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'Francis-Xavier Sosu is a great political material'

Francis Xavier Sosu   Resist Francis-Xavier Sosu

Mon, 10 Jan 2022 Source: Waterz Yidana

Lawyer Sosu who has over the years been a pro-bono lawyer for the less privileged and downtrodden in our society, should be applauded for the many wonderful initiatives and humanitarian services that he has rendered and still renders to humanity.

Just one year as a Member of Parliament for the people of the Madina Constituency, he has already set up an award scheme to motivate and encourage teachers to improve the job that they are doing as teachers or educators.

Yesterday, 7th January 2022, hard-working teachers in the Madina Constituency won various prizes, including a car prize for their dedication to their teaching job. The Hon. MP and Lawyer should be praised because he is a good material for the developmental agenda of the Madina Constituency and even the whole country at large.

These are the kinds of leaders the country needs. Visionaries who think about the ordinary people on the streets and serve them selflessly with a genuine heart like Francis-Xavier Sosu is doing. It is not how long one stays in power or holds a position, but the positive things one can do with it within their time of service.

The lawyer has offered countless pro-bono services to many people in our society; perhaps that is why the people of Madina voted him to represent them in Parliament and see to their progress and developmental agenda. The people of Madina will keep voting Hon. Sosu and people like him to lead them in the Constituency.

Even the government in recent times hasn't shown this kind of motivation, encouragement, love, and care to teachers; rather, the president told teachers to do other things aside from teaching if they want to be rich or live comfortably.

We need more young people like Hon. Sosu is in leadership positions to carry out positive initiatives that support the growth of the youth and others like teachers and nurses who render selfless services to their communities and the country at large.

I think that Hon. Sosu has a great future in politics and should be encouraged and supported to keep up his good works for the country and God.

Columnist: Waterz Yidana