









Celebrating the 50 years of achievements of Kwadwo Safo Kantanka

Kwadwo Safo Kantanka   New.jpeg Apostle Kwadwo Safo Kantanka

Fri, 19 Nov 2021 Source: Kwaku Boateng Agyenim

Fifty years in the life of any establishment, be it a business, political or religious entity is no means an achievement. That is why I want to commend Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, The star of Africa, for leading his church, Kristo Asafo Mission through a lot of trials, temptations and challenges for the church to become one of the country’s major religious organization today. He was born to Opanin Yaw Safo and Obaapanin Yaa Amoanimaa, (all deceased) at Bom, near Kensere in the Amansie East district in Ashanti region on 26th August, 1948. Even though, he came from a poor family, this Great man of God knew the purpose of his coming into this world, to liberate Africa from a world of technology.

After his basic education and realized that, his parents could not support him to further his education because of financial problems, he left to seek greener pastures in Kumasi. As if it was a divine intervention, a Frenchman discovered him wandering in the street of Kumasi. He had pity on him, took him to his house and taught him his trade (welding). He sent him to continue the work at Ghana Technical Works in Kumasi. After that, he worked at Volta Aluminum Company (VALCO) and West African Metals. All these while, he was thinking how he could fulfill his dream as a Pan Africanist. After thinking for a long time, he got the solution that, the only way he could get people to support his Pan African Mission is to establish a church in this religious-minded country and Africa to serve as Trojan Horse to invent utopia future for Africa. That is why he has been telling his congregants that, his purpose to this world was not to establish a church but to do something extraordinary.

When God’s time was due, he started his evangelization all by himself in 1969. On 3rd February, 1971, his church, Kristo Asafo Mission was founded. On four occasions, from 1971-1975, his church collapsed but he survived these attempts heroically with persistent consistency. On his fifth attempt to re-establish the church, God came to his aid and he succeeded after he brought to life a woman, Maame Akua Asantewaa who died in the church’s temple in 1976. In 1981, he started with the true mission of the church and undertook so many transformational programmes to better the lives of Ghanaians. Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka guided the church to embark on an aggressive agricultural programme throughout the country. The objective was to produce more food to feed the needy. Interestingly, produce of the farms came in handy and in 1983, 1991 and 1993, were used to feed stranded returnees from Nigeria and Liberia who fled their country as a result of civil war. Similarly, the church participated in various clean-up exercise in many communities, hospitals and market places across the country. Also, piled-up cocoa at the hinterland were evacuated to the ports.

What had made the church very unique among all religious organizations in the country is charity donations. It holds annual charity and technology exhibitions in Kumasi and Accra each year where, large quantities of food items, maize, wax-prints, clothing, sewing machines, wheel chairs and cash are distributed to the needy through established institutions like the prisons, hospitals, school for the deaf and blind, children’s homes, rehabilitation centres and other orphanage homes. In fact, more than one hundred and sixty institutions across the country have benefitted from the church’s largesse. Apart from these annual donations, the church makes quarterly donations to S.O.S villages, children’s homes and other orphanages in its bid to alleviate the suffering of the physically challenged and orphans. The church has built schools, hospitals and donated cash and educational materials to a number of tertiary institutions and public schools nation –wide. The mission aim is to serve God and humanity and this, it has done with absolute perfection during its 50 years in existence.

On his technological inventions, the exploit of Safo Kantanka, whose ingenuity, creativity, hard work, commitment and determination to make Ghana the beacon of hope for Africa through his technological inventions cannot be emphasized. Since he declared his intention to lead the nation to its industrial revolution, he has proved to all doubting Thomasses that, his technological exploit is not a mere gimmick. This industrious and GREAT MAN whom God has gifted to the nation and Africa is not perturbed that, various governments have not come to his aid to collaborate with his research work to contribute to the development of this country, even though, they have witnessed his capability and ability to change the fortunes of this country at his annual technology exhibitions. I don’t want to mention the many sophisticated machines he has manufactured in the automobile and electronic engineering, but to take his research to boost Agriculture: He has been able to manufacture two (2) products: “Herbal weedicide and pesticide”.

