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Cogent advice to Mpasaaso Omanhene Nana Minta Dwansa III

Sat, 7 Jan 2017 Source: Adofo, Rockson

By Rockson Adofo

Since it does not belong to he who is leading to redirect

> their steps, I feel obliged after a day or two of thoughtful

> cogitation to come back to offer the paramount chief

> (Omanhene) of Mpasaaso, Nana Minta Dwansa III, some cogent

> advice. I shall be doing him no favours if I pointed out his

> disgusting behaviours presumably bordering on theft and

> exploitation of the so-called tenant cocoa farmers on his

> land without offering him advice, suggestions and solutions

> to redeem himself in the eyes of the public and the farmers

> by retracting his forceful request or to reframe his demand

> in a more acceptable and appealing manner.



> Before his predecessors or he himself leased or sold the

> farmlands to the cocoa farmers otherwise called the tenant

> farmers, did they enter into any written or oral contractual

> terms with them to extract money from them on a whim? How

> often and on what occasions could he or his predecessors

> call on the farmers to make forceful, but not voluntary,

> financial contributions to him to part-finance his expenses,

> some of which may be deemed ridiculously irresponsible?



> Compelling tenant farmers to part or pre-finance his funeral

> obligations is completely nonsensical in my view. However,

> he could appeal to the farmers for financial assistance to

> fund or finance some development projects in the area that

> could be of collective benefit to the inhabitants of

> Mpasaaso traditional area. Even such a request for financial

> assistance should not be an obligation with fixed sums of

> money demanded from the individual farmers but rather, be a

> voluntary request with each farmer contributing how much

> they feel they are capable of without putting themselves

> under any financial constraints or stress.



> Most cocoa farmers are not among the rich people in Ghana.

> Most of them do have bad crop yields in some years. How can

> these farmers who may normally pay yearly or periodic

> royalties to the chief, or to the Mpasaaso traditional

> Council from time to time be obliged to pay towards the

> unexpected expenses by the chief as one person commenting on

> my earlier publication on this chief seemed to justify? He

> even went further to warn me not to bring my Kumawu

> negativities to the Ahafo Ano North Constituency where

> Mpasaaso is.



> The same commentator said, “Asanteman are fed up with you,

> Ok?” Let it be known to him and Asanteman that until the

> chiefs behave themselves responsibly, cease to exploit their

> subjects and stop stealing from them; stop reaping from

> where they have not sown and stop to steal lands to sell as

> though the lands were their bona fide property they came

> from their mother’s womb with, they have not seen anything

> yet.


> Asanteman Council will continue to be castigated by me

> until I see positive changes in them. The chiefs must stop

> their excesses and corruption. They must respect the laws of

> the land both constitutionally and conventionally. They

> should not see themselves as living in the era of total

> monarchy as it is the belief and view of the Asante

> “Overlord” Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. They should not be

> selling lands to the Chinese to do surface mining (galamsey)

> to spoil our lands and water bodies or to be more precise,

> to damage or deform irreparably our ecosystem to the extent

> of even killing some of our Ghanaian compatriots with

> impunity. Why should I respect chiefs of such wicked and

> myopic mentality or calibre? Finally, Asanteman Council

> should STOP meddling corruptibly in the Kumawu chieftaincy

> dispute. Period! I am from Kumawu and I know the history of

> my land and place of birth. I know the roguish ploys

> Asantehene and the Asanteman Council are up to to

> short-changing the subjects of Kumawuman but I shall resist

> them vehemently whether they like it or not and they can do

> me fuck all.



> I shall advise Mpasaasohene not to demand fixed sums of

> money from the farmers to enable him attend funerals,

> especially that of Asantehemaa Nana Afia Kobi Serwaah Ampem

> II, from 13 January 2017 to 19 January 2017. He can appeal

> for funds where willing farmers or tenant farmers will have

> to voluntarily contribute. He should not be asking money to

> attend funerals but for carrying out essential

> developments.



> Does he give genuine receipts to farmers when he forces them

> to part-finance his expensive, self-imposed funeral

> obligations? I shall advise that he issues official

> receipts to those from whom he obtains those compulsory

> funeral funds, donations or whatever.



