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Frimpong Boateng is the President Ghana Needs!

Sun, 16 Dec 2007 Source: Adofo, Rockson

The unfortunate fanatical polarisation of policies, issues and discussions otherwise meant in good faith for the progress of Ghana, but hijacked by political parties with their own destructive selfish agenda in mind, is as equally a negative draft militating against the development and the interest of Ghana as nepotism, corruption, and lack of visionary quality leadership. Until the Ghanaian mentality and perception of doing politics where one's political rival is seen in their sporting opaque lenses as their bitterest enemy change, the country will continue to be light years away from setting herself free from the consciously weighty slavery-shackles keeping her pugilistically ko'd to the ground. This is the reason why a leader who has what it takes to undo the evil, up his sleeve, is chosen to stem the tide. And this is the reason why Professor Kwabena Frimpong Boateng is cumulatively the best NPP presidential aspirant, candidate and President, to render emulative quality leadership or stewardship to the nation.

If fluency in English was a lopsided determinant for choosing the President of Ghana, then our children born in England, the USA, Canada and Australia, having absolute command over the spoken language, would all be possible presidents. But as it is not all that it takes to qualify for President, I will then entreat those holding on to this bizarre philosophy, giving them the impetus to condemn one but to choose the other, to stop. To underline my point, I say in quote, "Englishness belongs to the English people. Some people, countries, and cultures may learn, eat and speak like the English, but English and Englishness still belong to the English people". This is what a famous Englishman once said. Where then lays the pride of those foreigners who have assimilated just the spoken and probably the written aspects of the English language, and simply by that measure consider themselves de-facto President of Ghana? There is more to being fluent in the English language, a macho in bed with women, issuance of selfish but childish threats to split a political party should one fail to get the nod to lead their party, to qualify one for the President of Ghana.

The most knowledgeable, intelligent, honest, dedicated, selfless, farsighted, Charismatic and ready to tap into the wisdom of equally honest experts, is the person Ghana needs to take up the mantle of leadership, but not those antonymic to the listed noble qualities. Hence, Kwabena Frimpong Boateng towering over his supposed peer-aspirants but most of whom lack the niceties of leadership, being my recommended commendable choice. Ghana needs to awake from her unconscious slumber or deep snoring if and only if, Ghanaians desire to be treated as rational human beings not cowering before the contemporary Whites, prostrating to them with bowl in hand soliciting handouts or alms, as it is currently the order. Where is our integrity if we persist in the pleasure of the abnormalities of living, where one cannot act as their own man but be reprimanded, treated as nobodies, before being dished out handouts which in turn get stolen by the few bad nuts in the system entrusted to rule us? We need someone empowered by God with the endowment of wisdom, and the electorates through discernment, to get us off the rot in which we are foully mired. The person more capable of setting the socially and economically captive Ghanaians free is our only Professor Kwabena Frimpong Boateng, the dynamic NPP presidential aspirant ready to offer Ghanaians the best and quality stewardship as the President of the Republic of Ghana. Kwabena is the President in waiting.

For all I know, Ghana is naturally not poor but our leaders by their visionless, unquenchable appetite for ill-gotten wealth have rendered us so. We then need someone able to stand up tall and be counted, saying NO, to the attitudinal problems centripetally holding us into poverty. Kwabena is simply the best man to administer the pill dosage needed to heal Mother Ghana. Will the NPP delegates be conscious enough of our plight as a nation and a race of people, to choose the right person to lead the nation? The arguments of who has served the party longer supported the party financially, held ministerial positions in government are all relevant but insignificant compared to the desire of Ghanaians to live as respectable human beings drawing decent livelihood.

As St. Aquinas once said," I want to be of service to my people", so also is Kwabena Frimpong Boateng saying he wants to be of continuous service to Ghana and Ghanaians. His service will impact greatly on all of us should we accord him the right to become the President. He is the only one among the lot who knows what it takes, and is truthfully ready to offer untainted service to Ghana. Kwabena, you will be the President of Ghana so keep up the good fight. The genuine ones who can read into the bleak future of Ghana should our leaders continue to be lost in their socio-economic mappings and bearings, is with you to reverse the course of things.


My good fight full of noble intentions for Ghana continues unabated! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year with hopefully Kwabena Frimpong Boateng being elected to represent the NPP to win the Presidential race in 2008.

Rockson Adofo, London

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson