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Atta Mills’ ‘Asomdwee’ In Bed With ‘Azoka Boys’

Tue, 14 Sep 2010 Source: Amponsah, Jerry

Is President Atta Mills truly walking his talk – Asomdwee (Peace), or it is a

mere political talk? He has all this while, remained blind and mute over the

atrocities happening right under his nose. He should be honest and frank to the


Ghana still remains dangerously unprepared to prevent and respond to the

violence associated with our infant democracy. Despite the passage of time, our

state of national security has not changed. We have remained reluctant to the

pragmatic measures to address the vulnerability at home. Our government has not

in any way organised itself to tackle the monumental task of improving our

security. Unfortunately we will not see the full effect of these post-election

intimidations and violence for some time to come. While it is unrealistic to

expect that we can eliminate overnight, vulnerabilities that have been decades

in the making, we must do better as a nation. Our country faces grave peril, but

we seem unwilling to mobilize resources to confront the threat before us.

Managing the danger that the Azoka Boys (NDC party’s gangsters) poses cannot be

achieved by relying primarily on radio campaign. These are gangs who consciously

set out to cause harm and spawn disruptive consequences. Their agenda is to

render peaceful elections fractious through intimidations and violence. How

could tax payers’ money be used to fund this immoral cause? Capable criminals

and terrorists attack the stronghold of the main opposition party (NPP), most

especially in the Ashanti Region, to terrorize the law-abiding people and cause

mayhem. The nation has mistakenly voted into power an unconcerned and wicked

government, which is using taxpayer money to sponsor terrorists (Azoka Boys) to

kill its citizenry.

My sense of foreboding about Ghana’s current state of vulnerability predates the

Atiwa violence. It has been welling up through my life currently.

As things stand now, I maintain that their next attack in any bye-election or

the 2012 general elections will involve more than the loss of innocent lives,

but will drawa sporadic response from the national security apparatus and other

concerned bodies. This would be followed by a rash of poorly-conceived new

security mandates in the scramble afterward to reassure an anxious Ghanaian

public. In the presence of these specifics, most policymakers are unwilling to

acknowledge that the threat to the people is real. At thesame time, the

intelligence community is dedicating no resources to assess the threat, posed by

these Azoka Boys. Even those people who understand the Azoka Boys’ commitment to

attacking Ghana are generally reluctant to recognize the degree to which our

security guard is down. Those few who share my concern are convinced that little

can be done. The common refrain I hear is, “Ghanaians need a crisis to act;

nothing will change until we have a serious act of terrorism on Ghana’s soil.”

Sadly, it has turned out that even the Atiwa bye-election has not served as a

catalyst for the country to take stock of its real vulnerability. What I find

are pockets of innovative measures by dedicated public servants who are being

tasked with the IMPOSSIBLE: to secure a nation that has not been mobilized to

defend itself.

The Osu Castle will likely protest this judgment, arguing that I belong to the

opposition NPP. I knew how exposed our nation was prior to the Atiwa

bye-election, and have been closely monitoring what has been happening to our

dear nation. The current government has brandished the stinking incidents during

the presidential run-off – intimidation of electorates and stealing of ballots

by the Azoka boys in the Ashanti Region. This dubious culture remains


Electoral intimidation and violence is a threat we must constantly combat if we

are to reduce it to manageable levels, so that we can exercise our franchise

which the constitution provides us free of fear.

This issue deserves far more attention and seriousness, as the real danger lies

before us. If the Atiwa bye-election was a wake-up call, clearly the NDC

government has fallen back asleep – it has not spent its yesterdays preparing

for the tomorrows that now confront the nation. When it comes to political

terrorism, the President Atta Mills-led government is adamant, despite the

periodic raising of the terror-alert level. One begins to wonder the honesty,

integrity, and common-sense approach of the president. Our return to complacency

could not be foolhardy. The incident was an aberration. The same forces that

helped to produce the horror that befell the nation on that day continue to

gather strength. Yet the government appears to be unwilling to do what must be

done to make our society safe during elections – civilian life in our dear

country has been virtually terrorized. The Azoka Boys have exposed our national

security’s Achilles’ heel; they even bluff on public radio to champion their

evil cause. Where do we stand as a nation in the face of a clear and present

threat? The citizens are now defenseless – Ghana is now in a position of

especially grave danger. First, from nearly points on the compass, there is

rising anti-Ghanaianism. To a large extent this is the inevitable by-product of

Ghana’s unique standing as trouble-free country. Are we oblivious of the motto

of our Coat of Arms – FREEDOM and JUSTICE?

Like moths in the flame, our current and future enemies will find the

opportunity irresistible to assault innocent and law-abiding citizens. As a

result, the system that underpins our democratic prosperity is a soft target for

those bent on challenging Ghana’s security. The security apparatus are having a

difficult time in keeping the public anxiety in check because they are

ill-equipped. Instead of mobilizing a defense against enemies who are intent on

targeting innocent civilians, the government is unconcerned.

As a country, we have not pressed our elected leaders to provide an accounting

of the concrete steps they are taking to lessen our vulnerabilities and respond

effectively if the worst should happen.

Is our national security myopic, suffering from mediocrity or being biased? In

all previous incidents, it has not been in the business of protecting the good

people – proving gung-ho response to stop determined gangsters. In election

times, the voters remain largely unprotected.

It’s not as though people who are in positions of authority in the opposition

parties have been kept in the dark about just how broken-down the security

apparatus is, or how poorly-calibrated our national security establishment is to

provide protection for the citizenry. Our national security apparatus must adapt

to the emerging warfare threats directed at the vulnerable people. It behooves

on the national security apparatus to show some level of courtesy, professional

and respect in their services. The NDC government has refused to make meaningful

progress to deal with them, therefore the widespread acknowledgement of the

Azoka Boys’ gangsterism. In all likelihood, the next attack will result in even

greater casualties and widespread disruption to Ghanaian lives and the economy.

