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Christmas festivity humanitarian angle to it

Economics Christmas Sale 4 Christmas is a season to show love

Mon, 27 Dec 2021 Source: micheal yiran

Christmas Festivity as we all come to terms is celebrated on 25 December of every calendar year to commemorate the day the Messiah, Jesus Christ was born. This Festivity is the famous and the most widely observed Festivity celebrated across the globe and our country Ghana is no exception to it.

Apart from Easter Festivity, it is the only Festivity that is given two day's as a holiday and most organisations even allow a week or two weeks off for their employees to observe it.

The Messiah was born or came to this earth on this day according to records of the bible for numerous reasons and in the books of Joel Beeke and William Boeke Stein title why Christ came 31 mediations on the incarnation. The book states some of reasons as, To save sinners 1 Timothy 1- 15; To do the will of the Father John 6-38; To bring light to the dark world John 12- 46; To bear witness to the truth John 18-37; To destroy the devil and his world Hebrews 2-14; To give eternal life John 6-51; To bring a great joy like 2-10; To seek and save the world luke 19-5; To serve Mark 10-35.

The question I ask and seek to unravel answers is why we as individuals or state celebrate Christmas? Is it a day family and friends meet for merry-making that is to drink, eat and dance or is a day we wear our best cloths or show up the new car we bought. As individuals l see the significance of Christmas going far beyond the merry-making and exhibiting the latest things we possess within the year.

Among the reasons why Christ the Messiah came to this earth, service to mankind is mentioned more than any reason within the bible. Mark 5:15 says for even the son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Christ is associated with performing miracles and these facts is even second by our Muslim brothers.

Before Christ commence His miraculous duties the first and foremost miracle He performed was to turn ordinary water to one of the ever sweetest wine ever recorded which was use to Supply a gathering of people on weeding occasion John 2:1-11 and the famous miracle performed by Christ was not bringing Lazarus back to life or healing the son of the nobleman who was in the verge of dying but rather 7 loaf of bread and 2 fishes.

He uses to feed 4,000 to 5,000 congregants who came to listen to the good news. Beyond what has being recorded in the bible concerning service to mankind or humanitarianism, there are few Non-Government Organisations that are doing quite well.

An example is wise and solace foundation an NGO that solicit funds to use in feeding the poor during Christmas and providing some basic amenities. I as an individual with my wife can not be left behind when it comes to feeding the poor through my Foundation AFAS which stands for Advocacy and fight against streetism which was duly registered in 2013 through the register General Ghana.

In sum, let us all put hand's together to support this noble agenda of feeding the poor and needy during Christmas and beyond. Together with the little, we bring we reduce poverty and make our society a better place to live.

Columnist: micheal yiran
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