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Coronavirus: Ekumfi Juice made from pineapple & ginger boost immune system

Ekumfi Juice Drink 696x830 Ekumfi juice

Sun, 28 Jun 2020 Source: Raphael Nyarkotey Obu

As a researcher and advocate of holistic living; I chanced on the Ekumfi juice on the Dodowa road, bought a carton of assorted. I was astonished after drinking the product. One can feel the real taste of natural juice blended with pineapple, ginger et al needed now in this COVID-19 pandemic to boost the immune system. Ekumfi juice is now part of my holistic dieting plan.

You see, while there are relatively few pineapple calories in a cup, one serving has a whopping 131 percent of your daily value of the antioxidant Vitamin C per research. Vitamin C is commonly used to support immune function and minimize coughs, colds and flu symptoms. Children and adults who consume this fruit regularly may experience protection against infections, both viral and bacterial.

This is why I suggest the Minister of education should incorporate Ekumfi juice as a package given to all students as part of COVID-19 prevention. In fact, all affected patients by COVID-19 should be given Ekumfi pineapple ginger juice as well to boost their immune system.

This is also the best time for the president, Nana Akufo-Addo to promote this wonderful natural immune boosting product from the 1D1F project. I have decided to conduct a review on the ingredients in the Ekumfi juice which contains pineapple and ginger. The health benefits of ginger are largely due to its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and content of therapeutic compounds like gingerol, shogaol, paradol and zingerone.

Ginger and ginger root?

Ginger, also known as Zingiber officinale, is a flowering plant that is closely related to turmeric and cardamom. The underground stem, or rhizome, of the ginger plant is commonly known as the ginger root and is well-known for its medicinal properties. The health benefits of ginger are well-documented and ginger has been used across the globe as a natural remedy for thousands of years due to its medicinal properties. In fact, ancient Chinese, Roman, Greek, Arabic and Sanskrit texts have all documented the use of ginger root to help improve health and well-being.

Ginger nutrition

100 grams (about 3.5 ounces) of raw ginger contains approximately:

80 calories 17.8 grams carbohydrates 1.8 grams protein 0.7 grams fat 2 grams dietary fiber 415 milligrams potassium (12 percent DV) 0.2 milligrams copper (11 percent DV) 0.2 milligrams manganese (11 percent DV) 43 milligrams magnesium (11 percent DV) 5 milligrams Vitamin C (8 percent DV) 0.2 milligrams Vitamin B6 (8 percent DV) 0.7 milligrams niacin (4 percent DV) 34 milligrams phosphorus (3 percent DV) 0.6 milligrams iron (3 percent DV) In addition to the nutrients listed above, ginger also contains a small amount of calcium, zinc, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and thiamin.

Scientific studies on the health benefits of ginger

Treat nausea

Ginger is perhaps most well-known for its ability to treat nausea and vomiting. For instance, Viljoen et al 2014 review looked at the results of 12 studies involved 1,278 pregnant women and found that ginger was effective at decreasing symptoms of nausea with minimal risk of side effects. Another double blind, multicenter trial, randomly assigned 744 cancer patients study by Ryan et al 2011 from the University of Rochester Medical Center showed that ginger helped reduce nausea severity in patients receiving chemotherapy.

Battles fungal infections

Ginger helps destroys disease-causing fungi due to its powerful anti-fungal properties. For instance, in one 2016 test-tube study by Aghazadeh et al out of Iran, ginger extract was found to be effective against two types of yeast that commonly cause fungal infections in the mouth. Another test-tube study by Ficker et al 2003 in Mycoses measured the antifungal effects of 29 plant species and found that ginger was the most effective at killing off fungus.

Protects against stomach ulcers

Several studies have found that ginger could help prevent the formation of stomach ulcers. Wang et al 2011 animal study answered this by showing that ginger powder protected against aspirin-induced stomach ulcers by decreasing levels of inflammatory proteins and blocking the activity of enzymes related to ulcer development.

Suppresses menstrual pains

A study published by Ozgoli et al 2009 showed that ginger reduces menstrual pain as effectively as medications like ibuprofen and mefanamic acid. Rahnama et al study in 2009 had similar findings, reporting that ginger reduces both the intensity and duration of pain.

