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Editorial-Attonery general must step down

Fri, 8 Nov 2013 Source: The New Free Press

Editorial-Attonery general must step down in the national interest

The New Free Press is calling on the Attorney General Marietta Brew Oppong to step down due to conflict of interest, rampant corruption and lack of ambition to recover monies owed to the state. We also call for the Bureau of National Investigations to investigate the modus operandi of the Attorney General’s office and arrest the former attorney General Betty Mould Iddrissu who has duped Ghana of over 300 million dollars in fraudulent deals involving sitting judges, principal secretaries at the Ministry of Justice and officials at the Minister of finance. Mrs Betty Mould Iddrissu has received some false assurances from some powers that be within government she has escaped the hangman’s noose but we beg to differ. The best place for this evil woman is at the medium security prison at Kete Krachi. We have the complete dossier after months of investigation and we will delve into this at the appropriate time.

We must not allow any criminal whether in government and opposition to go scot free. We will hold President Mahama responsible for anybody that escapes with monies from the public purse. President Mahama must listen and stop doing the bidding of latter day saints and tribal bigots like Dr Clement Apaak and Emmanue Bombande!

We are surprised and greatly shocked that three months after judgement for Waterville and others to pay monies back to the state, no effort has been made by the current attorney general to retrieve these monies. Is it because she was involved as an advisor ,a beneficiary and an attorney to one of the parties to the case?

We say without any apology that Mrs Marietta Oppong in May received a 350,000 dollar 3 bedroom Mansion at Trasacco Valley in East Legon in order to quietly quash the case. We are also aware that she has had meetings with Alfred Woyome and is advising him on his case, pocketing 10,000 Ghana cedis amonth. We challenge her to come out and dispute our claims. We have evidence of these meetings and we will send them to the President’s Chief of Staff as soon as is practical and safe for us.

There is simply no effort at all from Mrs Brew Oppong and her colleagues to pursue the case against Alfred Agbesi Woyome to collect the over 27 million dollars paid to him. How can we persuade investors to invest in our country or keep profits in the country if we as a people are not leading by example and putting our finances in order?

We of the New Free Press will continue to talk about these things until every pesewa has been recovered and accounted for. Its time we have respect for the monies paid by tax payers into the national coffers. Mr Martin Amidu and other patriots who believe in truth and transparency are consistent on this.

Our public debt continues to balloon to ridiculous and unsustainable levels and our economy is in serious crisis despite efforts at hiding the truth. We could use some of these monies to reduce our debt and also build hospitals, libraries and water reservoirs for our children and also create jobs for our youth .Do we have to suffer now and wait for general elections before we start spending monies to share rice, sugar, salt, laptops and mobile phones for votes instead of building factories and businesses to create lasting futures for our people?

President Mahama recently lamented about the necessary criticisms regarding his posture, the lackadaisical attitude to government spending , fighting waste and corruption. He should wake up from his sleep and just drive down the road from his flagstaff house office and see what is going on at the attorney general’s office!

Alhaji Suraju Musah Mohammed

Managing Editor The New Free Press


Abavana Down


Columnist: The New Free Press