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I pity the youth of Ghana today, why?

Ghana Flag Peaceful Slo.jpeg A young girl waves the Ghana flag

Wed, 7 Jul 2021 Source: Ignatius Amponsah

Ghana, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the most favored among the nations of the world, as far as favorable climatic conditions, human and natural resources are concerned.

Yet, I have keenly observed that since Ghanaians were subtly deceived to overthrow Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, there has not been any significant reduction in the alarming unemployment rate in Ghana.

Consequently, the majority of employable Ghanaian Youth, do not have decent jobs for their well-being and redemption.

A very critical and important question that all Ghanaians need to ask and probe into is, in spite of our enviable and favorable climatic conditions, as well as, our human and huge natural resources, why is it that majority of Ghanaian employable Youth are not employed?

I think the most important and critical answer to this multi-million question is, Mother Ghana, has No One to genuinely protect her PURSE.

Therefore, the majority of those, who manage to move heaven and earth, to

get the mandate of the citizenry, to manage the huge resources of Ghana, hide behind the saying that ''democracy is expensive'' and become obsessed with amassing wealth for themselves, family members, friends and stacking money somewhere, for the next general elections.

In fact, the said obsession becomes their preoccupation and this is the more reason why, from time to time, bribery allegations, even pup up, in Parliament.

The rapid socio-economic development of Ghana does not become their priority.

I may be wrong in my observation, but if indeed, this is the attitude of the majority of the political class, then I can state categorically, without fear or favor that, partisan politics, has no future for the Youth of Ghana Today.

The dissipation of public funds and the destruction of the resources of the State, by some of our political leaders, has made the public purse, a BOTTOMLESS PIT.

How on earth, can the political class, look on for vehicles and equipment, imported into Ghana, with the taxes of the underprivileged of Ghana, be allowed to rot away in the scorching sun and the rain.

Are we seeing such terrible behavior because the money used to import the said vehicles and equipment, did not come directly from their pockets?

I believe that the only thing that can pragmatically bring promising hope to the Youth of Ghana, is nothing else, but the Youth of Ghana, rising up to have a COMMON FRONT, and taking their own destiny into their own hands, and protecting the PUBLIC PURSE, without fear or favor.

How can the Youth of Ghana protect the Public Purse?

1. Forming a National Youth Movement of Ghana for the protection of the purse of Ghana.

2.Getting the office of the Movement in all the Constituencies, to facilitate the activities of the movement.

3.Monitoring every pesewa coming into the constituencies for development.

4. Demanding the Right of Information Bill, which has no strings that defeat the purpose of the citizenry demanding such a Bill.

5.Demanding copy of the national annual budget for proper evaluation, as well as a statement of accounts of loans, grants, and local revenues, received by the ruling government, on behalf of the citizenry.

For example, it is good to know how much revenues are collected from road tolls and how the monies are utilized for their purposes.

6. Sending inputs to those in - charge of the National Development Plan, for the holistic development of the Youth of Ghana.

7. Organising Demonstrations for and against something the Youth of Ghana thinks, is very important for the rapid socio-economic development of Ghana

How to fund the Youth office and its activities.

1. Embark on a vigorous campaign to explain to Ghanaians, the need for all Ghanaians to help protect the public purse, without which the majority of Ghanaians, will continue to be excessively exploited, wallow in abject poverty, slavery and misery.

2. Solicit funds from the embassy, companies, organizations, individuals, organizing fundraising ceremonies, football matches, concerts, etc. to raise funds.

3.Setting up a common fund for the running of the Youth office and activities.

4. Presenting your needs and aspirations to the powers that be, for their consideration and action.

Being very politically conscious of whatever goes on in Ghana, updating the Youth of Ghana, on the happenings in Ghana, and contributing immensely to National Discourse.

5. Letting the political class know that taking Ghana for a ride, is no more going to be tolerated and that it is going to be a thing of the past.

6. Establishing Ghana Youth TV and FM Stations, to promote the interest of Ghana's Youth, rapid socio-economic development of Ghana, Continental Youth Movement of Africa, and the formation of the United States of Africa.

Let the Heads of States in Africa know that having 54 Heads of States in Africa, will never be in the interest of 95% of Africans, for Unity is Strength, and the policeman of the World, Great America, should teach Africa a great lesson.

Do everything possible in the huge power that God has endowed you with, to make sure that Africa is UNITED for your brighter future so that you do not become slaves in your own Country and in your own Continent.

Always seek legal advice whenever necessary.

May God bless you and be with you always.

Columnist: Ignatius Amponsah