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Ethnic politics

Fri, 29 Apr 2016 Source: Kennedy, Arthur

Madam Dzifa Attivor has re-opened the door to one of our enduring challenges; ethnic politics and the reactions have been something to behold.

Let me begin by stating the obvious; Dzifa was wrong, dead wrong. After all, Malam Issah does not hail from Ho, does he?

However, to be fair to her, she was following a well-trodden path in our politics.

Here are a few moments/comments for our wall of shame without the names of the authors:

1: The Ewes are inward-looking.

2: Fantes have poor personal hygiene.

3: Kufuor is a "habanadze yi " who does not understand the concerns of fisher-folks.

4: If you want a President for the north, vote for me.

5: Only indegenous Gas will be allowed to register here.

6: Chase out the Ewes and Gas.

7: In other countries, those from resouce-poor areas are not permitted in leadership.

Of course, there is more.

The hypocrisy on both sides of the NPP ---NDC divide in reaction to this has been disgusting.

The NPP that is so outraged about Miss Ativor, for the most part found nothing wrong when Ken Agyapong urged that Ewes and Gas be chased or when Osafo Marfo said people from some ethnic groups did not deserve to rule Ghana.

Of course, those throwing rocks or defending blindly never read about Jesus dare for whoever was sinless to cast the first stone against the woman in the bible. Indeed, while the NPP is praising Rawlings, imagine what would happen if Kennedy Agyapong said a similar thing and Kufuor condemned him. The hypocritical vigilantes in the NPP would be baying for his blood and calling him a traitor!

Amidst the cacophony of hypocrites, former President Rawlings broke ranks to condemn Miss Ativor. He even deplored those urging Voltarians to support the NDC because he hails from there. He also backed the non-tribalistic credentials of the NPP flag-bearer. Those were commendable.In the interest of historical accuracy though, Mr. Rawlings has questionable credentials on the issue. He was the man who used Kofi Awoonor's playbook on Ewe hegemony to launch the Ewe-centred PNDC dictatorship that relentlessly targeted Akan businesses and personalities. Then he capped it by engineering the unholy alliance between Voltarians and Northerners that has bedeviled our politics since the return of democracy! Therefore, for Mr. Rawlings to vouch for someone's non-tribalistic credentials is the moral equivalent of a bank robber vouching for the ctedit-worthiness of someone. It is hillarous.

Over the last 2 days, too many have spoken for partisanship and ethnic bigotry. Let's stand for a nation where all of us, including our leaders, will be judged by the content of our character, not our ethnic group.

Our people have given ample evidence of their desire for this:

-- In 1951, the people of Accra Central chose Nkrumah over native son OBETSEBI-LAMPTEY in a vote that sent Nkrumah to the Premiership and greatness.

--- In 2004, the Central Region decisively picked Kufuor over Native son Atta Mills.

Personally, I remember that when I was declared wanted, Captain Tse risked his career by offering to smuggle me out and the Senavoes hid me and others, including Dan Botwe for months.

Finally, Sam Okudzeto led the fight against the Ewe-dominated PNDC and was labeled a traitor by many Ewes.

Let us all stand up for Ghana and against the ethnic bigots who are dividing us.

God bless you.

Arthur K

Columnist: Kennedy, Arthur