









Akufo-Addo must be called to order ...

Thu, 17 Dec 2015 Source: Mifetu, Seth

., Ghana must take its credible opposition party back

By Seth Mifetu

Mother Ghana, a rising star of sub-Sahara Africa, the pacesetter of self-autonomy under colonial rule in British west Africa colony is vehemently bleeding, while the synonymous beast from the Gold Coast generation, ‘’Opana olu’’ William Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo rejoice and laugh in such a robotic haste.

The brutish Akufo-Addo could not hide his disdain for New Patriotic Party (NPP) members and hatred for Ghana, a country he pretend to love just to have the opportunity to disgorges his mental derangement.

Instead of blowing the triumph of democracy and unity in NPP as we head towards Christmas, ‘’Opana’’ Akufo-Addo choose to defile the holiest month of merry-making by initiating chaos and injustice prior to numerous alleged murder cases and vandalism that was witnessed in horror under his failed leadership, yet voluminous NPP members seems to remain adamant about human rights, including the right to life that is entrenched in Ghana’s 1992 Constitution that Akufo-Addo have to uphold in higher esteem should he become the president.

Akufo-Addo’s unprincipled way of leadership and his usual awkward tactic of cowing people to submission has remained his stern unbending. His plot to remove members of NPP who seems to have an opposing view to his has led to the death of some NPP members including Upper east regional chairman, Adams Mahama, Saddic Abubakar, unconstitutional removal of Chairman Paul Afoko, dismissal of the party general secretary, Kwabena Agyei Agyapong, party second vice chairman, Sammy Crabbe, Dr. Arthur Kobina Kennedy and many other regional Chairmen.

A political party destruction cabal is a nation wrecker.

After creating so much carnage in the party, there is no better days to talk about it and correct the abnormality than now that it is ongoing, because Akufo-Addo has so much names on his ‘’dislike sheet’’ and no one knows who will be next. That is why the silence of some neutral key members of the Elephant family such as former President J.A. Kuffuor, Alan Kyeremanten, Kwabena Battles, Maxwell Kofi Jumah, Cecilia Dapaah, and Dr. Kofi Konadu Apraku have smitten mother Ghana.

These unbiased key members of the party need to publicly condemn Akufo-Addo’s actions and call him to order to preclude the hemorrhoid from bleeding just as some patriotic Ghanaians such as suspended Sammy Crabbe, Dr. Arthur Kobina Kennedy, Dr. Yaw Gampo, Mr. Joshua Attoh Quarshie and few have done.

The appealing tears of the great Elephant of Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition that has been struck on the head is calling on to these objective members of the NPP, especially J.A. Kuffuor to break their long silence to rescue NPP from the claws of Akufo-Addo.

The prudent effort of Dr. Arthur Kobina Kennedy should be inspiring enough to make them break their silence.

One thing I know for sure is that, these fair minded NPP key members would not repudiate the fact that Akufo-Addo created the environment for which brutalizing, murder, and undue suspension flourishing. This is not only an infringement on the fundamental human rights on those it was perpetuated on, but also an assault on all Ghanaians whose mandate ‘’Opana’’ Akufo-Addo is seeking to control the executive power of the land.

It is however imperative for all Ghanaians, regardless of tribe, religion and political affiliation to quickly envisage the bad governance we will have in the hands of the brutish, and, therefore the need to impede the bad future from happening by voting in favor of President John Dramani Mahama to tell ‘’Opana olu’’ Akufo-Addo that he cannot pretend to lead and lead from behind.

Under Akufo-Addo, NPP has lost its credibility and no longer attractive to Ghanaians.

After all, President John Mahama is working. Considering the unprecedented developmental projects he had accrued in three years of office, it is just amazing. It is better to eat pepper in happiness than to eat sardine in tears. Under President John Mahama, the safety of our nation is assured.

While Ghanaians embark on 100% support for President John Mahama for the 2016 election, it will therefore be enormous mistake on part of the impartial key NPP members to refuse to chastise Akufo-Addo in order to prevent the bad precedence he is setting for the NPP as a party and Ghana as a nation.

Nothing could imperil the future of NPP than to have divisive Akufo-Addo clinch to the flag bearership of the party. According to former President J.J. Rawlings, if fish is about to rot, its starts from the head and in this case, Akufo-Addo is rotten. So what happens to the body which is the remaining members of the party? They will rot as well. To prevent the fish from rotten, one must cut off the head. Akufo-Addo must be expurgated.

It is my hope that Akufo-Addo will be called to order and NPP saved for Ghana to take its credible opposition party back. My prayers.

God bless President John Dramani Mahama,

God bless former President J.J. Rawlings,

God bless former President J.A. Kuffuor,

God bless the unprejudiced key NPP members,

God bless Dr. Arthur Kobina Kennedy,

God bless Ghanaians.

And may our much-loved nation (Ghana) live long and grow from strength to strength.

Columnist: Mifetu, Seth