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Behind the Veil: The indiscipline of dishonorable legislators and abusers of women

Parliament Fullhouse File Parliament House

Tue, 12 Feb 2019 Source: Nana Akwah

Is there a "Law School" in any part of the world that offers tutorials for law students to disrespect people because of their gender?

Something ugly and demeaning is rearing its head, that needs serious attention. Some irresponsible Members of Parliament are on the loose, insulting our sensibilities. They are on the rampage as lawless as those they have accused or accusing.

The rampaging dishonorable "Legislators and Abusers of Women" must be stopped in their tracks, because they are denting the image and integrity of the parliament.

The drama that unfolded have brought awareness for citizens to distinguish between best and worst legislators. These irresponsible people no wonder can only, seek audience at media houses where such irresponsible honorables will find their voices.

Abuse is any use of psychological, physical or sexual force, actual or threatened, in human relationship. Violence is used to intimidate, humiliate or frighten victims, or to make them feel powerless. Exactly what happened in parliament.

The 'hounding hawks' from the indisciplined, fallen from "honor legislators" and conformist groups had been relentless in support of what was meted out to Ms. Lydia Seyram Alhassan, thanks in part to irresponsible journalism and the increased presence of social media.

I have no sympathy and respect for men whose upbringings see women disposables. There is a veiled hypocrisy and threat to womanhood that should engage our attention.

I worry about people, perceived as leaders, having substantial knowledge, the experience to distinguish between good and evil, however, their actions portrayed a state of disorder and nonrecognition of authority.

Recounting what happened in parliament prior to the swearing in, there is nothing left in mind, than to have those dishonorable legislators and abusers of women unmasked.

I listened to Inusah Fusseini and James Agalga and suddenly I felt like throwing up. Wow! Are these individuals referred to as "learned gentlemen or friends" part of the educated class?

The conclusion arrived at was that, we are all prone to suffer from such evil-men claimed to be educated, courteous and polite, that they could easily walk down and away from the descent of slipping slopes of law.

It is about time men of conviction get together to shame our "Shameless MPs" - we must confront men who disrespect women. That's the fight we really need. Behind the Veiled Constitution, Rules and Regulations "lurks the monster call parliamentary immunity". Yes, behind the veiled windows of the "legislature", where the indisciplined dishonorable legislators and abusers of women exist, need unmasking.

There can never be reason or explanation for the damning incident that took place in the "Parliament", because of Ms. Lydia Seyram Alhassan. The defense put out will continue to be pooh pooh. Shameless silly argument that, at the time of the walkout the "Lady" was not part of the parliament, can only emanates from weak minds.

What was her crime to warrant such ungodly humiliation? What role did she played to be associated with the "tagging"? Or did she have access to the deployment of the "SWAT" team?

I'm still at a loss. Smearing and labeling her with such a "tag" is atrociously shameful, an affront and unthinkable action, purported to be a democratic tool, that failed very badly and now albatross around these shameless-quacks of MPs.

Why do men oftentimes finds it hard to accept women leadership roles when we lose out in contest? The sad part come on the back of women who lend support to the men, against fellow women. How men interact with women is very much important. We must rise up against unethical acts women oftentimes are subjected to.

To those dishonorable legislators and abusers of women, we should tell them in plain language that, they have lost their virginity of mind, integrity and honorability. They disrespected their oath of office and showed blatant disregard to the oath they swore to uphold.

Society must have the courage and strength of mind not to fall for such backward repulsive cruelty, that was demonstrated. Obstructive hold on women, or such aggressive pressure, for me is the worst form of assault, a lack of concern toward womanhood.

These irresponsible "MPs/abusers" are stench to society, their parents and children. It must be pointed out, they lack the moral high ground for any dialogue after I watched the rowdy scenes enacted. Also, we should be aware, never to fall for such idiotic incitement, and the discredited display of midget reasoning of any kind, be a woman or a man.

In spite of the fact that, I have raised concerns, stated and mentioned: My greatest worry is about the uncontrollable undermining among women. It is about their own outbursts that I worry about. The pain and fear that usually accompanies acrimonious arguments, and the repulsive self-inflicted verbal injuries they commit on themselves when least expected. The prompt willingness to betray one another for self-gratification must be a concern and challenge to deal with. I can vouch is the honest truth.

It is a fact that women compete, compare, undermine and undercut one another. At least, the perception is a widespread belief about how women act toward each other. Also, a number of thought-provoking research carried on female competitiveness, points both in condescending and eye-opening in many instances. Just think of the recent incident.

The voices loudest and leading, offering strong defense for the name tagging are women. The intriguing and unable to be questioned nature of women about womanhood. As there is never-ending bickering among them for which l have never been surprised.

Women by and large, express indirect hostility or uncooperative behavior towards one another than they do with men. Mostly such hostility is geared toward a combination of factors “self-promotion,” (look more acceptable and appealing), taking a stand of “derogation of rivals,” and as a result of, ends up making deliberately hurtful remarks about others.

No matter what men think of women, it is a collective duty to be responsible to safeguard their security and wellness, irrespective of relationship.

To the newly sworn in MP, it is no gainsaying that prayer can change the night to day so when life seems dark and dreary, be willing to submit your problems and life to God. Never acquiesce to those who see women as dispensable.

To those who were culpable in the first place should do what will be honorable. May your conscience be your best judge.

To conclude, the parsing and posturing from the leadership is worth commending, though it was a tough session. For the men and women with the rolled-sleeves behave as MPs. It was like a classroom with no teacher or principal.

With this mind compiling a Best and Worst list, we have a difficult task: How do you select best legislators when the worst seemed to prevail at every turn? It has not been a session for big ideas - the election battles and, to a lesser extent, the chaotic scenes of the past and present have sucked the air out of almost every other discussion.

Finally, we have a duty and responsibility to deal with. In solidarity, we have to stand with disadvantaged women. Our collective voices is the voice of the people. Darkness must not be allowed to sway over trust.

We have to prevail with one voice. We need to prevail with one voice. We shall prevail with one voice.

May God bless us all

Columnist: Nana Akwah