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Henry writes

Henry Writer, Henry Kofi Quarshie

Mon, 2 May 2022 Source: Henry Kofi Quarshie

A good friend who grew up in a Ga-speaking community tells me that one of the most profound and philosophical statements he ever came across is summed up in the short admonition, "No 9, No 10."

He further indicated that this short version often inscribed on some trotros stands for the Ga proverb translated in English as, "If you deny your brother/neighbor a harvest of 9, then you'll also not reap a harvest of 10."

Oftentimes it is the those closest to you who will want to keep us down or back. Why?

1. They like it the way it is. That is, for you and them to forever remain at the same level… For, as the English saying goes, "Misery loves company."

2. They would never fit in where you are going so... Well, they’ll find all the reasons why you shouldn’t aim for or go there. But as a famous Chinese proverb has it, "Those who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those doing it."

3. They are fearful that they will lose you. People will prefer you either continue with them in familiar "hunting grounds" or play together with them in the "common mess" forever. As the Bible says in Matthew 10:36, "A man's enemies will be members of his own household.

The refrain of a popular song in the 90s by TLC, an American female pop group, also seems to promote that limiting ideology, to wit, "Don't go chasing waterfalls: Just stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to..."

4. "How dare you to be better than us?" This question or rebuke springs from attitudes that are considered universal human nature but attributed mostly to us. That is, the "Ph.D." or "Pull Him Down" syndrome; and also, in official circles or career politics, the "MBA" or "Me baa ha akyɛ" mentality, to wit, "I've been here (in this institution, organization, etc.) long before you joined. So you either put up or 'Shut up!'" These are very petty, negative, wicked, anti-progressive, and counter-productive attitudes! Let's do away with them.

5. "Why should you have this or experience that (while I don't)"? This attitude is the substance of jealousy and envy. To me, it is the Cardinal or most serious of all sins, that is the covetousness. Because, as Christianity teaches, it is that sin that got Satan envying God's heavenly Glory, leading to the War in Heaven, Satan and his angels being defeated, cast into the waters and onto the earth - the origin of all evil and sin today.

But one thing, I have come to realize is that what is yours, is yours…Man is NOT greater than GOD! If God says yes, woe onto anyone who stands in your way.

So, my dear Brothers and Sisters, seek God first for yourself, obey His commandments, and if He says "Yes!", then GO FOR IT! For no one will be able to stand in your way or prevail against you all the days of your life! Because greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world (1John 4:4).

Columnist: Henry Kofi Quarshie