









Condolence to Family of Major Mahama by NYMB

Major Mahama Mother Mother of Major Mahama consoles widow

Sat, 10 Jun 2017 Source: James Dabaga

“To live in the hearts we leave behind, is not to die” - Thomas Campbell The Network of Young Mentees of Bagbin, NYMB-Ghana, wish to on this day officially add our voice of condolence to the many grieving voices of the people of Ghana over the untimely death of a gallant Soldier of the Ghana Armed Forces, Major Adams Maxwell Mahama, who was painfully lynched whilst on national assignment at Denkyire-Obuasi in the Central Region.

We deeply regret and unreservedly condemn these bizarre and wicked actions and inactions of the People of Denkyira-Obuasi, the sad circumstances leading to the sorrowful departure of the gallant Major who swore an oath of office to protect lives and property in Ghana. We find this dastardly act as a clear evidence of the growing lawlessness and impunity in the country. It is very regrettable that Major Maxwell Mahama has to pay with his dear life for the breakdown of law and order in our country.

To the family, especially the wife and the kids, the Ghana Armed Forces and all friends and sympathizers, we say our hearts are with you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are sure that the death of Major Mahamah will not be in vain. We call on the Government to swiftly bring the perpetuators of this dastardly act to face the full rigours of the law. We belief this will calm the restless spirit of Major Mahama, restore the lost morale of the military and serve as deterrent to the monster called “mob-justice”. In this case of glaring evidence we, just as many Ghanaians and justice loving people, will resist any attempt to set free the perpetrators of this crime with the usual legal jargon of Nolle Prosequi by the Attorney General.

We at NYMB-Ghana are worried about the poor handling of security issues so far by the Government and the worsening security situation in the Country. The citizenry, now including the military and the police, can no longer go about their everyday businesses without fears of unprovoked attacks. The ordinary Ghanaian is now desolate and feels completely unprotected by the law. Criminals are becoming more dissolute as they are increasingly emboldened by the visible impotence of Government in protecting its people. This should not be allowed to fester. We wish to urge all citizens of Ghana to uphold the laws of the country whiles being mindful of their own security. Insecurity anywhere is a threat to security everywhere.

Finally, we wish to use this opportunity to express our unequivocal disapproval of all lynched cases involving citizens of this country, including the old woman who was reportedly lynched in the Upper East Region over witch-craft allegations, on the same day that Major Maxwell Adams Mahama was lynched, the lynching of the man who was alleged to have stolen GHc1.50, and the several others. May their souls find rest in the bosom of the Lord! Long Live the Ghana Armed Forces!! #JusticeForMajorMaxwellMahamahNow!!!!!!!!! Long Live Ghana! ……Signed…… 1. Solace Farhan Bataabanyira (General Secretary) Tel: 0247468112

2. B. T. Sylvester (Public Relations Officer) Tel: 0207180414

3. Dabaga Anganmwine James (National Coordinator) Tel: 0241377973

Columnist: James Dabaga
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