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Addo Kufuor - NPP's Safe Pair Of Hands

Addo Kufuor Poster

Sun, 16 Dec 2007 Source: Kosivi, Douglas

No serious coach goes into a much anticipated and high profile match with players whose fitness he is not sure of. In such circumstances, he relies mostly on his most tried hands that have risen to the occasion in similar circumstances. A sick dog, they say, is better off than a dead lion.
The NPP administration, under the leadership of His Excellency John Agyekum Diawuo Kufuor, is one of the best things that ever happened to this nation. The achievements of this regime over the past seven years, in comparison to the almost two decades rule of others, are just remarkable. Ranging from the numerous commercially viable road constructions, school feeding program, the NHIS, National Youth Employment Program, the cordial Civil-Military relationships, major facelifts at Burma Camp and the 37 Military Hospital, to mention but a few, the NPP regime can be credited with having taken an envious place in Ghanaian politics.
The above, among other things, does not amaze me as to why so many men of repute want to succeed President Kufuor, from his own party.
Whilst sharing the view that most of the names that have popped up are proven men of competence in their public and private lives, others stand tall. This is most evidenced especially when it comes to their contributions as Ministers. Fortunately for the NPP Delegates, most of the front-runners had the opportunity of either serving as Ministers or in other roles where they could have made their presence felt, and thus proven to delegates and Ghanaians that they can be entrusted with much. As the good book says, he who has been faithful in little will be faithful also in much.
If the above were to serve as benchmarks, or as a guide to the party’s upcoming Congress, then one such person who stands tall is former Defence Minister, Dr. Kwame Addo Kufuor, who also doubles as the M.P. for Manhyia.
The man is simply resourceful, honest, proven achiever and performer, result’-oriented individual, team player, a non-vindictive and humble person, disciplined and one of the few politicians who do not refuse to give credit to their opponents when it is due them. This quality is most important, especially for an infant and growing democracy, which has witnessed lots of military upheavals, and which has lots of clauses in its constitution inserted by individuals who feared for their safety in the event of a new government taking over power.
The former Defence Minister is the only person who has been able to lay bare his stewardship. Although he has not dared anyone to do same, let he who thinks he is safe come clean and submit himself for forensic audit. Eyes are watching and ears are desperately itching to hear. This is not to say that somebody is corrupt. It only elevates such individuals and makes them and the NPP stand tall as upright and less tainted individuals.
Talk to the officers and men of the Ghana Armed Forces and you will be told that one of their greatest moments of joy was when Dr. Addo Kufuor was their Minister. They will inform you of the outstanding projects that went on there, and how they were funded. Rather than waiting on the tax payer for every single penny to undertake projects, he went about using his diplomatic and well mastered negotiation skills sourcing for assistance. The results are just there for anyone who visits Burma Camp and the 37 Military Hospital to see.
Unfortunately however, anytime his name comes up as the next leader of this country, the petty issue that comes up is “but he is the President’s brother”. My God!! Since when did one’s biological association to someone touted as one of the most successful Presidents become enough grounds for him to stay away?
People are quick to tell you that we are not practicing a dynasty or monarchy rule. Yes Ghana is indeed not a dynasty or monarchical country. That is even the more reason why the other contenders to him have the opportunity to flex muscles with him. Otherwise they simply do not stand a dog’s chance as they are not related to the President through blood ties, and are hence not royals. For them to lay claim to the seat, and to be allowed to contest freely, even amidst rumours that the very person being used to gag him supports another candidate, should tell us that the dynasty issue is neither here nor there.
In fact, there have indeed been instances where people from one family, even fathers and sons, have had the opportunity of being leaders of their countries under democratic dispensations. Some that easily come to mind are George Bush Snr and Jnr. Of the U.S.A., the Polish brothers(twins) one of whom is currently the President and the other the Prime Minister, Hillary Clinton who is currently vying to lead the democrats after her husband’s stint as President (and she is leading the polls), Eyadema Snr. and Jnr. of Togo, to mention but a few. Can we not, as a nation, emulate their examples? Or are they more enlightened than we are? I beg to differ!!!
The opposition is desperate for power, as was, and is seen in the enthusiasm in their Presidential primaries. Their only handicap is that the impeccable performance of the Kufuor administration renders their dreams a mirage. Let’s not give them a trump card to lean on by selecting a candidate on whom we shall have to waste a lot of precious campaign time debunking issues here and there about him.
Let us entrust the destiny of our boat into the hands of a captain who can be our safe pair of hands, one who has lived above board and risen to the occasion at all times; one who can say “this is my track record, these are my testimonials- my dear opposition friends, where are yours?” Who again can stand to this but Dr. Kwame Addo Kufuor?
NPP Delegates, that is the man for you. I trust your wisdom and judgment, and know that you can neither be influenced by trivialities like non-existent dynasty, tribal or monetary considerations. The decision is yours. The destiny of future generations lies in your hands. Come December 22, I trust that you will make a disciplined and informed choice. He, who has an ear, let him listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.


Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

No serious coach goes into a much anticipated and high profile match with players whose fitness he is not sure of. In such circumstances, he relies mostly on his most tried hands that have risen to the occasion in similar circumstances. A sick dog, they say, is better off than a dead lion.
The NPP administration, under the leadership of His Excellency John Agyekum Diawuo Kufuor, is one of the best things that ever happened to this nation. The achievements of this regime over the past seven years, in comparison to the almost two decades rule of others, are just remarkable. Ranging from the numerous commercially viable road constructions, school feeding program, the NHIS, National Youth Employment Program, the cordial Civil-Military relationships, major facelifts at Burma Camp and the 37 Military Hospital, to mention but a few, the NPP regime can be credited with having taken an envious place in Ghanaian politics.
The above, among other things, does not amaze me as to why so many men of repute want to succeed President Kufuor, from his own party.
Whilst sharing the view that most of the names that have popped up are proven men of competence in their public and private lives, others stand tall. This is most evidenced especially when it comes to their contributions as Ministers. Fortunately for the NPP Delegates, most of the front-runners had the opportunity of either serving as Ministers or in other roles where they could have made their presence felt, and thus proven to delegates and Ghanaians that they can be entrusted with much. As the good book says, he who has been faithful in little will be faithful also in much.
If the above were to serve as benchmarks, or as a guide to the party’s upcoming Congress, then one such person who stands tall is former Defence Minister, Dr. Kwame Addo Kufuor, who also doubles as the M.P. for Manhyia.
The man is simply resourceful, honest, proven achiever and performer, result’-oriented individual, team player, a non-vindictive and humble person, disciplined and one of the few politicians who do not refuse to give credit to their opponents when it is due them. This quality is most important, especially for an infant and growing democracy, which has witnessed lots of military upheavals, and which has lots of clauses in its constitution inserted by individuals who feared for their safety in the event of a new government taking over power.
The former Defence Minister is the only person who has been able to lay bare his stewardship. Although he has not dared anyone to do same, let he who thinks he is safe come clean and submit himself for forensic audit. Eyes are watching and ears are desperately itching to hear. This is not to say that somebody is corrupt. It only elevates such individuals and makes them and the NPP stand tall as upright and less tainted individuals.
Talk to the officers and men of the Ghana Armed Forces and you will be told that one of their greatest moments of joy was when Dr. Addo Kufuor was their Minister. They will inform you of the outstanding projects that went on there, and how they were funded. Rather than waiting on the tax payer for every single penny to undertake projects, he went about using his diplomatic and well mastered negotiation skills sourcing for assistance. The results are just there for anyone who visits Burma Camp and the 37 Military Hospital to see.
Unfortunately however, anytime his name comes up as the next leader of this country, the petty issue that comes up is “but he is the President’s brother”. My God!! Since when did one’s biological association to someone touted as one of the most successful Presidents become enough grounds for him to stay away?
People are quick to tell you that we are not practicing a dynasty or monarchy rule. Yes Ghana is indeed not a dynasty or monarchical country. That is even the more reason why the other contenders to him have the opportunity to flex muscles with him. Otherwise they simply do not stand a dog’s chance as they are not related to the President through blood ties, and are hence not royals. For them to lay claim to the seat, and to be allowed to contest freely, even amidst rumours that the very person being used to gag him supports another candidate, should tell us that the dynasty issue is neither here nor there.
In fact, there have indeed been instances where people from one family, even fathers and sons, have had the opportunity of being leaders of their countries under democratic dispensations. Some that easily come to mind are George Bush Snr and Jnr. Of the U.S.A., the Polish brothers(twins) one of whom is currently the President and the other the Prime Minister, Hillary Clinton who is currently vying to lead the democrats after her husband’s stint as President (and she is leading the polls), Eyadema Snr. and Jnr. of Togo, to mention but a few. Can we not, as a nation, emulate their examples? Or are they more enlightened than we are? I beg to differ!!!
The opposition is desperate for power, as was, and is seen in the enthusiasm in their Presidential primaries. Their only handicap is that the impeccable performance of the Kufuor administration renders their dreams a mirage. Let’s not give them a trump card to lean on by selecting a candidate on whom we shall have to waste a lot of precious campaign time debunking issues here and there about him.
Let us entrust the destiny of our boat into the hands of a captain who can be our safe pair of hands, one who has lived above board and risen to the occasion at all times; one who can say “this is my track record, these are my testimonials- my dear opposition friends, where are yours?” Who again can stand to this but Dr. Kwame Addo Kufuor?
NPP Delegates, that is the man for you. I trust your wisdom and judgment, and know that you can neither be influenced by trivialities like non-existent dynasty, tribal or monetary considerations. The decision is yours. The destiny of future generations lies in your hands. Come December 22, I trust that you will make a disciplined and informed choice. He, who has an ear, let him listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.


Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Kosivi, Douglas