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Critical analysis of President Mahama's IEA debate

Sat, 20 Oct 2012 Source: Michael Frempong

  1.  The aerodrome (mini airports) in every regional capital without an airport, the rehabilitation and expansion of the existing airport and the upgrade of Tamale airport into an international airport and establishment of another airport in greater Accra region.

  2. The establishment of national carrier NPP collapsed.(Ghana of all countries don't have an airline)

  3. An establishment of regional hospitals in Koforidua, Bolgatanga, Wa etc, the Tarkwa, Mampong etc hospitals are examples of NDC Specific, measurable and Achievable promises.

  4. Building of teachers Bungalows and Nurses quarters to ease the burden of teachers and nurses. This will enable teachers and health workers affordable accommodation.

  5. Completely free education at the basic level and increase in Scholarship schemes to assist people like Angela (age 8), whose father, a taxi driver might not be able to pay for her fees at the basic level.

  6. Removal and standardization of all fees at the SHS level to make it affordable.

  7. The building of 200 community schools to ease parents of boarding fees and virtually pay nothing because tuition fees are already free.

  8. The establishment of an inspectorate body similar to UK's OFSTED to ensure the delivery of QUALITY education.

  9. The establishment of a State University in the Eastern region (Nana Addo's region) to reduce the burden on parents from exorbitant fees private universities charge. Students go to private universities because there are no vacancies in the state universities.

  10. Establishment of at least 10 training colleges to absorb the teacher shortages that may arise as a result of free basic education.

  11. The introduction of degree courses at polytechnic schools and more universities will provide enough graduates to fill the 200 new community schools being built. The extra schools, teachers’ salary and the removal of Schools under trees, shift system, free laptops, ICT equipment, free exercise books and uniforms will cost Ghana a fortune. We will remain static as a nation if we go extra mile to make SHS free free free and turn Ghana in a welfare state as if we are already developed. Only VISIONARIES WILL SEE THROUGH THIS NOT WISHFUL THINKERS SEEKING POWER AT ALL COST.

  12. Removing the remaining schools under trees, shift system and a systematic as well as pragmatic and thoughtful solution to improve our education system.

  13. Quality education through the use of ICT. The record of establishing ICT centers and distributing laptops to students and teachers is the foundation of take off in technology we Ghanaians are light years behind.

  14. Quality education: DO WE WANT QUALITY? OR FREE? which is not specific as to what will be free, kindergarten JHS and SHS? or only SHS? Which if implemented will drain the economy, affect our infrastructure and industrialization ambition and destroy standards. Kenya and Uganda saw falling standards and booming private schools because parents preferred making a reasonable contribution towards quality and high standards to free low standard.

  15. Job creation through industrialization. The industries to be built as outlined on page 23 of NDC manifesto coupled with the ones NDC has rehabilitated is the specific measurable and achievable promise to take Ghana into our well deserved destination. Akufo Addo's personal ambition cannot override national ambition and agenda.

  16. Young entrepreneurship program. Is a laudable idea, more young people should be encouraged to join in because 'If you develop one entrepreneur you have created jobs and added value to your GDP, if you graduate a person you have created one more mouth to feed and an additional cost to your GDP'
    These brilliant ideas are good reasons why Ghanaians should VOTE FOR A WELL PREPARED LEADER TO TAKE GHANA FORWARD NOT BACKWARD OR STANDSTILL.

The NPP is desperate and have exhibited a sense of desperation which has been picked up by Ghanaians; this is due to wild promises of already existing policies and the disappointment of NDP disqualification.
The NPP will make allegations like a mentally challenge persons similar to Sir John’s allegation on the drugs seized at Heathrow and the bribing of Afari Gyan. Is this man mentally OK? or thinks politics is concert party?

To conclude, the NDC manifesto unlike NPP manifesto is SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE and ACHIEVABLE.


Michael Frempong (Political Analyst-London)

  1.  The aerodrome (mini airports) in every regional capital without an airport, the rehabilitation and expansion of the existing airport and the upgrade of Tamale airport into an international airport and establishment of another airport in greater Accra region.

  2. The establishment of national carrier NPP collapsed.(Ghana of all countries don't have an airline)

  3. An establishment of regional hospitals in Koforidua, Bolgatanga, Wa etc, the Tarkwa, Mampong etc hospitals are examples of NDC Specific, measurable and Achievable promises.

  4. Building of teachers Bungalows and Nurses quarters to ease the burden of teachers and nurses. This will enable teachers and health workers affordable accommodation.

  5. Completely free education at the basic level and increase in Scholarship schemes to assist people like Angela (age 8), whose father, a taxi driver might not be able to pay for her fees at the basic level.

  6. Removal and standardization of all fees at the SHS level to make it affordable.

  7. The building of 200 community schools to ease parents of boarding fees and virtually pay nothing because tuition fees are already free.

  8. The establishment of an inspectorate body similar to UK's OFSTED to ensure the delivery of QUALITY education.

  9. The establishment of a State University in the Eastern region (Nana Addo's region) to reduce the burden on parents from exorbitant fees private universities charge. Students go to private universities because there are no vacancies in the state universities.

  10. Establishment of at least 10 training colleges to absorb the teacher shortages that may arise as a result of free basic education.

  11. The introduction of degree courses at polytechnic schools and more universities will provide enough graduates to fill the 200 new community schools being built. The extra schools, teachers’ salary and the removal of Schools under trees, shift system, free laptops, ICT equipment, free exercise books and uniforms will cost Ghana a fortune. We will remain static as a nation if we go extra mile to make SHS free free free and turn Ghana in a welfare state as if we are already developed. Only VISIONARIES WILL SEE THROUGH THIS NOT WISHFUL THINKERS SEEKING POWER AT ALL COST.

  12. Removing the remaining schools under trees, shift system and a systematic as well as pragmatic and thoughtful solution to improve our education system.

  13. Quality education through the use of ICT. The record of establishing ICT centers and distributing laptops to students and teachers is the foundation of take off in technology we Ghanaians are light years behind.

  14. Quality education: DO WE WANT QUALITY? OR FREE? which is not specific as to what will be free, kindergarten JHS and SHS? or only SHS? Which if implemented will drain the economy, affect our infrastructure and industrialization ambition and destroy standards. Kenya and Uganda saw falling standards and booming private schools because parents preferred making a reasonable contribution towards quality and high standards to free low standard.

  15. Job creation through industrialization. The industries to be built as outlined on page 23 of NDC manifesto coupled with the ones NDC has rehabilitated is the specific measurable and achievable promise to take Ghana into our well deserved destination. Akufo Addo's personal ambition cannot override national ambition and agenda.

  16. Young entrepreneurship program. Is a laudable idea, more young people should be encouraged to join in because 'If you develop one entrepreneur you have created jobs and added value to your GDP, if you graduate a person you have created one more mouth to feed and an additional cost to your GDP'
    These brilliant ideas are good reasons why Ghanaians should VOTE FOR A WELL PREPARED LEADER TO TAKE GHANA FORWARD NOT BACKWARD OR STANDSTILL.

The NPP is desperate and have exhibited a sense of desperation which has been picked up by Ghanaians; this is due to wild promises of already existing policies and the disappointment of NDP disqualification.
The NPP will make allegations like a mentally challenge persons similar to Sir John’s allegation on the drugs seized at Heathrow and the bribing of Afari Gyan. Is this man mentally OK? or thinks politics is concert party?

To conclude, the NDC manifesto unlike NPP manifesto is SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE and ACHIEVABLE.


Michael Frempong (Political Analyst-London)

Columnist: Michael Frempong