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Changing the flag of Ghana

Flg 6 The new flag of Ghana

Wed, 28 Jun 2017 Source: Fred TK Amenyah

Flags act as living symbols of the countries that they represent, making it possible to trace the history of a nation via the changes that a respective nation’s flag has gone through over time. Whether it is new leadership, a change in agricultural offerings, or simply a need for improvement aesthetically, changes in flag design make it possible to retrace the course of world history.

Many countries have retained the same flag design since inception, or only undergone slight alterations. However, some national flags have seen a variety of designs since their creations, such as:

The United States of America

The American flag came into existence in 1776, but from January 1, 1776 to today, through a variety of presidential opinions and an upsurge in national growth, the American flag has changed 26 times totaling 27 versions altogether.

South Africa

South Africa’s flag was adopted almost by accident. The 1990’s saw nation negotiations to end a racist apartheid system, and the anti-apartheid African National Congress insisted upon the adoption of a new national flag, eventually their current flag was suggested and became popular among the citizens of South Africa.

Description of the new Flag of Ghana;

The blue and white colors of the flag are derived from the Jewish prayer shawl; the central emblem is the Star of the African freedom which has a long association with the people of Ghana and the African continent.

“Our independence is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation of Africa”

By Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

There are three facts that Dr. Kwame Nkrumah spoke about in this prophecy,

1. The African continent will one day be free from poverty, economic and social afflictions.

2. And in those days, when this is fulfilled, Ghana’s independence will be meaningful and complete.

3. He also meant that the liberalization of the African continent was Ghana’s responsibility.

In the year 2010 August, the Word of the Lord came to me and the Lord said;

“Arise and Shine

For your light has come,

And the glory of the Lord has risen on you”.

In the year 2015 January, I had a vision;

I saw the Holy City, The New Jerusalem came down from God out of Heaven.

I saw a Man; sit on a throne made of pure transparent Gold.

On his head was a crown made of pure transparent gold, he was clothed in a pure white dress.

These two visions speak very clearly about the chosen nation, where the New Temple {New Jerusalem} will be located on the earth.

Because in Haggai 2:9, the scriptures clearly prove that there will be another nation like Israel, and God has chosen Ghana.

The new temple in Ghana comes with a lot of benefits. According to the scripture’s, all nations of the world will come and worship the Almighty God in the New Temple, and they will offer sacrifices on the altar.

Part of the gold, diamonds, money and other offerings giving to God will be used to rebuild Ghana, pay our debts, and provide for the necessary expenditure of our nation, Ghana.

Isaiah 60:5

“….the wealth of the nations shall come to you”

For the first time in the history of Ghana, there will be quality education for free, from Nursery to the university, healthcare and other social needs shall be provided for free. There will be many factories and jobs for the youths. The high cost of fuel, shall be a thing of the past.

Ghana will eventually become as great as Israel and we will help our fellow African countries to be liberalized from poverty, political conflicts, and all other challenges.

This is what our first president, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah meant, when he linked our independence to the liberalization of the African continent.

My humble plea to the President of Ghana, the Christian council, the Muslim clergy and the good people of Ghana is that, lets raise our voices and take this step of faith, and change our flag immediately.

Columnist: Fred TK Amenyah