









“Dumsor, Dumsor” Is The NPP’s Last Bite.

Wed, 4 Feb 2015 Source: Friends of John Dramani Mahama

It is said that when you are being drown by a river, you try as much as possible to hold onto anything that can save your life. But when the going gets tougher and you are at the final stages of being drown, you hold onto anything that comes your way. Even little sticks and leaves are considered savior when you get to the desperation point.

That is exactly what is happening to the New Patriotic Party. They are at their last stages of being drown by defeat in 2016 and as such they are holding onto anything that is coming their way. In their desperation and frustration, they are considering little sticks and leaves as their savoir in the drowning process. Take for instance, the way the NPP talked about Mr. Asiedu Nketiah’s jacket in Germany and the Nayele’s cocaine saga. Also consider the way the NPP are making so much noise about dumsor dumsor without offering any alternative solution. These are all signs of a confused party.

The NPP is holding onto the last straw of dumsor dumsor to see if they can survive the 2016 elections with it. They talk of the dumsor dumsor as if they care so much about Ghana. They make it look as if the NDC administration under President John Mahama don’t see or know what Ghana is currently going through in the energy sector. But when you ask any of the NPP executives or communicators what they did to permanently solve the energy issues in Ghana, all you hear is that “when we were leaving office in January 2009, there was no “dumsor dumsor” Don’t you see that it is only an illiterate who would give an answer to such question? I call them visionless people in a visionless party with visionless leaders.

The truth about the NPP’s inability to talk about the solution to the energy challenges in Ghana is that, they don’t have any solutions. During the 8-year period that the NPP was in power, they added only 80mw of power to our energy supply. They are making so much noise about dumsor dumsor, meanwhile, President John Mahama has added more power (about 2,000mw) to our energy supply in his 2-years in office than President John Kuffour’s 8-years in office. The 80mw of power that the NPP added was in 2007. That was the second term of President Kuffour. So you see that for 6 years into the Kuffour’s administration, absolutely nothing was done to sustain our energy supply in the country. The NPP are cleverly hiding this truth from the Ghanaian people but some of us will expose them. President John Mahama has done more than enough in his 2-years in office, yet these people are not satisfied. What kind of people are these? You watch, when Ghana begins to have sustained power supply, they would ask why it is so. They will complain that the power supply is not allowing them to campaign.

Those who listened to AsempaFm on February 2, 2015 will testify that what you are about to read is true. The Communications Director of the NPP, Nana Akomea was asked by KABA on five different times what the NPP could have done differently to fix the energy challenges but Nana Akomea could not answer the question. Five different text messages were read on the issue and KABA offered Nana Akomea another opportunity to redeem himself and answer the question, he still could not do it.

When the first opportunity was given to Nana Akomea to tell Ghanaians, the NPP’s position to the problem, he only said that he will not say what the NPP could have done differently for Ghanaians to think that it is only the NPP that has all the solutions to Ghana problems. Another opportunity came and Nana Akomea asked KABA where all the engineers and technicians from our universities are. Not satisfied with the answers, KABA pushed further for Nana Akomea to answer the question but (I am not lying) all that Nana Akomea could do was to read a report from President John Mahama and answered that the report speaks for itself and that the NDC are saying they are capable of solving the problem, so why should he give an alternative solution. This answer by Nana Akomea, the NPP’s Director of Communications, prompted me to write this article.

Ladies and gentlemen, the noise making NPP has exhausted all their options to unseat President John Dramani Mahama in 2016 and so they are holding onto the last bite. The NPP think that by making all the noise with the energy sector, that will translate into votes for them. They have been reduced to the politics of stupidity. Politics of stupidity means you just be stupid and talk about all the bad things of the ruling government but don’t offer any solutions/alternatives and hope that all will be fine during election night.

This politics of stupidity was tried by the Democrats in America in their 2004 Presidential elections and 2014 Senate elections and it did not work. The NPP tried it in 2012 and it did not work and yet they are holding onto it. Do you remember Wayome, Wayome, SUBA, ISOFOTON, GYEEDA, STX, One term premium, weakening of the cedi against the major currencies, Cape Coast Sports Stadium, Gas shortage, Water shortage, Petrol shortage, 200 SHS buildings, Ghanaians are suffering, poor economy, Ghana is hard, and a lot of these sayings in the 2012 elections? Did the NPP come up with anything better than the Free Senior High School education? Did they offer any solutions to anything at all? All they did and know how to do best was to make noise and they are still making noise.

Fellow Ghanaians, the battle lines are drawn for the 2016 elections. The NPP has elected Nana Akufo-Addo as their flag bearer. NDC will elect President John Dramani as its flag bearer and PPP will also elect Paa Kwasi Nduom as its flag bearer. Now when you talk to the NPP folks, what they say is that if President Atta-Mills/John Mahama had continued with what President Kuffour did, Ghana would not be in such a mess. When you talk to the NDC folks, what they say is that if President Kuffour had continued with what President Rawlings did, Ghana will not be in such a mess. In short, Ghana has been marking time in this fourth republic because NPP government comes and start from the beginning. An NDC government also comes and start from the beginning. In the unlikely event and Nana Akufo-Addo is elected President in 2016, he will not continue from where President Mahama left off. He will also come and start from the beginning. That will hurt Ghana because Ghana will be marking time again. Why do we want to do that? Why can we not let Ghana move forward this time? Ghana can only move forward with President John Mahama as our leader. He already has the energy and the commitment to finish the work. He told workers in Tema on February 03, that he is confident about the future and that his administration will resolve the dumsor dumsor in the shortest possible time. Voting for Nana Akufo-Addo, who has no Vice Presidential and Presidential experience is just a complete waste of your time.

Meanwhile, Friends of John Dramani Mahama (USA Chapter) is still accepting applications for membership. Registration of free for now. If you have not registered, please call the number below or send an email and someone will welcome you warmly. Membership is open to every Ghanaian.

Lawrence Appiah-Osei (Protocol)


Friends of John Dramani Mahama (USA Chapter)

[email protected]


Columnist: Friends of John Dramani Mahama