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‘Genocide MP’S Gargantuan Lies

Sat, 5 May 2012 Source: The Catalyst

If the saying 'Coming events cast their shadows' is anything to go by, then the signs of Mr. Kennedy Agyapong's genocidal war declaration have been on the wall for a very long time. At the heart of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) guru's conduct, is the arrogant and carefree manner he opens his mouth and publicly insults people as well as peddles untruths,amidst threats of death, without regard for any sense of decorum.

It is not a secret that Mr. Kennedy Agyapong takes delight in insulting his political opponents at the least opportunity and that not even the President John Evans Atta Mills is spared by him, whenever he gets into his element. The Assin North MP did not mince words when in the presence of NPP gurus including flagbearer, Nana Akufo-Addo and former President John Agyekum Kufuor at the recent NPP rally at Mantse Agbona in Accra, he referred to President Mills as a first class thief. To add salt to injury, Kennedy Agyapong several days later rendered a weak apology to the President, which he claimed he did on promptings from a Chinese friend.

Other political opponents of Kennedy Agyapong and the NPP, especially from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) stock, such as Richard Quashigah, Propaganda Secretary of the NDC, HonBaba Jamal, Deputy Minister of Tourism and many others have been at the receiving end of Mr. Kennedy Agyapong's insults. Some he calls foolish, stupid, ugly and so on, and while at it, he hardly misses the opportunity to attack the ethnic backgrounds of his victims.

It was as a result of Kennedy Agyapong's insulting behaviour that Matilda Asante, hostess of News File on Joy FM and Multi TV walked him out of a live programme recently. He was given marching orders by the iron 'lady' talk show host, something other show hosts could not have dared to do. Perhaps, if the Oman FM host had had the courage of Matilda Asante and cut the rampaging MP, who is also his boss, off the phone line during his 'genocide interview,' he would have saved him his current ordeal.

It is impossible for Kennedy Agyapong to open his mouth in a political debate without descending into the gutter and pouring insults on his political opponents.

Added to the insults churned out by Mr. Kennedy Agyapong on the airwaves and other forums is his penchant to tell blatant lies.

It would be remembered that Kennedy Agyapong claimed on air that GH¢ 2.5 million out of the controversial GH¢51 million judgment debt paid to Mr Alfred Woyome had been deposited in a certain 'Castle Account' while GH¢ 5 million was paid into a Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) account as payment of TV coverage for President Mills' re-election during the NDC's presidential candidate contest in Sunyani.The NPP guru also claimed that Mr Woyome also paid a whopping GH¢30 million to contractors building a supposed NDC party headquarters at Adabraka in Accra, which NPP said would cost the NDC $20 million.

Even though Kennedy Agyapong kept ranting that he had documentary proof of his wild claims, he has been exposed to have lied. The government has since challenged the NPP guru to make the proof of his claims public, which he is unable to do till date.

GBC had also debunked Kennedy Agyapong's claim, saying there are no records to indicate that GH¢ 5 million was paid into the accounts of the nation's broadcaster, as alleged by him, adding that the NDC was yet to settle amounts it owed GBC for coverage of its congress held in Sunyani.

There were several instances where the 'genocide MP' had made claims which he could not prove. Unfortunately, the NPP has as its arrowhead campaigner this man who is not just acerbic-tongue but lying-tongue personality who continues to foul the air with his hyper emotional diatribes.

Columnist: The Catalyst