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Homosexuality Is An Abominable Act

Sat, 8 Dec 2012 Source: Andoh, Charles

The subject of homosexuality (Gayism and Lesbianism) has become very controversial in Ghana and the world at large in recent times.

However, the greatest book (Holy Bible) ever in the world where most religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism among others draw their inspiration from debunks homosexuality and describes it as a despicable act.

Indeed, the holy bible underscores the fact that after the creation of man (Adam), God saw that there was the need to create a wo-man (from man; Eve) to be a help mate to the former.

Towards this end, God, due to His infinite wisdom after causing man to sleep deeply and bringing a woman out of his rib blessed them as husband and wife to be in total and absolute control of His(God) creation; and to satisfy each other on the grounds of sex in order to bring forth children to fill the earth. Incidentally, if God had created only man or woman, I guess the world wouldn’t have been filled with a lot of human beings today. It is also interesting to mention that because God knew that it was impossible for people of the same sex to mate and bring forth children in order to expand His creation, He created ‘A Man and A woman’.Therefore, you and I are living in this world today because of Adam and Eve who were of different sexes and not the vice-versa. So right from the word go, God never liked the idea of homosexuality.

Interestingly, the living bible version clearly spells out how God abhorres and frowns upon this act (Romans 1:24-28).In Leviticus 18:22-24, there is a clear indication that God does not agree to homosexuality and also points out to the fact that His curses and anger will befall those who engage in such an act. In addition, Leviticus 20, Colossians 3:5-9, Galatians 5:19-(The living bible/king James version) all affirm to the fact that homosexuality is among other evil acts that God disagree with. The bible also reminds us of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where the anger of God was kindled against the city because the people over there were practicing homosexuality.

Against this background, God, the creator of Heaven and Earth does not and will not accept homosexuality because it goes against His creation and plans for mankind. Besides, no scientific research has also proved that it is good for human beings of the same sex to mate and even bring forth children; it cannot happen. It is really sad for some people to come out boldly to declare that it is good to practice homosexuality. It is also unfortunate that some of the advanced countries have legalized this act. Hence, compelling some of the third world countries to legalize this act before granting aids and loans.

I am aware that some Human Right Activists in this country are of the opinion that homosexuals should be given the chance all in the name of ‘Human Right’. Well on my part, I respectfully disagree with this assertion by these Activists. I must also add that God has given us (Human Beings), the carte blanche to live in this world; but it doesn’t also mean that we can live life anyhow and in anyway because we will be held accountable one day.

In the light of all these, The Christian Council of Ghana (CCG) has protested vehemently against homosexuality and has urged Ghanaians not to vote for any politician who believes in the rights of homosexuals. On July 19, 2011, The Western Regional Minister, Paul Evans Aidoo, ordered the arrest of all gays in the region. However, a current media report claims that the Western and Central Regions together have a total of about 8,000 homosexuals. Funny as it may sound, sometimes the question I keep on asking myself is, will these people have been into this world if their parents had engaged in homosexuality? How on earth can a man have sex with his fellow man? What kind of feelings at all do they want? I can’t really fathom this. I am at a loss to understand why some of our political leaders most of the time compromise on this issue, whereas they are happily married.

Recently, it was reported on Joy FM (An Accra-Based Radio Station) that residents of James Towns (A suburb of Accra) mounted a mob action against those they claim are homosexuals and destroyed their properties.Indeed,that is an unfortunate incident as that will not solve the problem. But this clearly indicates that the people of James Town like all other human beings vehemently oppose this act.

It is also worth to mention that the practice of homosexuality eventually invites the wrath of God which leads to destruction. A typical example is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the bible. In addition, doctors advice against improper way of having sex and subscribe to the fact that the practice of homosexuality is unhealthy, hence has its repercussions. To make it even more clearly, this act is not stipulated in the 1992 constitution. That is even enough to say that this act has no future and must therefore not be condoned.

I therefore want all and sundry to know that this act must not be accepted and condoned in our society. We must all do the best we can to educate those who are engaged in such an act to put an end to it and come out as quickly as possible because homosexuals are human beings as we are. We must also not connive with politicians (politrikcians) who for the sake of power want to pretend as if this act is good.

I also humbly appeal to the president to remain in his firm posture not to accept and legalize homosexuality for any reason. He must always think about the future of Ghana.

In conclusion, homosexuality is a canal act as well as primitive and barbaric and must therefore not be condoned and accepted for any reason. Long live Ghana; and God bless us all! Charles Andoh;

Student-Ghana Institute of Journalism

Email:[email protected]

Columnist: Andoh, Charles