Inhibit cancer growth

One of the most impressive benefits of ginger is its anti-cancer properties, thanks to the presence of a powerful compound called 6-gingerol. Three test-tube studies by Rhode et al 2007, Park et al 2006 and Karna et al 2012 show that ginger and its components may be effective in blocking cancer cell growth and development for ovarian, pancreatic and prostate cancer. However, more research is needed to determine how the properties of ginger inhibits cancer and how it may translate to humans.

Controls blood sugar

Research shows that ginger helps promote normal blood sugar to prevent diabetes serious side effects. In one 2015 study by Khandouzi et al 2015, ginger supplementation actually reduced fasting blood sugar by 12 percent and improved long-term blood sugar control by 10 percent.

Relieves joint and muscle pain

Black et al 2010 study showed that daily consumption of ginger resulted in moderate-to-large reductions in muscle pain caused by exercise-induced muscle injury. Another study by Altman and Marcussen, 2011 found that ginger extract helped decrease knee pain and the need for pain medication in individuals with osteoarthritis.

Lowers cholesterol levels

One of the biggest benefits of ginger is its ability to naturally lower cholesterol levels and triglycerides to reduce your risk of heart problems. This was contained in a study by Navaei et al 2008 conducted at Babol University of Medical Sciences actually found that ginger was able to significantly reduce bad LDL cholesterol and raise beneficial HDL cholesterol compared to a placebo. An animal study conducted by Noory et al 2013 also showed that ginger was nearly as effective in lowering cholesterol (improving cholesterol markers) as atorvastatin, a medication commonly prescribed for high blood cholesterol.

Improves brain function

Two animal studies by Zeng et al 2013 and Oboh et al 2012 have found that ginger extract could protect against brain aging and cognitive decline. It doesn’t stops there, a 2012 study also by Saenghong et al , found that ginger extract helped improve cognitive function and attention in middle-aged women.

Blocks bacterial infections

Adding to its antifungal properties, ginger boasts the ability to fight off bacterial infections as well. Pathogenic bacteria are common culprits behind conditions like urinary tract infections, pneumonia and bronchitis. Park et al 2011 test-tube study posits that, the compounds found in ginger could help inhibit the growth of certain strains of bacteria that cause gum disease. Another test-tube study by Karuppiah and Shyamkumar, 2012showed that ginger extract was effective against several strains of drug-resistant bacteria as well.

Suppress inflammation

Although inflammation can be a normal, healthy immune response to injury and infection, chronic inflammation is believed to be a major contributor to conditions like heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. One review by Mashhadi et al 2013 found that ginger extract may help inhibit the synthesis of certain markers of inflammation. Besides gingerol, it also contains other anti-inflammatory compounds like shogaol, paradol and zingerone (Marx et al 2013)

There is also a possibility that ginger benefits include preventing blood clots (thus reducing risk of heart attack) due to its natural acids that thin the blood. But studies so far are inconclusive.

Promotes proper digestion

According to a study by Hu et al 2011, ginger helps speed up the emptying of the stomach by 25 percent compared to a placebo in people with indigestion. Another study by Wu et al even found that taking ginger capsules with a meal actually doubled the speed of stomach emptying.

Ginger Juice: why drink Ekumfi juice

Another easy way to get in your daily dose of ginger is by juicing it such the one made from the Ekumfi juice. Recipes like this pineapple ginger juice from Ekumfi juice, for instance, are great for supplementing your diet with the vitamins and minerals that you need to function and thrive.

Pineapple science

Another ingredient in the Ekumfi juice is pineapple. It is used widely around the world as a natural remedy for everything from indigestion to allergies, this Vitamin C food is filled with phytonutrients that work as well as many medicines do. Benefits of pineapple include protecting against cardiovascular disease, improving fertility and reducing inflammation.

What is pineapple?

