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Dr Nkrumah: Was He A Dictator Or A True Democrat?

Sun, 13 Feb 2011 Source: The Emperor

Indeed, democracy would’ve been perfect if it was synonymous to freedom! But then, what’s freedom if not an illusion? We are all being dictated to on a daily basis! Nobody is free! Having said this, there are some who believe that democracy is better than dictatorship. Perhaps, it is! But the question is; what makes democracy seems better or worse than dictatorship? The notion that the absence of multipartyism means the presence of dictatorship is utterly false! Also, the presence of multipartyism doesn't, in any form or fashion, indicates the presence of democracy. Yes, there are instances, whereby democracy could be used to practice dictatorship. There are also instances, whereby dictatorship could be used to practice true democracy. It all depends!

The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, said that democracy has to be absolute before it could prove itself true. Meaning, democracy in which the freedom to be or not to be isn't respected equals to hypocrisy. The late Dr Nkrumah was dubbed a dictator by the oligarchs, when his preference went to single-partyism. Evidently, the oligarchs felt threatened! They knew fully well what single-partyism would have meant for a multi-tribal country like Ghana. This ideology, without a doubt, would’ve prevented the nation's politics from being contaminated or hijacked by tribalism. Most importantly, power would’ve been people-centered. The expression of true democracy in word and deed! Single-partyism, moreover, would have centered the nation's wealth in the hands of the majority as opposed to a few. The oligarchs didn't care! There were only interested in filling their pockets to the detriment of the masses. They believed in divide, conquer and rule! Capitalism!

Therefore, Dr Nkrumah, the pragmatic socialist--became their enemy. As y’all know, several assassination attempts were made on Nkrumah’s life. It also worth mentioning how the oligarchs conspired with the West to kill Ghana's major source of income. On the world market, the price of cocoa was deliberately set on a free fall. Of course, this action was set in motion to bankrupt Ghana’s economy and sabotage Nkrumah’s development plans altogether. The oligarchs needed an excuse to stage a coup d'état! Regrettably, their plan worked out flawlessly. Dr Nkrumah was overthrown! After the coup d’état, the oligarchs revealed their true nature. They began selling Ghana off in pieces to the West. They have been doing so continuously, even up till now! To make matters worse, the factories, which were built by Nkrumah's government to generate massive employment and wealth for Ghanaians, were deliberately left to rot and decay. Thus, causing an astronomical financial loss to the country.

Today, some misinformed Ghanaians continue to blame Nkrumah for Ghana’s woes, when they should be blaming the oligarchs.Yes, the oligarchs whose actions arrested Ghana’s progress and development. Thus, setting our country back a hundred years. Imperialistic America cannot be left un-blamed. She too had a hand in the destruction of Ghana! In fact, Barack Obama should’ve got down on his knees and apologize to Ghanaians, when he came to visit. By the way, have y’all noticed how America likes dictating to the world? Yes, America is a dictator who cannot stand dictatorship. Does it make sense anyone? I thought that America believed in democracy, not dictatorship! So, what happened? Interesting question, isn’t it? That said, if you look at the so-called democratic countries around the world, you would notice that none of them practice democracy. If anything, each one of them practice an oligarchy. Power rests with a small elite segment of their societies. The people may have voting rights! However, a small elite, with power--do make the laws to the people's approval or disapproval.

In other words, the minority make the laws. The majority, on the other hand, have no choice but to obey. It's like having the right to choose without a choice! A form of fascism! Now, having the right to choose without a choice means that you’re being dictated to. But, by whom? Those who make the laws to your approval or disapproval, of course!. And, who are they? The small elite with power. The oligarchs! Yes, the oligarchs who accused Dr Nkrumah of being a dictator. They dictate to the ignorant masses in the name of democracy. You may think that you’re free! In reality, you are not! You are under dictatorship! Oligarchic dictatorship! Dear reader, I don't have a problem with the truth. My only problem with the truth is when the truth isn't told! Single-partyism, which would’ve looked after the collective interests of the people of Ghana cannot be called a dictatorship, or can it? So, was Dr kwame Nkrumah a dictator? No, I don’t think so! To me, he was a true democrat, but you be the judge. Enough said!

Welcome 2 the Age of Consciousness!


The Emperor

Columnist: The Emperor