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A journey of resilience: From Aflao township to the renowned Amherst College in the USA

NSMQ KETASCO Cynthia Makafui Baragbor Cynthia Makafui Baragbor is now at the Amherst College in the USA

Mon, 28 Aug 2023 Source: Cynthia Makafui Abla Baragbor

Reflecting on the extraordinary journey that has brought me from a humble township to the hallowed halls of the renowned Amherst College in the United States, I stand here today not only as an individual, but also as a testament to the power of dreams, perseverance, and unwavering support from family, teachers, well-wishers, and colleagues.

Today, I find myself overwhelmed with immense gratitude as I reflect upon the astonishing journey, hoping to inspire others to wholeheartedly embrace their aspirations, no matter the circumstances they find themselves in.

Growing up at Aflao, there were times when certain odds were stacked against me. I knew life was not always a bed of roses, and these situations triggered me to strive for something greater, which helped me prevent my dreams from being stifled.

Education has been my beacon of hope and the key to unlocking a world of opportunities. My journey would not have been possible without the incredible support of my family.

My parents and brothers fuelled my ambition by pushing me to reach heights even when circumstances seemed insurmountable. Their love and sacrifices knew no bounds. Their unwavering support, both emotionally and financially, has been the cornerstone of my success. Each time I faced a challenge, their belief in me renewed my strength and reminded me that dreams are not meant to be abandoned.

During my time at Keta Senior High Technical School, there were teachers, mentors, and well-wishers who recognized my potential and helped me nurture it to bring out the best in me. I am thankful for your teachings, encouragement, and belief in me, and for pushing me to exceed my expectations.

To the strangers I encountered along the way who encouraged me to study hard, wherever you are, may God abundantly bless you.

After graduating from Keta Senior High Technical School as a member of the National Science and Math Quiz team, I emerged as the top 1% of the 2022 WASSCE students in the country.

As if that was not enough, in His way, God placed philanthropic individuals on my path who believed in the power of education. I am most reminded of Nelson Mandela's quote, "Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world."

Mr. Clement Asante, CEO of Treasure Hub, a man of immeasurable generosity, introduced me to Afex Hub Limited, an academic institution that prepares students to apply for colleges in the USA, Germany, Canada, and others. A big thank you to Afex Hub Limited for helping me apply to colleges and providing the guidance, counseling, and support I needed.

Chills run through me as I checked my admission decisions and I was accepted into three prestigious universities: Amherst College, Cornell University, and Oberlin College of Arts and Sciences, all with full scholarships.

I am currently heading to Amherst College, the second-best liberal arts college in the USA, to embark on a pre-medical track with a full scholarship worth $93,000 per year.

To Dr. Benson Botchway, Director of Ensen Limited, I say, may God richly bless you for your care, support, and attention to me. At the Young Achievers Foundation boot camp, I met another man of valor named Sir Ferdinand Quayson, the founder and Executive Director of Young Achievers Foundation Ghana.

Your generosity, compassion, and commitment to helping young people will forever reside within humanity. I am enormously impacted by your teachings and guidance at the boot camp. After getting to know you in person, I finally understand why young Yafalians call you their godfather. I am proud to have you as my godfather too.

If I were to attempt to finish thanking all the angels God sent to help me on this journey, I would not finish today.

With heartfelt gratitude, I, however, want to acknowledge the following people for being precious gems in my journey:

Director General, Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority;

Torgbui Amenya Fiti V, Paramount Chief of Aflao Traditional Area;

Mr. Etsey Atisu, GhanaWeb Journalist;

Dr. David Kotei Nutakor, Duamenefa Foundation (Fafa FM);

Programs Manager, Holy FM;

Torgbui Aglasu Henyo;

The headmaster and his able assistants at Keta Senior High Technical School;

Teachers of Keta SHTS, with special mention going to Mr. Reuben Nyaho, Mr. Foga Nukunu, Mr. Isaac Boateng, and Mr. Divine Jacob Abuyah, who were part of every step of the way;

Mr. Adampah Joseph, Chief Examiner English Language;

Ketasco National Science and Math Quiz 2022 Team;

Old Students Association, Keta Senior High Technical School;

And the entire Ghanaian populace.

As I embark on this new chapter, I carry the hopes and aspirations of my community within me. I am determined to honor the sacrifices made on my behalf by working diligently, fostering positive change, and creating opportunities for others who share my background.

My journey does not end with personal achievements but rather begins with a newfound responsibility to uplift people.

As I begin this pre-med track this Fall, I intend to help overcome the devastating health issues ravaging the health of people in the developing world, and above all, bring smiles to the faces of people all around the world.

Columnist: Cynthia Makafui Abla Baragbor