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Abronye is better than Dr. Bossman Asare

Efo Worlanyo   NDC Jabs Bono Regional Youth Organizer of NDC, Efo Worlanyo Tsekpo.

Fri, 17 Jan 2020 Source: Efo Worlanyo Tsekpo.

Despite our differences, after watching Benard Avle's interview with Dr Bossman Asare, I came to a firm conclusion that Abronye and Wontumi, who do not qualify to even to be deputy branch Youth Organizers in NDC because of their drug infused comments, are more credible than Dr. Bossman Asare and the entire Electoral Commission.

Anyone who listened to the interview will bear with me that the EC is leading Ghana to a state of disaster of flames which we will prevent with our last blood.

One could easily see that the EC doesn't even understand why they are pushing for the New Register; Benard Avle left the interview a confused journalist because Dr. BOSMAN disgraced the entire academia by being the most confused person on earth now.

Dr Bossman showed clearly that he is acting in Sammy Awuku's capacity as the NPP National Organizer since Sammy has traveled to Bahamas for the Xmas break and has since not returned.

In the interview, the EC boss agreed the current system is very credible but they still need a new Register for no reason. This is the reason we should all come together and CRUSH the diabolic agenda of the EC.

If they do not fear demonstration as they earlier stated, they should remember Sammy Awuku adviced us that Wormafunu need no license to handle as a weapon, if we use it to break their legs one after the other they will stop listening to John Boadu and listen to the people of Ghana whom the sovereignty of our constituency rest.

We want to assure Hon. BOSMAN that the system will not crush but it's the EC we will crush to prevent them from crushing the entire country which was peacefully handed over to their paymasters.

We are meeting in Kumasi to on the 21st for our second demonstration which will be their second warning and after the third one we shall see if they will be able to step in their office after their legs are broken.

They should watch Out and shouldn't take us for a ride!

Columnist: Efo Worlanyo Tsekpo.