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Ghana’s Covid-19 update: A mistake or a deliberate attempt to hide important information?

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Tue, 14 Apr 2020 Source: Thomas Yankey

Ghana over this few weeks has confirmed a significant increase in the number of COVID-19 cases and the Disease Surveillance Department of Ghana Health Service has done a great job with their regular updates.

Now, from the regular updates from Disease Surveillance Department of Ghana Health Service, there seems to be conflicting figures from 9th March 2020 and 11th March 2020 updates in terms of people with No Travelling History and people Travelling History.

According to the 9th March update, Ghana recorded 378 cases of which 64.9% represents people with No travelling History and 35.1% representing people with Travelling History.

In a simple arithmetic calculation, 64.9% of 378 is 245 while 35.1% of 378 is 133

That's, 245 people were with No Travelling History and 133 people had a Travelling History

On the other side, according to the 11th March update. Ghana recorded 408 cases of which 57.1% represents people with No travelling History and 42.9% representing people with Travelling History.

Yet again, in another simple arithmetic; 57.1 of 408 is 233 and 42.9% of 408 is 175. That's 233 are people with No Travelling History and 175 are people with Travelling History.

From the above analysis, people with No Travelling History reduced from 245 as at 9th March to 233 as at 11th March with a difference of 12.

On the other hand, people with Travelling History increased from 133 as at 9th March to 175 as at 11th March with a difference of 42.

Let assume that all the 30 confirmed cases today are people with Travelling History, it simply means that the number of people with Travelling History should be 133 as at 9th March plus 30 as at 11th March which gives you 163 and not 175 as we are made to believe per the pie chart of 11th March 2020.

One will now ask, where is the 12 people from the 9th March update that are nowhere to be found in the 11th March update?

One will observe that, that is the exact figure added to the number of People with Travelling records to make 175.

In conclusion, are all the 30 cases confirmed today people with Travelling History? and why there is a reduction in the number of people with No Travelling History from the 9th March update.

Ghana COVID-19 regular updates, is there a mistake in it or a deliberate attempt to hide important information?

Columnist: Thomas Yankey
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