









Disregard NDC lies, think about your future and vote for NPP

Npp Ndc Tema File photo.

Wed, 2 Nov 2016 Source: Newton-Offei, Justice Abeeku

The 7th December,2016 electioneering campaign is on, and over the weekend, the NPP campaign train made stops on Ablekuma Central, specifically on Saturday,29th October, 2016. The train first paid a courtesy call on chief imam at his Darkuman residence, where Nana Addo receive blessings from the eminent cleric.

The train then moved to Darkuman-Kokompe area where, a couple of days earlier, John Mahama visited and was openly welcomed with shouts of “WE WANT CHANGE” by disappointed Ghanaians. But during Nana Addo’s visit to this enclave of spare parts dealers, a trip of about 1.5km from the Lapaz end of Darkuman road to the main Odorkor-Kaneshie end, took the entourage close to 3hours.

Throughout the stretch, Nana Addo was on his feet acknowledging cheers form the massive crowds that lined both sides of the road, with some of them desperate to breach the security cordon around Nana Addo’s convoy, just to touch him. Others openly shed tears of joy for catching glimpse of him. Taxi/trotro’ drivers jumped out of their cars, jumped into the front of Nana Addo’s vehicle, openly expressed how difficult times have become and proclaimed how determined they are to massively vote for NPP.

The train then proceeded to Kaneshie market through the main Odorkor-Kaneshie highway, and that was the first time that broad arterial road was brought to a standstill. From Darkuamn junction to the main Kaneshie market, a distance of not more than 2km, which normally takes not more than 5minutes to cover, actually took the entourage close to 2hours, with drivers and passengers actually getting out of their cars to cheer Nana Addo.

The train then moved to town council line through Kaneshie-first-light and Zongo junction; all along this stretch too, there was massive presence of cheering crowds who visibly are yearning for change, after 8years of socioeconomic deprivation under the incompetent John Mahama-led NDC administration.

On Sunday,30th October,2016, the train visited the chiefs and people of Kpone-Katamanso, where Nana Addo was warmly received, after which a mini rally was held.

The train then moved to the Akojo Park at Tema community 1; and that was where a crowd of unimaginable monstrosity was recorded.at this rally, Nana Addo was passionate in his speech, forthright with his vision and frontal with lies being peddled about him.

Nana Addo lamented about how Ghanaians have been “rendered poor by incompetent leadership, eventhough Ghana is blessed with enormous wealth of both natural and human resources”. He provided a great deal of insight into his vision for Ghana, where “premium will be placed on providing enabling environment for Ghanaians to thrive in their various fields of talents and capabilities”.

Senseless lies

On the issue of lies being perpetrated against him by his detractors, Nana Addo told a story of what happened on his recent visit to the western region; he had finished addressing a rally and had gone to sit in his car, when a gentleman approached his car and took a closer look at him. The gentlemen went away, but returned a second time, took a critical look at Nana Addo, and this time, asked “are you Nana Akufo-Addo”, and nana responded in the affirmative. The gentleman then said; “oooh, Ghanafo paaaa, you are a very fit and handsome-looking man and people come to tell us you are a cripple?”

Nana Addo asked the people to “disregard lies being peddled about him” by his “detractors”, and rather “be concerned about how the NDC government has destroyed Ghana’s economy through incompetence and looting of state coffers, vote them out on 7th December,2016, and vote massively for the NPP because the NPP government under my presidency will ensure the judicious use of our resources, and corruption will be vigorously fought”.

The 8-year convention

Now, since the inception of our Fourth Republican dispensation, no political party had governed for consecutive three terms in office. This then cements this convention of Ghanaians settling on changing a government, after every 8years.as a matter of fact, the 8years of NPP, which saw Ghana being awashed with numerous social intervention policies that directly impacted, positively, on the lives of greater mass of our people, should have, unquestionably, be given a third term of office to continue the excellent works.

The 8years of NPP, which actually inherited the shameful legacy of HIPC from the defeated NDC in the year 2000, was able to turn things around through competence and prudence use of our resources, and elevated our shattered and hopeless economic outlook at the time, to that of a lower middle income.

