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Ghanaian Women And Their Anger

Sun, 20 Dec 2009 Source: The Royal Enoch

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. This aphorism, albeit subjective, does indeed hold an iota of truth in it. For ages now, women have managed to hold men in their captive with no release in sight. Wars have been fought in the past because of women. Friends have betrayed one another because of women. Somebody once told me that women are the true rulers of this dear old world. I have every reason to believe that this could be true. Women do have such an unbelievable power over men that it hurts. Then again, men are fools and women use this foolishness to their advantage. For instance; a woman knows that in order to keep a man satisfied- all that she has to do is give him food and a proper dose of sex. And that is it really.

It's true that Black-men in comparison to men of other races do have a huge appetite for sex. Black-men would hit on anything walking in skirt. They don't really care as long as the skirt is there for the hitting. See, Black-men don't discriminate when it comes to women. White-men are known to discriminate when it comes to women, but not Black-men. In fact, Black-men popularized interracial marriages. History even has it that the people of Indonesia are the children of the Moors from Africa, who invaded China and took the Chinese women for their wives. Thus, producing a new breed of people of both African and Chinese heritage. Now, how interesting is this revelation to you all?

As free as Black-men seemingly are with all types of women, Black-women are the exact opposite. Black-women actually hate to date outside their race. It's very rare to see a Black sister with an Asian or even a White guy. I don't know if this is an unwritten rule amongst our Black sisters, but it sure looks like one to me. A Black sister would prefer to stay with a no good Black brother, who would treat her like she is nothing to a man outside her race who would probably treat her better. It seems to me that in comparison to our Black brothers-our Black sisters are somewhat afraid to make use of their options. Could this be as a result of their innate insecurities as women? Or could this be as a result of their possessive nature as women to never let go? If so, then how come that White-women are not like that?

Mind you, I am not saying that White-women are better. All that I am saying is that they appear to be more tolerant than our Black sisters. I have heard some of our Black sisters call a Black brother, who happens to be dating a woman outside his race a traitor. Some of our Black sisters get so enraged to the point that all kinds of name callings do indeed follow. Names like; uncle Tom, a sell-out, a house negro and many more of such derogatory names. Of course, these kind of name callings are meant to make a Black brother feel very bad about himself. And frankly; I wonder why our Black sisters continue to behave in such an un-classy way. Do they feel that they have been let down by their Black brothers or what? Or is this a simple case of jealousy?

Columnist: The Royal Enoch