Pineapple (species name Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant with an edible fruit. It is considered the most economically significant plant in the Bromeliaceae plant family. Much of the healing power of this fruit comes from a protein-digesting enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme, specifically a protease enzyme, found in the pineapple stem and fruit. This homeopathic remedy has been used for many years and works to break down proteins in order to form peptides and amino acids in the body. Studies show it also acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling agent.

Additionally, pineapple is a source of phytochemicals, including bioflavonoids and tannins. The pineapple tree is native to Paraguay and got its name from the Spanish word piña, meaning pinecone. It actually is not just one fruit, but 100–200 little separate fruitlets fused together.

Nutrition facts

According to the USDA, one cup (about 165 grams) of raw pineapple nutrition contains approximately:

82.5 calories 21.6 grams carbohydrates 0.9 grams protein 0.2 grams fat 2.3 grams fiber 16 grams sugar 78.9 milligrams Vitamin C (131 percent DV) 1.5 milligrams manganese (76 percent DV) 0.1 milligrams thiamine (9 percent DV) 0.2 milligrams Vitamin B6 (9 percent DV) 0.2 milligrams copper (9 percent DV) 29.7 micrograms folate (7 percent DV) 19.8 milligrams magnesium (5 percent DV) 180 milligrams potassium (5 percent DV) 0.8 milligrams niacin (4 percent DV) 0.4 milligrams pantothenic acid (4 percent DV) 0.1 milligrams riboflavin (3 percent DV) 0.5 milligrams iron (3 percent DV) This fruit also contains some Vitamin A, Vitamin K, choline, betaine, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.

Top 9 benefits of pineapple based on science

Rich source of immune-boosting Vitamin C

While there are relatively few pineapple calories in a cup, one serving has a whopping 131 percent of your daily value of the antioxidant Vitamin C. Vitamin C is commonly used to support immune function and minimize coughs, colds and flu symptoms. Children and adults who consume this fruit regularly may experience protection against infections, both viral and bacterial.

This is why I suggest the Minister of education should incorporate Ekumfi juice as package to be given to all students as part of COVID-19 prevention. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in maintaining the health of the body’s connective tissue as well as acting as an antioxidant. As an antioxidant it has the ability to synthesize collagen. What is collagen? It is the main protein in the body responsible for maintaining healthy blood vessels and organs. Vitamin C can also help skin problems, like a sunburn or dried and irritated skin.

Because of the Vitamin C content in pineapple, this amazing fruit can help your body fight off free radical damage and reduce inflammation, which are known to contribute to the development of cancer.

High in fiber

Fruits that are high in fiber may help to lower your risk of colorectal cancer. Fiber can also lower your blood glucose levels. Type 2 diabetics are encouraged to consume whole fruits and veggies, according to the American Diabetes Association, for their fiber and essential nutrients. They may show signs of improved blood sugar, lipids and insulin levels when including these foods in their diet. Fiber is the reason there may be pineapple benefits for weight loss. Because of its high fiber content and volume, one of the benefits of pineapple is that it can help to make you feel full with little calories.

Improves fertility

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, studies show that eating foods that are rich in antioxidants can help prevent infertility. Because free radicals can damage the reproductive system, foods with high antioxidant activity like pineapples are recommended for people who are trying to conceive.

The antioxidants in this fruit, such as Vitamin C, beta-carotene and the other vitamins and minerals that are present, including copper, affect both male and female fertility. In terms of pineapple benefits for men, antioxidants have been shown to help increase blood flow and restore proper tissue formation in the genital organs — plus they can assist in boosting sperm count. Similarly, benefits of eating pineapple for a woman include reducing inflammation and supporting connective tissue healing. As CBS News describes, eating this fruit may boost sexual confidence by making bodily odors and fluids have a more pleasant smell.

Protects against cardiovascular disease

The benefits of pineapple extend to heart health because of its fiber, potassium, Vitamin C and antioxidant content. One study conducted by Daher et al 2005 on rats found that one of the benefits of pineapple juice is that it has cardioprotective abilities. The study concluded that pineapple juice can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and help establish digestion and absorption.

high potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density, and reduction in the formation of kidney stones. Fruits that are high in potassium can also help lower high blood pressure.