After over a century of oil exploration, Ghana never saw a teaspoon of the commodity. Under the 19 uninterrupted years Ghana was under the mismagament of P[NDC], colossal amounts of resources were pumped into looking for this commodity, but instead of those at the helm of affairs being focused in their duties, they rather diverted into investing our nation’s resources meant for looking for this precious commodity, into ventures like salt weaning.

But what was seen as a joke when Kufuor, as the presidential candidate of NPP in the year 2000 promised that Ghana will strike oil in commercial quantities under NPP administration, rather turned out to be the gospel. I was not in the country at the time, but I can confidently deduce that elements of then NDC government, as usual, claimed it was “not doable”.

In much the same vein, genuine achievable policy alternatives being proffered by Nana Addo, on his campaign tours, are being described as unrealistic by these NDC Pharisees; and I call them Pharisees because they always see things from afar. Realism, pragmatism and forthrightness are nonexistent commodities in the circles of NDC. The is populated by elements who lack vision and drive to make Ghana prosperous. Their preoccupation has always centered on their personal welfare, with the well-being of the greater mass completely relegated to the background.

The point therefore is; a government that will earn the approval of Ghanaians for a third term in office, consecutively, would have to be one that has been visibly spectacular in delivery to significantly uplift them from poverty and want, into the state of demonstrable seriocomic pedestal. And with evidence on the ground, the John Mahama-led NDC government comes nowhere near the mark, and therefore destined for the dustbin of political wilderness, come 7th December,2016.

30 years of P[NDC] disaster

Sometimes I do get a bit disappointed when Ghanaians express surprise at such reckless pronouncements by NDC elements, and are taken aback by their pipe-dream tendencies. The point is, out of our 59years of independent statehood, the NDC and its antecedents have had nearly 30years to govern.

So if these people have anything useful to contribute to the seriocomic advancements for Ghana, this would have been visibly demonstrable. The 19 years these people governed Ghana, actually ended in a HIPC debacle.

Similarly, the 8years of their second coming has equally witnessed unimaginable levels of crushing poverty in our dear nation. Corruption in political officialdom is given presidential seal, while incompetence and mediocrity have been elevated to greater heights.

Contract figures are padded to unimaginable levels, with obscene opulence and objectionable arrogance of power actually taking the center stage.

Under the current NDC administration, those who fall foul of the law though palpable stealing of taxpayers’ monies, are rather rewarded with cozy appointments at the presidency.

Fearing their shadows

Now, these acts of naked looting and crass incompetence is what Nana Addo is bent on putting a stop to, under his presidency. Indeed, these NDC people are very much aware of the fact that Nana Addo is not corrupt and therefore his determination to fighting such retrogressive social canker, is for real.

This therefore is what is sending shivers of fear down the spines of these NDC elements, due to their monumental socioeconomic crimes, which most of them have openly confessed to, and have attempted to seek refuge under senseless ethnocentric bigotry by asking their tribesmen to vote for NDC, else, they will be thrown into jail under NPP administration. The question is; can any government throw innocent citizen into jail?

I was part of Nana Addo’s team on these tours, and from what I witnessed, it is pretty obvious the nation is deeply immersed in a tsunami of “CHANGE”. Indeed, Ghana is at the cross-roads, as we go into election-2016, and as good people of Ghana, desirous of having better lives and pursue happiness in the atmosphere of freedom, which is of-course an inalienable right, we must rise and take our destinies into our own hands.

This is a noble call to national redemption, with an expressed purpose of pulling our dear nation from the brink of socioeconomic apocalypse. We must make a decision to depart from our current state of unacceptable depravity, vote for the visionary and incorruptible leader, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, who has the vision, drive and patriotism to serve Ghana for the benefit of all, and certainly not an infinitesimal cabal of family/friends, as happening under the current NDC government.

Justice Abeeku Newton-Offei

E-mail: [email protected]

Columnist: Newton-Offei, Justice Abeeku
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