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Change Joe Gidisu Or We Risk Our Presidential Votes

Fri, 19 Aug 2011 Source: Afari, Jones


Change Joe Gidisu Or We Risk Our Presidential Votes

The 2012 General Elections will be a battle of ideas, achievements of the government, MPs’ performances, and as much as possible it will be a battle of walkabouts.

Victory in 2012 would not depend only on government achievements but also on the leadership and individual performances of each MP across the 230 constituencies in the country. An MP’s behavior and leadership style could make or mar the chances of a party’s victory.

Our original inspiration to embark on this journey of expressing legitimate concerns was from the fact that the NDC government led by Professor Mills, is doing fantastically well whereas the behavior and performances of some of our MPs especially the Central Tongu MP, Joe Gidisu, is negatively impacting the party Presidential Candidate’s chance comes 2012.

The 2000 General Elections saw Joe Gidisu into office as Member of Parliament for North Tongu constituency which was divided and now Central Tongu constituency, with the hope and expectations that socio-economic development and job creation opportunities could be lobbied to the constituency cum his personal flamboyant promises. These, however, have never been the result. The constituency has been neglected by the MP. He has lose track and focus on the people he is faintly representing, he betrayed the hope, expectations and confidence of the people in the constituency. Joe Gidisu has raised his level above the reach of the people; his leadership style irritates the people, even people who go to see him are being rejected and turned down. And nobody dare to talk about it or else you would be victimized.

Now in speaking this, it doesn’t mean that we’re anti-Joe Gidisu, but it does mean we’re anti-Joe Gidisu’s exploitation, we’re anti-poverty, we’re anti-jobless, and we’re anti-no development by Joe Gidisu. As 2012 General Elections approach, promises made by Joe Gidisu are not half fulfilled. He has rather keep annoying the people in the constituency by his luxurious life-style and numerous mansions forgetting the source of his power (the people). His lip services are becoming more than irritating, making the people losing trust and confidence in the entire NDC government. Joe Gidisu has demonstrated obviously enough that he is not a true Social Democrat who believe in grassroots engagement and capacity building.

A Survey conducted by Rural Youth Platform in April 2011 indicated that, about 50% of the voter population in the constituency will not turn-up to vote at all in the 2012 General elections if Joe Gidisu still remains the Parliamentary Candidate, 60% also indicated that they will only vote if and only if the Current MP fulfill his promises before elections; and 80% said they will also vote if only there is a change of Parliamentary candidate for the constituency.

The above statistic show that the NDC is not likely to get the as usual bumper votes in the 2012 elections if Joe Gidisu still represent the party as MP disregarding the government great performances. This is a wake up call, and it is time to wake up to it.

And now if we don’t take this kind of stand, if we don’t take an uncompromising stand to change Joe Gidisu, our opponents will look at us and think of us shame in defeat. It’s time for all of us to stop sitting down unconcern, we get to move on working with everybody, everywhere, at anytime with this common interest in tackling this problem head-on nonviolently as long as the enemy is nonviolent; to make sure we get a new dynamic and selfless leader to change the political fortune in the constituency.

We must be bold to tell Joe Gidisu that, if he insist and contest again, he will be responsible for letting a condition develop which will create a climate that will bring seeds out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something people in the constituency never dreamed of. A failure to answer this call may mean an opportunity lost, a possible victory postponed. Joe Gidisu’s leadership style has caused the people to feel cynical, angry, and frustrated and the feeling that they have been used and dumped. A replacement of Joe Gidisu will mean a survival of Central Tongu.

This time, we are not going to be influenced by intellectually disappointed MP. We are beginning to understand his bitterness in his bleak failure, but we need not tolerate his vituperative and venomous attacks upon the integrity and character of our people. In our opinion, he has even failed as a Minister of state and not only as MP. That we leave for the good Professor to judge at the appropriate time. All we want now is a change of Joe Gidisu in order for the party to win massively in the constituency. It has been said that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There was never greater evidence as to the proof of this statement than in the example of MP Joe Gidisu.

If we stand together, then we can be the balance of power. We are not going to change anything by sitting on our hands hoping that things will change for the better. We will no longer hide our heads in the sand. We must destroy the power to dictate, to forbid, to require, to demand, to distribute, to edict and to judge what is best and enforce that will of judgment upon a democratic Central Tongu.

We ask every youth in the constituency to join us and that, together we give an active and courageous leadership to the thousands of people throughout the constituency who look with hope and faith to our fight for a free and developed Central Tongu.

Long Live Central Tongu!

Long Live NDC!!



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Columnist: Afari, Jones