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Commentary - The NDC Internal War Is On!!!

Wed, 6 Jun 2012 Source: The Informer

For a while, The Informer has chosen, for very good reason, to stay away from directing our guns at NDC members; because, we believe that it is not fair to the President to be going after his appointees, even though, we may have very good reason to do that.

We have, however, realised that while we are trying very hard to build cohesion and rally our forces against the NPP, some Latter-Day Saints (?), who have just found their way into the NDC, are very busy working to destroy those they came to meet under the umbrella.

Not that we have not been aware of their scheming since they started it; we just chose to ignore their political antics for the sake of party unity. We have, however realised that the more we try to look at the bigger picture, the more these young chaps focus on destroying persons they came to meet in the party; and The Informer is no longer going to tolerate this kind of unacceptable conduct.

For these latter-day saints, it is all about plotting the downfall of senior colleagues.

What is even more annoying is the fact that, some of these chaps spent their time dancing with the NPP, when things were very rough for the NDC.

Today, the NDC is in power, and they want to be more NDC than the foot-soldiers who fought and toiled for the victory? No way!

Instead of bidding their time and learning from their seniors, these young chaps want to run ahead of their time. They don’t know that the race is not for the swiftest, but for the sturdiest. The Informer is stating here and now, that, we are fed up with the anti NDC antics of these young chaps and will no longer be able to tolerate their gross misconduct. Never have we come across a bunch of young men who are so yellow with jealousy for their senior colleagues. Instead of being in a hurry to destroy the enemy outside; they are in a hurry to destroy their own. It is amazing how they think that they are the best things that have ever happened to the NDC. Just because they are being tolerated, they think they can get away with their antics.

Well, The Informer is informing them that they will no longer be allowed to get away with their antics.

The backbiting and backstabbing are just too much, and it must stop forthwith. Do they think if the senior citizens of the party had spent all their time plotting to destroy each other, the NDC would have been alive for them to be joining today and wanting to be more Catholic than the Pope?

All they do is to plot and plan evil.

But we want to assure them that their plans and machinations will fall in water. There is no way they will succeed.

Indeed, we are warning them to watch out because if they are not careful, they will fall on their own swords.

If for any reason they think that they are the masters of intrigue and scheming, they will wake up one day to realise that they know nothing about intrigue and scheming.

When their senior colleagues were burning the midnight-candle, where were they? When people were sacrificing where were they?

People who spent time hobnobbing, wining and dining with the NPP, now want to be more NDC than the scores of NDC foot-soldiers who toiled day and night to get the NPP out of power? How sad!

Since it is pretty obvious that these young chaps don’t know what is called “unity” and prefer to swim in the sea of “diversity”, they will get it. Maybe, after we finish eating up ourselves and end up in opposition, they will realise that it makes more sense to guard and protect each other, than to be quick to betray and sell colleagues to the enemies.

The Informer knows the young NDC so-called communicators who have been planting stories about their senior colleagues and bosses in opposition papers. The Informer knows persons who are in the business of calling radio and TV producers instructing them to go after people.

The Informer knows persons who have been sending text messages to producers and Show Hosts to destroy people.

The Informer knows persons who are now in cahoots with Ken Kuranchie to run down certain personalities.

We assure them; their childish evil plans will not see the light of day. We will expose them one by one and by the time we finish with them, we will see whether they will be able to open their mouths and talk. If they want us to eat ourselves up; we will!! The Informer is extremely sick and tired of this nauseating level of childish acts, and we cannot take it anymore.

Together with our sister papers, nobody should be surprised when we start hitting certain persons very hard.

If People who should be calling these boys to order are not; nobody should attempt to call The Informer to order when we start throwing wild punches. The Informer knows the people who have been destroying the president and other appointees to the NPP and coffee shop mafia, and we will expose them. The NPP may be made up of hoodlums; but at least, they know how to rally around each other and support each other.

Nobody is saying that when people do wrong, they must not be punished. Far from that! What is nauseating is when in the face of the obvious facts of no wrong done, people orchestrate wrong doing, and want to deliberately destroy others out of green jealousy and yellow envy. If these young men think we don’t know what they are up to, then they are joking. And as stated earlier on, we shall very soon start throwing our punches at them and we shall see whether they will enjoy it or not. The Informer has served notice, and let nobody say that we did not forewarn!

Columnist: The Informer