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Dr. Mahama, - Hypocrisy is a "Sin"

Sun, 2 Nov 2003 Source: Aidoo, Prince Junior

By GSDM-Ghana Social Democrat Movement- Germany

We find as usual neo-colonial political agents who are working for their masters. They are sometimes court in cross fire with their political opponents. It is said: “For their fruits ye shall know them”. As we all heard, one of the same empty barrels, Dr. Edward N. Mahama, Leader of the People's National Convention speaking in Accra on the 29th Oct on Wednesday, said the slogans such as 'Golden Age of Business' and 'Zero Tolerance For Corruption' by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government were as hollow and noisy as empty barrels. A word from a hypocrite to a wise is enough.

So empty shall his pronouncements likewise any other opposition party be in our history. They are as well empty than the barrels they are talking about. Was Dr. Mahama not one of those so-called Nkrumahist activist who crossed carpet to form their own parties in Ghana pretending they are Nkrumahist?. We the Ghana Social Democratic Movement, have realised after several years in the Diaspora that: “In a neo-colonialist State like Ghana, the leaders of the political parties allow themselves to be used and manipulated by foreign states and world financial institutions.

The whole regime of a neo-colonialist state is therefore subject to remote control. In other words our political parties and leaders of the neo-colonialist Ghana are tele-guided from afar. These foreign interests and powers, seek to maintain the exploitation and oppression of the people through their political agents even after we had our independence”.

We of GSDM are not unmindful that corruption, bribery, nepotism, shameless and riotous and ostentatious living become rife among the leaders of the neo-colonialist agents. One may ask whether Dr. Mahama will be free from this?. What can Dr. Mahama do to eliminate “Corruption from his blood, and the blood of Ghanaians?. Yes, let Dr. Mahama or any political party in Ghana today, tell Ghanaians how this chronic disease within our soul that brings untold suffering on the workers and people as a whole can be eliminated?.

We members of GSDM see plainly and clearly before our eyes a conspiracy of our leaders and the neo-colonial masters to defraud Ghanaians and to drain the fruits of their labours into the pockets of the neo-colonialists and their agents in the regime. This we are prepared to challenge any political party in Ghana who can prove the opposite. We can assure you that, the masses will become lethargic and see no reason to make any sacrifices for their country anymore under such disgruntle and wicked politicians who have no love for their people, but to cheat and mislead them with their “Hypocritical Sweet Talks”.

Dr. Mahama who was said to have spoken to students at the Special Hall Week Edition of "Legon Speaks" organized by the Akuafo Hall of the University of Ghana made his own “Hypocrisy” very clear to the forum which is said to have become an annual event organized by the Hall to discuss pressing national issues affecting the country. Dr Mahama said given the low incomes earned by Ministers and other holders of political office, "the current process of our election-oriented democracy obviously breeds and deepens corruption". He said it was highly disturbing for the government to say that anybody, who accused another of corruption, ought to bring forth evidence for action to be taken.

He said hardly enough, if any, credible example have been set of corrupt persons for the public to feel that the dog called "Accountability" could bark and also bite. Why can?t Dr. Mahama prove the opposite?.

One may perhaps ask Dr. Mahama since he and his colleagues enjoyed free education under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah, has he ever thought of extending this same education to his followers or to the people of a Ghana respectively, before pursuing a political campaign on corruption.?. Haven’t the people of Ghana already been corrupted by denying them their basic free education?. Let Dr. Mahama and for that matter any meaningful politician who enjoyed “Free Education in Ghana” to tell us if they have not corrupted the young generation of their basic rights?.

Fellow country men, I am not unmindful about what President Kufuor and his helpless ministers are doing to our motherland. I told him that “Not what he say, but what he does makes him a good leader”. We condemn every evil deeds that affects our people and we shall not support any of his negative attitudes if made known publicly. We of GSDM, the voice of the young generation, have vowed that there will be no stone unturned in this country when the time comes. We shall hold any past or present leader, or any political party who contributed to the woes of this country responsible.

We heard Dr. Mahama saying that corruption in the society was not a gimmick but a reality and it was not fair for people to say that the NPP government was not corrupt, adding that corruption was endemic in the system and people were struggling to survive with it. He therefore called on the youth, students and individuals to hold government accountable and responsible for access to information to fight corruption in the country. Someone may ask Dr. Mahama how this can be done.

This is what we call “Hypocrisy”. Dr. Mahama has nothing to offer but to criticise. Hypocrisy, nepotism is a crime towards mankind and this is what we of GSDM will lay emphasis on soon.

We the GSDM are telling the youth of this country to fight for their rights and freedom that has been taken from them. We are telling the youth of this country that the new African is born to mobilise the youth of this country to get ready for the battle ahead. How can the youth fight corruption if their own leaders are corrupt and greedy themselves?. How can our country develop under leaders with no compassion for their fellow citizens. How can our country develop under leaders without any visions and missions?. How can our country develop under leaders without creativity?.

Fellow countrymen, ask Dr. Mahama and any opposition leader in Ghana whether any of them have any concept to deliver Ghanaians from political bondage?. Let someone out there tell Dr. Mahama that, that “Tree of Corruption” was planted in the middle of Gold Coast the first day our ancestors stepped their foot on this soil. The tree has been nursed since then by agents of the Imperialist. It is surrounded by Cherubims and Serubims who are our (Military) to protect it from being uprooted by future wise citizens. Today this tree is being guarded by our military with the help of the same neo-colonial agents who helped in its planting. How can Dr. Mahama or any political party uproot this corrupt tree?. Are they all not “Liars”?.

How can Dr. Mahama call for a concerted effort from all well meaning Ghanaians to continue with the fight against corruption from all sections of the society when the people are still in political bondage?. How can they talk if they have to be afraid of political intimidation?. Let us remember always that, in the final analysis the masses are the final arbiter. They will always choose freedom and justice, as against oppression, corruption and against hypocrisy. They will always find a way to give expression to their will as against neo-colonialism and against the betrayal of the people by the empty political parties. God bless Ghana. Forward ever.

Prince Aidoo (Evangelist)
Ghana Social Democratic Movement. Germany.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Aidoo, Prince Junior