Pineapples also help improve heart health because of the effects of powerful bromelain, which can fight blood clotting and is nature’s answer to those taking an aspirin a day to lower the risk of heart attack. Bromelain has been shown to stop blood platelets from sticking together or building up along the walls of blood vessels — both known causes of heart attacks or strokes.

Prevents asthma

According to Al Senaidy, 2009, the beta-carotene that is found in plant foods like pineapples may help to lower the risk of respiratory inflammation and asthma. Toxins, poor nutrition, pollution, antibiotic abuse and stress play a large role in the development of asthma. All of these factors cause inflammation, but luckily one of the benefits of pineapple is that it can help reduce inflammation through its detoxifying capabilities.

Aids mental health

Another one of the benefits of pineapple is that its nutrients may help improve your mood and fight depression and anxiety. It is a good source of the amino acid tryptophan, which studies show is used by the body to produce enough serotonin, one of our main “happy hormones.”

Consuming enough of this amino acid, in addition to other nutrients like B vitamins, is important to support your neurological system, for energy and for the production of good mood hormones.

Helps fight cancer

According to recent studies by Pillai et al 2013, bromelain possesses some anticancerous activities and promotes apoptotic cell death. Bromelain has been found to have selective cytotoxity and may help to kill cancerous cells in a self-disassembly process called apoptosis, while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Reduces inflammation

The benefits of pineapple include the ability to help those suffering from arthritis and joint pain. This is due to bromelain, which has demonstrated anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties in a study conducted by Brien et al 2004.

It is also very useful for treating sporting injuries, including sprains, and can help counter pain. Bromelain works on inflammation by blocking metabolites that cause swelling. It also decreases swelling by activating a chemical in the blood that breaks down fibrin, thus leading to reduced swelling. Bromelain is often recommended to be taken before surgeries to speed healing time and decrease inflammation commonly associated with surgical procedures.

A study done at Duke University Medical Center by Hale et al 2010, that was conducted on 100 mice who suffered from colitis (inflammation of the colon) showed that long-term dietary supplementation with fresh or unpasteurized frozen pineapple juice with active bromelain enzymes is safe and effectively decreases inflammation severity.

Another study conducted by Braun et al 2005 on patients who suffer from sinusitis, which is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. This can be caused by an infection, an allergy or an autoimmune issue. The study showed that the bromelain found in pineapples caused a significantly faster recovery than standard therapy.

Aids in digestion

For digestion, eating pineapple serves as a powerful aid in breaking down proteins into peptides and amino acids. It can ease the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and acid reflux, and it helps the general digestive processes. While it doesn’t typically have laxative effects, it provides fiber, water and electrolytes (like most fruits and veggies do) that can aid in regularity.

According to Secor et al 2013, Bromelain also seems useful in helping prevent autoimmune responses due to common food allergies. Studies have found evidence that eating pineapple may help those who had celiac disease, an allergy to the protein gluten that is found in wheat, barley and rye products, due to the presence of the bromelain enzyme.

Final thoughts on why drink Ekumfi juice based on the ingredients

Studies show that ginger may be effective at decreasing morning sickness and easing menstrual pains. Other ginger benefits for men and women include fighting fungal and bacterial infections, treating stomach ulcers, improving brain function and reducing inflammation. There are plenty of ginger benefits and side effects are generally minimal. On pineapple nutrition: It is the best source of the enzyme called bromelain, which helps with digestion, has anti-inflammatory effects and provides many other benefits. Vitamin C is the most abundant vitamin in this fruit, while antioxidants like flavonoids and tannins are also in it and help provide the benefits of pineapple. Some of the positive effects of pineapple include supporting skin health, digestion, mental health, allergies, asthma and cardiovascular health, among other benefits of pineapple. According to studies, pineapple health benefits include providing fiber and potassium, helping normalize blood sugar and blood pressure, decreasing constipation, supporting fertility, fighting cancer, reducing inflammation of the bowels, and more.

So you see what you benefit from drinking the all-round Ekumfi juice?

I believe this is the best opportunity for the president to promote Ekumfi juice.

DISCLAIMER This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnosis and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.

Columnist: Raphael Nyarkotey Obu
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