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Dagbon must stay together

Dagbonfile The Chiefs of Dagbon say they will resist any attempts to take away parts of their lands

Fri, 29 Dec 2017 Source: Ahamed Yussif

In 2008, when the Yendi SSNIT office was completed, a man described as a bicycle rider in a worn out smock rode to the building, looked at it said "this building is a very nice building, but when our impending chieftaincy issue sparks again, we will come and stone it down". Lol.

There was no way one could verify the authenticity of this narration, but hearing from those days in Yendi and from different people indicates there could be some truth in it. Perhaps, it is true. I call it backwardness and an impediment to economic development of Yendi.

Similarly, there was a popular song being sung those as to how Melcome Company and other organizations and business opportunities were being scared away by the 2002 incident exclusively. It was obviously an impediment to the economic fortunes of Yendi and Dagbon as a whole.

I am one of those who think Yendi should have been better than it is today.

But per contra to those who think they need a region to speed up economic development in Yendi and its surrounding towns, I think the people of Yendi need a change in their thinking and attitude instead. They need to resist the tendency of being people who "build only to destroy".

And that alone can help strengthen the economic progress of Yendi, if indeed that is what those opting for Eastern Corridor Region are seeking to achieve. DAGBON MUST STAY TOGETHER. Dividing bigger administrative territories into smaller administrative territories doesn't necessarily brings development.

It only increases the number of territories. If doing so brings development, Africa would have been a developed place by now.

In 1884-85, during the Berlin Conference, Africa was partitioned into nations for easy administration by the Europeans. Ever since that Conference, we have always been able to identify ourselves more with our tiny nations imposed on us than the Africans we all are. The effects of that is the xenophobic attacks on Africans in South Africa, the slaves market in Libya and others......

The point is, as soon as Eastern Corridor Region is created, differences are bound to set in and create complexities. Complexities will create confusion. Confusion on the other hand, if not managed carefully, brings disaster... And disasters are impediments to economic development like it is stated in paragraph two.

Moreover, the manner in which the Yendi youth championing the creation of this new region insult and attack people with contrary view on the subject indiscriminately makes it feel like there's an ULTERIOR MOTIVE being pursued.

So the president can go on and create as many regions as he wants. He can even turn the current ten regions into thirty for all we care. Or better still, turn all the MMDs into regions. But DAGBON MUST STAY TOGETHER in any case. God Bless Dagbon.

Columnist: Ahamed Yussif