> Nowadays, some educated persons are going into farming or

> are sponsoring cocoa farmers. These persons who are

> conversant with both the constitutional and conventional

> laws pertaining to farming may challenge the chiefs when

> they perceive them not only to be playing on their

> intelligence but also, trying to exploit or dupe them for

> their personal convenience. Everything must be done

> within and according to the law with all acts of abuse of

> position and corrupt practices as are being exemplified by

> Mpasaaso Omanhene eschewed.



> Could it not be that the emissaries may demand more than the

> chief has requested them to take to pocket the difference

> for their personal use? How does the chief ensure that such

> malpractices do not occur?



> I have not been to stay at Oseikrom in the Mpasaaso

> traditional area since mid 1960s. The last time I remember

> going there for two days was when I took one Opanin Kwasi

> Nyadu from Kumawu to go to show him one of my father’s

> cocoa farms for him to become a caretaker of it in 1977 or

> 1978. I can’t tell if Nana Minta Dwansa III was already

> the chief of Mpasaaso which I hope he wasn’t. He could

> either be an old man or one of these younger chiefs who have

> become so materialistic and corrupt hence always seeking to

> exploit their subjects to feed their insatiable quest for

> overnight riches.


> I do remember some people like Opanin Kwame Tawiah, a then

> very old man with her beautiful daughters. Opanin Kwabena

> Asuo, Opanin Kwabena Quansah, Opanin Owusu Ansah, Opanin

> Kwadwo Fordjour, Maame Akosua Nnuro, Opanin Kwadwo Boahen

> etc. all of whom are dead. I knew them at Oseikrom in the

> mid 1960s.



> In my first or previous publication about Mpasaaso Omanhene

> Nana Minta Dwansa III, I promised to explain the proverb,

> “Se nnie nantwie dua annka nnantwie to no, saa nso na

> nantwie bodua nnka okomfo3 nsa mu” – literally

> translated as, “as the tail of a cow/bull never remained

> permanently at the bottom or rear of the cow, so shall the

> dried cow-tail (swish) never remain in the hands of the

> fetish priest”. Why this proverb, one may ask? It is

> simply that since the demise of my dad in 1981, the eldest

> son, Kwaku Osei, of his brother, former Warrant Officer

> Class 1 Kwasi Siaw who inherited him, has become

> the-all-powerful man (“gangaria”) over the cocoa farms

> and lands belonging to my late father at Oseikrom.



> It is alleged he has always been threatening to massacre any

> of my father’s relatives who would dare visit the farms or

> the lands. Since issuing such bold threats, none of them has

> ever visited Oseikrom and he does not account for anything

> to anyone. He has become the absolute owner of the farms and

> lands of my father. As my father’s wives, children and

> relatives could not possess the cocoa farms and lands but

> had to forfeit them on his death, so will this seeming macho

> man Kwaku Osei will be chased out of the land on the day of

> the death of his father by my father’s relatives. He

> should mark my words hence the adage as mentioned above. As

> we were chased out by his greedy and myopic father, so shall

> his fate be in future.



> Again, the other proverb I decided to explain was, “Owuo a

> mewu nnye me ya se, ebia na mmanya nipa pa bi amma wani

> mmadeE, na sika kakra a mede agya me mma no, na 3de aye ne

> ho yie, na watwa me mma no agya, na wama me mma no aye

> mm3bo” – The only thing that pains me is, I may not get

> a responsible person to inherit me on my death. And that the

> little money I shall leave behind for my children, he may

> use it for his selfish ends, leaving my children behind for

> them to become very miserable” Yes, this had, and has been

> the situation of my father’s children since his death in

> 1981. His brother who inherited him has been such a knob

> without adding anything to all the things my father

> bequeathed to him but he has rather ruined everything and

> maltreated his children.


> What goes around comes around and one day, his children will

> suffer the consequences of his dastardly actions. My father,

> Akwasi Acheampong, Yaw Sarpong, Kwasi Boateng, Yaw Opoku,

> Nana Yaa, Yaa Pokuaah, Nana Amma, Monica Gyamfuah, Kwabena

> Emmanuel, Kwadwo Duah, Afua Nkrumah, Kwasi Badu, Kwadwo Ben

> and our three mothers etc., may your souls rest in perfect

> peace.


> The narration of this story is reducing me to tears so I

> shall call it a day.

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson