









Handkerchief, handkerchief, handkerchief

Akufo Addo Tip Toe Lane President-elect, Nana Akufo-Addo

Sat, 10 Dec 2016 Source: Quaye, Stephen A.

By Stephen A.Quaye

Ghanaians wherever they find themselves whether in a foreign destination or in Ghana, should consider putting on their white clothes and go to church on Sunday to give thanks and praises to God for granting the country a peaceful election.

White clothes to indicate the successful outcome of the elections not for the winner of the elections but for free, fair and transparent election as they have prayed for and God granted that.

Prior to the election there were series of speculations that the election was going to spark violence and that there would not be successful elections.

Though they were speculations, though they were figments of people's imagination, good people of Ghana including Christians, Muslims, and traditionalist and even ordinary people went onto their knees cried onto God to grant the country peaceful election "and the lord heard the cry of Ghanaians".

"What has happened gives true meaning to the fact that God really gives ear to his children whenever they call upon him. Ghanaians called on God to grant the country a peaceful election and he has granted that so let the people celebrate the peaceful election by going back to him in service and praise him for that."

In the Old Testament, when David was enthroned as the King of Israel, he commanded that the Ark of covenant be brought out and in singing and praising God the people of Israel showed gratitude to God for his protection and loving guidance.

Again, he hired more than five hundred singers to sing and praise God, worship him and pray constantly for the king to lead them according to the word of God so that his presence will continually remain with them.

Ghanaians have shown maturity by first seeking the hand of God in the just ended election and there is the need for the citizenry to clad in white and celebrate the victory together as one people in praises and worship.

"Ah wonderful, how out-going president Mahama conceded defeat and called to congratulate the president-elect Akufo Addo. Wonderful how Akufo Addo in his acceptance speech called for respect for humans and properties even of opposition members.

What even was so touching was the seeing NPP member's celebrating the victory by dancing to NDC campaign songs. Is it not wonderful maturity of Ghanaians?

In Toronto-Canada, a group of Ghanaian residents are planning to attend this Sunday church service clad in all white to sing, worship and praise God for the peaceful election in Ghana and will like to call on all who share this with them to join.

Whiles in church, they will be waving handkerchiefs, dancing to gospel songs and pray for continuous success of the country.

Handkerchief oooo.

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.
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