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Ghana’s youth must demand brighter future and assume leadership

Zua Youth Calls Out On DCE Young people in Ghana

Wed, 12 Jun 2024 Source: Evans Mawunyo Tsikata

Ghana, a nation once hailed as a beacon of hope and democracy in Africa, is now grappling with a crisis of leadership and accountability. The older generation, born between 1930 and 1960, has failed to empower the youth, instead clinging to power and perpetuating a system of cronyism and nepotism. This has led to widespread disillusionment and frustration among the youth, who feel their future is being hijacked by the very people who should be guiding them.

The statistics are stark. Over 60% of Ghana’s population is under the age of 30, yet the political landscape is dominated by individuals who have passed their retirement age.

This is a clear indication that the older generation is refusing to relinquish power, even when it’s time for them to step aside. The consequences of this are far-reaching, with the youth being denied opportunities for growth, development, and leadership.

The failure of the older generation to empower the youth is a betrayal of the trust placed in them. They have failed to create an enabling environment for the youth to thrive, instead perpetuating a system that favors those with connections and wealth. This has led to a brain drain, with many young Ghanaians seeking opportunities abroad, rather than staying to contribute to the development of their nation.

Ghana’s political system is rotten to the core, with cronyism and nepotism being the order of the day. Those in power prioritize the interests of their friends and family over the needs of the nation, leading to a lack of accountability and transparency. This has resulted in corruption becoming a cancer that is eating away at the fabric of Ghanaian society.

But all hope is not lost. The youth of Ghana have the power to change this narrative. They must rise up and demand a seat at the table. They must organize, mobilize, and use their collective power to bring about change. The youth must also recognize that they have the power to create their own opportunities, even in the face of adversity.

There are many examples of successful youth empowerment programs and initiatives in Ghana that demonstrate the potential for positive change. From entrepreneurship programs to leadership development initiatives, there are many organizations and individuals working to empower the youth and unlock their potential.

In conclusion, the older generation may have failed the youth, but giving up on Ghana is not the answer. Instead, the youth must rise up and demand a better future for themselves and their country. They must use their collective power to bring about change and create their own opportunities, even in the face of adversity. With determination, hard work, and a commitment to excellence, the youth can overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness. The future of Ghana belongs to the youth, and it is time for them to take their rightful place as leaders and change-makers in society.

The time for change is now. The youth of Ghana must seize this moment and shape the future they want. They must reject the status quo and demand a new way of doing things. They must also recognize that they are not alone in this struggle and that there are many allies who are willing to support them.

In the words of Kwame Nkrumah, “The future of Ghana is bright, and the future of Africa is bright.” Let us work together to make this vision a reality. Let us build a Ghana that is worthy of our ancestors, our children, and ourselves.

A Ghana that is a beacon of hope, democracy, and progress in Africa and the world. We owe it to ourselves, our country, and future generations to keep hope alive and work towards a brighter future for all.

Columnist: Evans Mawunyo Tsikata