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If Joyce Blessing was my church member

Joyce Blessing Accuse Gospel musician, Joyce Blessing

Sat, 18 Jun 2022 Source: Eric Otchere

Just a day ago, I woke up to see my news feed giving me trending news about Ghanaian gospel musician Joyce Blessing. Then on TV I saw a discussion on the Joyce Blessing issue. What's really going on with this Sister? Why do people get frenzy and go all over themselves when they hear some bad news about 'stars'?

Well, from what I saw early morning on my phone, Sister Joyce's video had leaked to the public. The video content was about her drinking wine and saying that her lover caused her to be boozed. Two reactions of her husband and ‘Agraada’ (a spiritualist turned Christian) have been trending as well. The husband claims she was not addressing him and that it was another Kwame. Hence, a possible extra marital affair. Then 'Agradaa' also made a video to say that what Joyce did discredit gospel musicians in the country.

What's my opinion? What I will share is a biblical perspective on how to handle matters of such nature. As a Christian, I want to strive at measuring my own life and that of others by what the Bible says. What Jesus says in His revealed word is what is authoritative and final as our rule of life.

If Sister Joyce was my church member, I will treat her in the following ways:

#1. FRIENDS: Be careful who you share your personal information with

The first thing I would share with Sister Joyce is that this world is made of many characters who congregate around ‘stars’ for many reasons. You must know who you share sensitive and private information with. Not everyone can properly handle private information meant for their eyes only. In their book Mentoring for Success, Ghanaian authors, Rev. Albert & Comfort Ocran counseled that mentees who are privileged to witness the weakness of their mentor must learn to handle it well. Be careful who you invite into your private circle. When the news of the demise of Absalom was to be disclosed to his father David, the army commander was selective about who should break the news (2 Samuel 18:19-33). Not everyone can keep and share vital information. If your inner circle was sensitive to your private affairs, they would have shielded you from this public embarrassment. We must know who we share our videos, pictures, and documents with. It can be used against us if it gets into the wrong hands.

#2. MERCY: I will be merciful to her

If Sister Joyce was my church member, I would be merciful to her. It's a known fact that everyone has private issues we are dealing with and so we must show mercy to other people for what they go through. For many people, because their issues have not leaked, they think they are better than Sister Joyce. In Matthew 5:7, Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount that blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. If God should look on our sins (or baggage), we will be devoid of His daily mercies as Lamentations speaks about (Lamentations 3:22-23). We must be merciful to people who are hurting for we are all suffering in one way or the other.

#3. LOVE: Correct her in love

The next thing is that obviously, our Sister needs correction. If there is a need for rebuke, the Bible absolutely encourages it. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” We must lovingly use the Scriptures to correct one another. Paul encourages us to do everything in love (1 Corinthians 16:14). If we all have private issues we are dealing with, we must be loving in the way we address other people’s issues just the way we would like ours to be addressed. If Sister Joyce is my blood relation, I would not be happy for people to dish out insults and accuse her of what she has not even done. She deserves to be treated and corrected in love. Jesus said in Matthew 18:15 that “If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.”

#4. PRAYER: Pray for her

The last issue is that I would offer prayers for her and the family. It is not easy to handle fame. Even if you are bent on handling it well, some other people can blow it up for you and destroy your reputation. It seems Sister Joyce and the husband have major constraints in their marriage and therefore need help. The enemy of our soul (Satan) can destroy a beautiful marriage if we allow him. I am not sure they set out on this marriage journey to fail.

The Bible encourages all believers to pray for one another in times of difficulties (James 5:16). Our Sister may be a wounded Christian soldier who needs our prayers to be back on her feet to continue her life as a Christian and musician. If the peace of God does not rule in her heart, she will be anxious (Philippians 4:6-7). Galatians 6:1 says that those who are spiritually strong must help those who are weak. That’s our calling.

I will side with Kofi Donkor, husband of Gospel musician Celestine Donkor, when he wrote on his Facebook page that people must desist from mistreating her and rather encourage her to bounce back from her challenges.

He wrote; “To my colleagues in the gospel fraternity, today it is Joyce and we have all gone mute, tomorrow it could be you. Let’s fight for our sister. Joyce, be strong! The Lord is your strength. He will fight for you. Just be still.”

If Joyce Blessing was my church member…, well because she is a Christian, she is my Sister in Christ (Ephesians 2:19). I will treat her the same way I will treat anyone I know personally. I would caution her about her inner circle, be merciful to her, lovingly correct her, and pray for her.

May the Lord have mercy on all of us.

Columnist: Eric Otchere