









Celebration of the constitution day: Any relevance?

Constitution Of Ghana 1 The Constitution of Ghana

On Friday, 7th January 2022, Ghana observed the 4th Constitution Day throughout the country to commemorate the Fourth Republican Constitution as the longest-serving Constitution in its political history. The Constitution Day was introduced into Ghana's Calendar of holidays in December 2018 following the amendment of the Holidays Act, 2001 (Act 601). This public holiday is observed on the 7th of January each year in Ghana. The first Constitution Day was observed on 7th January 2019.

As it has been the custom in the previous Constitution Days, the Hon. Minister for Interior issued a declaration to affirm 7th January 2022 as a statutory public holiday to be observed throughout the country. Apart from this notice and the enjoyment of the day as a non-working day for Ghanaians, not much was felt regarding the highlights on the relevance of Constitution Day. An interview conducted by the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on the 7th of January 2022 revealed that the majority of Ghanaians were oblivious of the relevance of Constitution Day as a public holiday.

Given the above, the writers deem it imperative to share their thoughts on the relevance of Constitution Day and to proffer measures that would make Constitution Day more relevant and purposeful.

Relevance of the Constitution Day

The writers take the view that Constitution Day is the most important public holiday in Ghana. This is hinged on the fact that this public holiday projects the country’s long period of political stability achieved under the Fourth Republican Constitution, which commenced on 7th January 1993. Thus, Constitution Day is a public holiday that goes to the core of the very existence of our nation as a democratic country.

Among the four Republican Constitutions of Ghana, the longest-serving Constitution is the 4th Republic Constitution. Under the 4th Republic Constitution, Ghana has held eight successful Presidential and Parliamentary elections, with the peaceful transfer of political power between the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC). This achievement has earned the country a credential as the oasis of peace on the African Continent. This feat has been acknowledged both locally and internationally.

Measures to make the Constitution Day More Relevant

Just like other democratic constitutions, the 1992 Constitution is our manual for good governance and sustainable development. It is, therefore, the fundamental duty of the state to educate the citizenry about the provisions of the 1992 Constitution to equip them to protect, defend and uphold the 1992 Constitution.

For the above reason, the writers suggest that the state should use Constitution Day as the platform to educate Ghanaians on the provisions of the 1992 Constitution. This realization informed the framers of the 1992 Constitution to establish the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE). Sadly, however, the impact of this important Commission remains largely unfelt by many Ghanaians probably due to funding challenges. Accordingly, it is recommended that NCCE must play a leading role in organizing community-based educational campaigns as part of the program for the celebration of Constitution Day.

The writers further suggest that the state should establish a system for continuous education about the 1992 Constitution in all the second cycle educational institutions in the country. This must be supplemented by promotional activities on the subject including holding inter-school quizzes and distribution of miniature copies of the 1992 Constitution.


Constitution Day is the most important public holiday in Ghana as it is fashioned to celebrate the country’s enviable political stability and progress. The 4th Constitution Day, just like the first three holidays, has not been utilized to adequately highlight the relevance of the holiday and to promote the study of the 1992 Constitution among Ghanaians.

The writers are hopeful that the 5th Constitution Day to be celebrated on 7th January 2023 would be observed in a way that would adequately highlight the relevance of this auspicious day and promote the study of the 1992 Constitution to guard Ghana’s enviable political stability and constitutionalism.

Columnist: Benjamin Tachie Antiedu & Goodnuff Appiah Larbi