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Charlotte Osei must go, now!!!

Osei Ec Charlotte Osei, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana

Thu, 4 Aug 2016 Source: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

New Patriotic Party’s hip-shooting parliamentary firebrand Mr. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong continues to be vindicated on his public assertion that Mrs. Charlotte Kesson-Smith Osei may well have secured her present job, as the country’s Electoral Commissioner, by the use of means other than her own merit or professional qualifications.

In the latest proof of such vindication, renowned financial analyst and journalist Mr. Sydney Casely-Hayford tells us that although he registered to vote in the 2012 general election by the use of his National Health Insurance Scheme-issued card, his name has not been expunged from the National Voters’ Register (NVR), as ordered by the Supreme Court more than a month ago; and that neither was he ever notified by the Electoral Commission (EC) to reregister to enable him cast his ballot in the December 7 general election.

(See “I Registered with NHIS Card; My Name [Is] Still on the Voter Roll – Casely-Hayford” Classfmonline.com / Ghanaweb.com 7/30/16)

Mr. Casely-Hayford is well-educated and a well-traveled man with acute mnemonic faculties and remarkable personal integrity and moral credibility and enviable standing in Ghanaian society; he therefore cannot be facilely accused of trying to pull a fast one on the Electoral Commission and its pathologically obdurate chairperson.

It is also significant to point out that Mr. Casely-hayford is not a card-carrying member of the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) or any of the other splinter opposition political parties. What is called for here is for Parliament and the Wood Supreme Court to launch an immediate investigation into the question of whether, indeed, it was a minuscule 56,000 Ghanaian residents and citizens who used their NHIS-issued cards to register to vote in the 2012 general election, and not at least one-million adult Ghanaian citizens and residents, conservatively speaking.

Such an investigation is direly needed because a person who firmly believed that expunging the names of voters who had registered to vote by the use of their NHIS-issued cards in the lead-up to the 2012 general election, as duly ordered by the Supreme Court of Ghana (SCG), was flagrantly tantamount to disenfranchising the overwhelming majority of the Ghanaian underclass, is also highly unlikely to have arrived at such an opinion on the strength of a diddly 56,000 registered voters.

Indeed, ever since she made such a capricious decision, the EC Chairperson has been stonewalling and playing possum with the Wood Supreme Court. As I pointed out in a previous column quite a while ago, about the only alternative left to progressive and democracy-loving Ghanaians is to call for the immediate resignation of Mrs. Osei.

The Council of State, Parliament and members of the Peace Council would be apt to make their presence and functional significance felt in this instance of an eerily looming national crisis.

Make no mistake, Mrs. Osei was appointed to execute the dirty political agenda of President John Dramani Mahama; and so far, she has proven herself to be willing to take the country down the primrose path of total destruction in her hermetic bid to ensuring that her boss and paymaster, the megalomaniacal Mr. Mahama, hangs on to power at all costs.

Now is the time for all well-meaning and progressive Ghanaians to prove to the Gonja petty chieftain that the Flagstaff House and the destiny of the country are not the especial preserve of one person, or even two. It is the collective responsibility of all Ghanaians, both resident at home and abroad.

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame