









Don't sell your votes

Mon, 5 Dec 2016 Source: Quaye, Stephen A.

From: Stephen A. Quaye.

After the 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections, it emerged that many voters were given monies and other items which changed their decision to vote according to their conscience.

It has emerged again that some campaign activists of the National Democratic Congress NDC are applying the tricks on eligible voters by doling out huge sums of money to voters to change their mind from voting for change of government.

Other NDC party faithfuls are giving out potters head pans where there are no jobs to do, out board motors to frustrate fishermen who's catch gets rotten because of erratic power supply and sewing machines where there are no clothes to sew.

The reason why eligible voters who will hit the polls come December 7,2016 to decide on who should lead the country from January 2017 have been cautioned sternly not to sell their votes against their conscience.

A patriotic citizen of Ghana currently residing in Toronto-Canada who gave his only name as Yaw issue the caution in an exclusive interview with this freelance journalist over the weekend.

Yaw was repeating a caution he issued at a Town Hall meeting during the visit by the MP for Asin Central Mr. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong recently.

He testified some NDC activists bent on wining the elections make some women and men to take ritual oaths of secrecy at JUJU witchcraft shrines.

To dominate these women and men and ensure their obedience to vote against their conscience, the activists exploit deep seated-fear of punishment from the spirit world.

But Yaw has advised electorates not to panic before the NDC activists but reject their bribe money, freebies to vote for the NDC.

He advised," instead of taking the ritual oath to vote for them, you should reject it by cursing them that if they stole government money to buy their votes God should kill them".

It has been discovered that well-financed interests are spending millions trying to scare voters into voting to project their privileges.

But the NPP job creation plan puts electorates interest first as they can plan through one district one factory policy adopted by the NPP.

To turn around the Ghanaian job crisis the electorate need to change the government like Canadians, in last year October did, or Americans in November 8, or what Gambians have just done by voting for NPP Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo who offers clear decisive change to put the job creation first, Yaw stated.

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.