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Did you take a bribe? Uh, as a president or a human being?

Sun, 15 May 2016 Source: Dabbousi, Fabi

By Fadi Dabbousi

Guilt was written all over his face, like the perceived outcome of a football match confirmed by a sudden jab from an unexpected champion. John Dramani Mahama, a so-called expert communicator, was caught pants down when an uncalculated question from a journalist was hurled at him.

Journalist: "Mr President have you been offered a bribe before?"

John Dramani Mahama: "As a President?"

Journalist: "As John Mahama!"

John Dramani Mahama: "As a human being?'

Journalist: "As a person."

Mr President, took a wrong turn, but had to be reeled back in.

Journalist: "Did you take it? Mr President, did you take it."

It was so obvious that President John Mahama was lying through his teeth. In fact, from his demeanour, it was quite obvious that he was highly uncomfortable. The convolution of putting oneself in such a position as to be interviewed by a seasoned journalist, knowing that one would soon be exposed, is not the smartest thing to do at all. How could John Mahama say that he has no hand in the award of contracts when the Amerideal, Smartys, Saada, Gyeada, Isofoton, 250 million dollar UBA payment, etc etc etc, were all manipulated by him? Was he not the same person who touted the sacking of a contractor and the re-awarding of the contract to someone else? Aah, what is this?

Was it not John Mahama who embarked on the one billion dollar resurfacing of Accra roads? This is plain ridiculous. By the way, his corruption is even in the lack of control of the relative contracts that were awarded to NDC stooges. The work that is being done is so bad that the former condition of some roads was better. The New Achimota stretches along the Zouzou restaurant and another in the vicinity are a nightmare. In fact, liquid bitumen and large 2" chippings were spread on the roads without levelling the surface first. The result is the most unprofessional road resurfacing ever that did not change anything at all. Worst of all they have already started eroding. This is rampant everywhere, even at the airport residential area along the Zimbabwe Embassy road and many other instances. Due to chop chop, there is no follow up? Guess who suffers? Not only the road users, but the reputation of Ghana, too!

John Mahama says he has no hand in the award of contracts. Well, is that an explanation why his brother, Ibrahim Mahama, is said to be controlling most of the contracts? Is it a subtle indication that contractors were to send their bribes to his brother as a medium of evil?

An expert communicator, he found himself at the receiving end of the most unexpected jab from a journalist whose posture was a direct indictment on our President, John Dramani Mahama. He forgot that he, personally, ordered the engagement of "West Blac" on a "single source" basis without recourse to the formal process of contract awarding. This was contained in a letter by the Chief of Staff, Julius Debrah, to the Minsiter of Finance in a letter dated May 12, 2015, and with reference number SCR/1A.14/124.

President Mahama, personally, awarded the said contract to West Blac to undertake the following:

a) Software implementation and support activities to the GRA and related agencies for takeover of the functions of the DIC's on 1st September, 2015.

b) Conduct needs/Gap analysis for the implementation of the National Single Window; and

c) Implement the National Single Window Blueprint following the Needs/Gap analysis.

So Mr President, Ghanaians are vindicated when they say that you tell lies, and so are they vindicated when they claim that you are CORRUPT!!!

#GhanaiansAriseForChange #VoteJohnMahamaIntoRetirement #SackJohnMahama

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fabi