The herbal weedicide has no adverse effect on the land when applied but boost the fertility of the land. At the same time, it kills the weeds to make clearing of the land easier for farming. Again, the herbal weedicide is not harmful to the farmer even when he mistakenly drinks some in the course of applying it, unlike the chemical weedicide that is harmful to the farmer. The herbal pesticide assists the farmer to kill or eliminate various harmful pests and insects that destroy the crops. It also protects all harmless pests and insects that contribute to the land fertility, therefore it increase productivity. In this regard, I am asking, who is this man? He also has to his credit a herbal medicine that can eliminate army worms. He has also manufactured another herbal medicine that can add value to plantain, yam and cocoyam, because, it can be processed as (cassava into gari.) Recently, he has researched into how rice, beans, maize and millet can be processed into beverages.

What Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka is doing caught the attention of Alfred Nobel University in Ukraine. The Alfred Nobel University of Ukraine represented by Prof. Borys Kholod, President, Prof. Kozhushko Svittana, the academic secretary, Doctor of Pedagogy and Dr. Mishustina Tetiana, Vice Rector for Strategic Development and Communication conferred the Highest Award of the University, an Honorary degree, “Emeritus, Professorship in Science and Technology” to Apostle Dr. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka. Reading from the Protocol Academic Council meeting of Alfred Nobel University (ANU), Dr. Mishustina Tetiana, Vice Rector for Strategic Development and Communication said: “The decision to award this title to you was taken into accounts your overall means and passionate desire and monumental efforts taken to empower Africa through the application of Science and Technology to uplift the image of the African continent and make it economically independent”. They also took into cognizance Apostle Dr. Ing. Kwadwo Safo’s Missionary and Philanthropic, Scientific and Technological activities, Generosity and Benevolence which has reflected in Charity and sponsorship, support and dedicated assistance given to many Senior High and Basic Schools, Universities and Colleges, therefore, the University appreciated his invaluable contributions to humanity hence the award.

With this gesture from the University, I want to ask if Ghana, his country recognized him as:

1. The first African to introduce “clapping technology” in electronics to the whole world?

2. The first African to manufacture an electronic device that can switch on and off of a television by “human breath” in the whole world?

3. The first African to manufacture an electronic device that can switch on and off of a television by “waving human hand” in the whole world?

4. The first African to manufacture a bass guitar with “seven strings” in the whole world?

5. The first African to manufacture a block machine that can produce “18 blocks at a go” in the whole world?

6. The first African to manufacture “a tri-cycle limousine” in the whole world?

7. The first African to manufacture a “limousine plane car” in the whole world?

8. The first African to manufacture a wooden incubator that hatches eggs in “14 days” in the whole world?

9. The first African to manufacture an electronic device that can ignite a car with “human voice” in the whole world?

10. The first African to manufacture an electronic voice device into a car that would not allow the car to move, if it detects that, the driver is drunk in the whole world?

11. The first African to manufacture “a car with no engine”. (This means, the car needs no fuel or water for its operation} in the whole world?

12. The first African to manufacture an electronic device that can ignite a car by “putting your hand on shirt” in the whole world?

13. The first African to manufacture a “herbal weedicide that is not harmful” to the farmer even when he mistakenly drink some in the course of applying it in the whole world?

14. The first African to manufacture a herbal pesticide that kill or eliminate various harmful pests and insects that destroy the crops, and also, protect all harmless pests and insects that contribute to the land fertility and increase productivity in the whole world?

15. The first African to manufacture a “herbal medicine that can eliminate armyworms” in the whole world?

16. The first African to manufacture how plantain, yam and cocoyam can be processed as (cassava into gari) and also how rice, beans, maize and millet can be processed into beverages in the whole world?

Apostle Emeritus Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka has indeed makes history and he should be recognized as one of the “history makers” in the world.

Without any shred of doubt, it can emphatically be said that, Safo Kantanka, who is “the star of Africa” has within the past 50 years of establishing his church, Kristo Asafo Mission, has indeed paid his dues for the socio-economic development of our nation, and therefore, the whole country should celebrate him as a living legend while he is alive.

Bravo, Kantanka, It is my humble prayer that, your God, should give you long live with enough strength to do more for Africa liberation.




Columnist: Kwaku Boateng Agyenim