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Book Review: “How to Fire Your Boss…..”

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Mon, 1 Dec 2014 Source: Eyiah, Joseph Kingsley

By Joe Kingsley Eyiah, OCT, Brookview MS, Toronto-Canada

Another Ghanaian in Diaspora has done it! He has put his name on the register of published authors. This new author is Mr. Foster Owusu of Toronto. The title of his book is very provocative: How to Fire Your Boss and Hire Yourself!

This book announces a great network marketing business opportunity. It could be described as a guide that could make one a successful entrepreneur like the author himself in a thriving business.

"How to Fire Your Boss and Hire Yourself" has an Introduction, ten Action Step chapters and a Conclusion. The Introduction tackles the issue of job/financial security. Foster Owusu cleverly addresses the ‘invincibility’ of job security in our today’s world by posing interesting questions such as; What is job security? Who is creating security for whom? Do you want someone to keep on giving you a fish until you retire, or do you want to learn how to fish for yourself? These thought-provoking questions ushers the reader into a world of self-actualization that leads one into action! No wonder the chapters which follow the introductory discussion all Action Steps.

Action Steps #1 & #2 bring one to the classroom as a student to answer the ‘why’ of becoming successful in life by engaging oneself in entrepreneurship. The rudiments of developing your own network marketing business are taught-making a list of every single person you know for consideration is the starter.

The game changer which is characterized by a positive attitude is clearly outlined in Action Step #3 with about 90 powerful quotes from successful personalities including Steve Jobs of the iPhone fame (Apple). This chapter is followed with readiness mood (firing your boss) action steps which demonstrate commitment and self-belief. In these pages one discovers that, ‘to be successful in network marketing, you must first believe in the industry.’

Action Steps #6 & #7 baptize the believer in network marketing with ‘fire’ to make one capable of handling objections from prospects and fortify one to become a ‘Go-Getter’. The importance of goal-setting in any venture that is to succeed is fully spelt out. The author in these chapters uses his own personal experience to illustrate the ever-present need of short-term and long-term goals. He builds a simple guiding table based on how to build your financial pipeline one month at a time factoring in your spiritual, personal, family, vocational, financial and social needs.

The treatment of the ‘Failure Disease’ is dealt with in Action Step #8. Excuses in themselves are symptoms of failure! This chapter begins with a quote by Stephen Dolley Jr. that, "A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn’t will find an excuse." How true! The book encourages anyone who reads it to put aside excuses and start a successful network marketing business.

The remaining chapters are devoted to interviews with real people who have succeeded in the network marketing business and ends with a discussion on leadership qualities that propel one to the top of the network marketing business!

I say bravo to Foster Owusu for putting his experiences and knowledge in the network marketing business in the pages of a book. It is a humble beginning that will open the eyes of many who will find time to read the book. I recommend it for your reading, for, as John Milton simply puts it: "Reading maketh a man."

The book which is published by Kudo.ca Communications in Canada can be obtained directly from Mr. Foster Owusu @ www.fosterowusu.com or 416-300-1284

Columnist: Eyiah, Joseph Kingsley