









Electoral commission of Ghana has been vindicated.

Sun, 20 Dec 2015 Source: Mifetu, Seth

By Seth Mifetu

With joyful heart, I wish to extend my genuine congratulations to the electoral commission of Ghana for yet another credible work during the just ended Amenfi West by-election.

Over the years, elections after election, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) turn to denunciate the electoral commission for losing.

This year, NPP led by destructive “Opana Olu” William Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has tried in every way possible to tone the credible fabric of the electoral commission with a strong allegation that the current voter register is not credible; that, it has been infiltrated by foreign nationals, and the need to compile a new one.

This image damaging and reputation disparaging stunts has become chronic spasm with some prominent persons, religious bodies and alleged pro-NPP lobby group-Let My Vote Count weighing in their support.

This has led the commission to set up a two day stakeholder’s forum to enable all concern parties and individuals to further state their claims for consideration, in which the NPP failed to convince the stakeholders to come to term with them.

After realizing their failure in using dialogue to convince stakeholders, they turn to their usual tactics of use of force by turning to the social media and call for youth uprising.

It has appeared as if compiling a new voter register is the life line for the NPP as they tried very hard in creating doubt in many Ghanaians and toning apart the credibility and trust for the Electoral Commission.

The truth is that, “Opana” William Addo Dankwa and his losing team was looking for avenue to manipulate the voter register in their favor and also preparing the grounds to blame the Electoral Commission when they lose 2016 general election after exhausting all avenue to blame.

In fact, they have made the independent Electoral Commission to appear like pro-NDC entity.

This diabolic attitude and blame game politics of the NPP is becoming uncharitable phenomenon and it’s not healthy for our democracy and politics.

It is however surprising and mind boggling to note that the voter register in the supreme interest of the NPP was credible when J.A. Kuffuor won the general election in December 2000. It was then again credible when Mr. Kuffuor was re-elected on December 2004 and the then Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Afari Gyan was the best Electoral Commissioner in the world. But when the table turns in favor of the National Democratic Congress (N.D.C) in December 2008 and December 2012, Dr. Afari Gyan became the most corrupted Electoral Commissioner, insulted and disgraced like no body.

The dignity of Dr. Afari Gyan and the reputations of Ghana were dragged on the international platform because self-declared President, Opana Olu William Addo Dankwa- the short man with the short slogan “all-die-be-die” was defeated.

Why should it always be the ways of Opana Olu William Addo Dankwa and the NPP and no other way?

For all I know, Dr. Afari Gyan was one of the patriotic Ghanaians who served Ghana in truth and honesty. Credit must be given to where it is due. Society must be given their flowers to smell while their alive.

It is clear that any public servant who believes in truth and run his or her office transparently is tag to be pro-NDC. While those are capable of telling lies and make it appears to be true are tag cherish illustrious sons and daughters of NPP. This was rear when some truthful NPP members like Dr. Arthur Kobina Kennedy, Sammy Crabbe, Dr. Yaw Gampo and Mr. Joshua Attoh Quashie stood and spoke the hot truth in the face of Akyem strongman Opana Akufo-Addo and they are booted out of the party. Some, especially Dr. Arthur Kobina Kennedy cannot walk without watching his shoulders.

Party of liars does not tolerate truthful people, simple.

In the wake of all these holler balloon, insult and distrust initiated by the NPP against the Electoral Commission, the Amenfi west by-election came to being as a trial balloon.

Individual interest and political ambition was high, tension arouse to astronomical level, enthusiasm soar high. All eyes on Mrs. Charlotte Osei led Electoral Commission to deliver.

The dark cloud of doubt and untrustworthy for the Electoral Commission, heavily shadow Amenfi west. The Rats were out in numbers, hearts fast pounding. Who will bell the cat? Only God knows what lies behind the thick dark clouds of Amenfi West.

After hours of voting and waiting, the light finally came, clearing the dark clouds. The timid and the melancholy hearts burst in joy. Victory, victory was chanted in the dense cloud. Victory for Mrs. Charlotte Osei and the entire Electoral Commission team. It is nonetheless another free and fair election. God has vindicated the Electoral Commission and proves its credibility once again.

Kudos to the gallant men and women of the Electoral Commission who have worked assiduously day and night to score free and fair election in Amenfi West. We are proud of you.

And on this day, we salute Dr. Afari Gyan for the good foundation he had laid down before leaving office. Ghana is thankful.

One important thing we must note is that, NPP that claims that the old voter register is not credible, whether ignorantly or knowingly took part in the Amenfi West by-election with the same old voter register.

So, should, the electoral Commission adopt the proposal of cleaning the register to compiling a new one, what will be the NPP best Reaction? I think it will be Opana versus his own words. Hahahaha………you can laugh again hahahaha…….. Please laugh again hahahaha…… please laugh again hahahaha……..again and again, hahahaha…….the Elephant is laughable…hahahahaa. Opana Olu is laughable.

Columnist: Mifetu, Seth