In the aftermath of the Atiwa bye-election attacks, we could have decided right

away that we need to broaden our definition of national security.

Osu Castle’s hands-off approach is a clear indication that, it has

wholeheartedly blessed the evil deeds. There is an outright diminishing

incentive to acknowledge the vulnerabilities of our innocent country men.

President Atta Mills has become increasingly reluctant to convene vulnerability

assessments that will highlight the need for professional security measures. One

of the key requirements of a government is that, it must be by the people and

for the people. The threat has transpired but the president has failed to act.

The general public is complicit in all this by its failure to insist on an

accounting of what is being done to confront the threat of terrorism. There has

been surprisingly little public appetite for answers. The people have been

deceived that all is well.

We now must plan for the eventuality that bad people are intent on making bad

things happen. Instead of fixing the problem, time is being wasted in

apportioning blames. Ghanaians have been subjected to a debate over national

security that looks like a ping-pong match.

Our world acclaimed democracy is gradually sinking into a state of decrepitude.

But one cannot eat his cake and have it – we have only ONE Ghana. Progress will

only be achieved if we remove this stinking mote in our eyes.

President Atta Mills, who assured the good people of Ghana to be father for all,

is now far removed from the people that he looks upon as foreigners. He and his

NDC party are driven by self-interest, so excessive that the people’s interests

are forgotten. In all hue and cry, what is more infuriating and irritating is

the speed with which the NDC government and its party propagandists are quick to

play the blame game. Most would also readily agree that there is a difference

between inadvertent untruth and outright slander, between electoral disagreement

and committing premeditated chaos.

This sad culture is what has propelled me to write this piece with all the wits

that I can muster. Why can’t a commander-in-chief accept responsibility and face

the music. The party in government bears the mark of Cain.

We need to acknowledge that there are moral boundaries that should never be

crossed and that, we as a nation are capable of abstaining from evil acts.

“Mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy.” Ecclesiastes 7:7.

In this 21st century, whiles others are enhancing in technology, we are

extremely hooked to antiquated practices.

A nation in which a morale ode regulates the lives of all is now turning into a

nation of ill repute. What the eagle eyes of the world have witnessed, being

overlooked by the NDC government, is an indictment on the integrity of the


To resort to trickery, intimidation, violence and hardliner manipulation of the

democratic process in order to maintain grip on political power is archaic. We

need to learn lessons from what plunged other African countries like Angola,

Chad, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Somalia, etc. into civil war and destroyed their

countries. Gradually a ’mafia state’ is evolving – a state whose political

elections is being hijacked by vampire elites, hustlers and gangsters, who

operate with their own notorious ethics of self-aggrandizement and

self-perpetuation in power.

How safe is our dear country in the hands of President Mills and his cohorts in

the NDC.

Indeed, the record books are overflowing with evidence of the Azoka Boys’

threats, intimidations and violence. The NDC party has perfected the use of

propaganda, intimidation and disinformation to keep a passive population calm.

In the process, a timid and innocent population has become quiet.

What one witnesses now are vagabonds harassing dissidents, terrorizing the

nation and intimidating opponents. In addition to the unrepentant tactics

orchestrated by the NDC, their hooliganism can easily plunge the country into

chaos and civil war. They come, tooting guns and brandishing cutlasses

(machetes), trying to drain out the electorates blood to the last drop.

In my candid opinion, the following measures must be adopted to solve the

problem we facenow.

The five basic effective resolutions to the problem:

* Firstly, the problem needs to be exposed. This has already been

exhausted through the media (radio, newspapers and television). The

journalists, editors and writers have done their business. This step has

already been utilized by the media.

* Secondly, the problem needs to be diagnosed.

* Thirdly, there is the need to prescribe a solution.

* The fourth is to implement the solution.

* And the fifth is to monitor it to see if is working; if not, the dosage

may be increased or an entirely new remedy tried.

The last four have been deliberately ignored by the government and the national

security system. The innocent and vulnerable people suffer at the hands of a few

evil hoodlums, for exercising their franchise. The freedom that is most critical

to the existence of all other human freedom is that of expression – the freedom

of expression and wishes through the ballot box without fear of reprisal.

Intolerance of alternative viewpoints is a disease that afflicts the ruling NDC

government, which could be traced back to the PNDC era. Instead of the “Better

Ghana Agenda” promised by President Atta Mills, the country is now witnessing a

‘Bitter Ghana Agenda.’ Two years away from yet another general election, how do

we prevent future occurrences?

After the media has exposed it, the government still remains adamant.

The noble nation demands an exigent and perpetual solution to such callous

political practices. The government lacks sincerity and commitment to address

the issue confronting the nation.

Is the northern part of the country allergic to development? Professional elites

like the Vice President, John Mahama, Hon. Alban Bagbin, Hon. Haruna Iddrisu and

other legislators who hail from that area and are supposed to stand up against

such callous acts, have remained tight-lipped.

Instead of giving the people education, they have rather given them deadly

weapons to kill their fellow country men and women. The party in power has

dumped the children in foreign countries, giving them better life.

If stringent measures are not taken now to disorganize the emerged terrorists

(Azoka Boys) as they prepare to gas on come 2012, a trivial political dispute

may easily escalate into a full-blown civil war.

We need to be guided by the Kokomba and the Nanumba conflict in 1994.

God bless Ghana!




Columnist: Amponsah, Jerry