his attention was drawn to

instances where his authority was usurped.”

Meanwhile President Mills has earlier on endorsed his predecessor’s, Rawlings,

bashing and describes it as worth bashing because ex-president Rawlings is once

his boss and he’s more experienced.

Former president Rawlings and many NDC supporters are in agreement as to how

President’s Mills tenure has gone down as one of the most difficult periods of

time in the history of the nation. He became the captain of the ship when it was

gently sailing. Now he has zinged the ship into a storm. The presidential shoes

are too big for him to fill in. He’s too soft for the presidential mandate and

does not possess the navigation skills to walk his talk. Mills has become a

common punchline not only to the opposition but his own political backyard. His

presidency faces not only budget deficit, but also a competence deficit, and an

integrity deficit and a trust deficit. Nothing President Atta Mills touches with

his ‘hands’ seems to work. He doesn’t fit in his own party. He looks like

trouble. Just as Lucky Mensah said in his latest release, “Enkoyie.” This

literally means “it is not going well.” He came into office like a fiery lion

and now acting like a disgraced lamb. He thought governing is like taking a

candy from a baby.

What Ghana sees now is a self-styled drum beating and lip service of government

proclaiming that everything is moving on as it should when everybody I know has

seen nothing. The confused NDC government in the last two years in office has

disgracefully confused the people they ought to and promised to serve; it’s

their ship to run now. They should keep in mind that politics is people. Too bad

the presidency is so taken with itself and its own brilliance and it is often

too blinded by the spotlight it perpetually shines on itself. The people now see

a veil of secrecy surrounding the government. The Goebbels around Atta Mills

needs to talk less and listen more. He hasn’t spent his time listening enough.

He and his purchased lackeys told that Ghanaians the country was running fine –

words they will be eating into their last two years in office. They should eat

their words.

NDC government has stifled all efforts to make the country fly. President Atta

Mills lacks the can-do spirit to consolidate on the rich resources of the

country to move it forward. This revelation is quite worrisome. The truth is now

in the pudding. He’s a smooth-talker, snake-in-the-grass politician leading a

soon-to-be-bankrupt nation into oblivion. Now the country is ‘enjoying’ 30% fuel

hikes and unbearable tax increment.

We hope that by 2012 the whole country will not join Grace Ashey and sing “Agye

se Awurade Ba Mu,” literally meaning a situation which demands God’s divine

intervention. What the country underwent the last two years and if not altered,

will call for the above gospel song.

Yes. “There’s hope for a brighter future.”

Jerry Amponsah (Sabbato)

Communications’ Group

NPP, New York.

Columnist: Amponsah, Jerry