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Coronavirus: Mr. Mahama reconcile your efforts with government

John Mahama   White.jfif Former president, John Dramani Mahama

Tue, 14 Apr 2020 Source: Selase Rich

Coronavirus we are told is a respiratory disease, but it has caused the shortage of T-rolls in many stores across the country as though it was diarrhea.

Just by the way! Certainly, the strange COVID-19 has triggered so many upshots, some predictable, others not. One of the expected outcomes is the reactions ensuing by some sections of the opposition parties in the country after the last address of President Nana Akuffo Addo.

The address sparked joy and brought some level of respite to Ghanaians as the president outlined some social interventions to cushion the vulnerable and Ghanaians at large against the impact of the “Kung Flu”.

Following the announcement by the president, the opposition parties specifically the NDC are of the view that the president acted on the advice of the ex-president.

In my considered opinion, such debates provoke mere laughter and points to evidence of power hunger to advance self-interest. The elders say no one knows it all. Besides ideas are not found in the head of one person.

Attempts to put trademark or patent on ideas been implemented are unnecessary.

There is no predominantly much philosophical difference when it comes to combating a virus or keeping Ghanaians healthy and safe at this time of our national journey.

In a time of crisis, people want their politicians to put aside their political differences to work together constructively. I couldn’t help but admire the kind gesture Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom has displayed by giving out ambulances to help in the fight against COVID-19.

Ex-president Mahama has shown similar gestures. A number of people are reaching out. At the end of the day we want to win the battle against this virus. It is just appropriate we reconcile the pieces of efforts and forge together as one.

The flex of ego and power to dent the individual efforts all in the name of politics is not healthy. Beyond politics, we have a society and a shared destiny.

Mistakes have been made, and there will be a day of reckoning. This is what has eluded our politicians in this country. Listening to Sammy Gyamfi comment on why government failed to credit the ex- president’s “ideas” for the interventions implemented yesterday made me sick. That guy needed guidance.

Nobody has answers to the COVID-19 puzzle. The present leadership face life and death decisions.

Many of the decisions do not have a ‘right’ answer – they have a choice of bad or worse. We all still have an opportunity to save lives. We still have choices we can make that help our first responders and health-care providers help ourselves. This is practically not the ideal time to divide Ghanaians. Party communicators must calibrate a message that seeks to unite us.

Per our present reality, every decision comes with its own pros and cons. COVID-19 will change Ghana and the world like nothing else before.

Columnist: Selase Rich