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If the Suffering Ghanaian Masses and NPP Faithful Will Listen to Me…

Fri, 29 May 2015 Source: Adofo, Rockson

Things will change for the better. In any civilized society, a person in government or position of public trust, will immediately resign from their post if they were to find themselves in the current situation of Kwabena Agyepong and Paul Afoko, the General Secretary and Chairman of NPP, respectively. As soon as they become circumstantially accused of a crime, or allegedly believed by the public to be involved in a crime or anything that culminates in deep public distrust of them, as sensible as they are, they resign from their posts without hesitation or cajoling. But not in Ghana!

It is obvious that Kwabena Agyepong and Paul Afoko, two people perceived to be without demonstrable integrity, but schemers whose greed has motivated them to dine with the devil, then influenced to bite the very finger that feeds them, are secretly, but tirelessly, working to cause the defeat of NPP in 2016 elections. These guys are however, top NPP leaders.

As a popular English idiomatic proverb goes, "You can't have your cake and eat it (too)" so also can't Kwabena Agyapong and Paul Afoko continue to stay as leaders of NPP while at the same time colluding with some similarly like-minded, indeed evil-minded, NPP members and NDC to sabotage the fortunes of NPP at elections 2016.

They had better resign or they have to be pushed out through impeachment or a pass of no confidence vote in them. Why should the majority of NPP and the suffering Ghanaian masses, behave as though they are powerless before these two individuals and their handful bad nuts resolutely determined to scupper the chances of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo winning election 2016? Do we not outnumber these vociferous people publicly knowingly plotting the defeat of NPP because of their ridiculously baseless hatred toward Nana Akufo Addo, the biblical Joseph or David of our time?

I am fully supportive of any move to ostracize them after they have behaved so wickedly towards the suffering people of Ghana who are constantly making supplications to God to effect a change in government in Ghana from the unprecedentedly corrupt, clueless and incompetent NDC government to a farsighted NPP administration.

Why should we be held to ransom by those that I fervently refer to as belonging to the 4% membership of NPP now openly claiming to be Alan Cash's faction? I see them as the bad nuts that are not to be encouraged any longer or else, they will contaminate all the other good ones. The longer we tolerate their uncivilized, collusive and deliberate agenda to cause the defeat of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo, the sillier in the end all of us become.

He who knowingly steps on/in dangerous substance is said to be a fool. When we know the dangers this 4% -faction represents, their potential, and unflinching determination, to cause the defeat of NPP, why should we not kick them out now but wait until they have inflicted extensive devastation on NPP?

They are noted to find shelter under the accusatory umbrella of, "it is Nana Addo's faction doing that to us because of the fact we belong to Alan Kyeremateng's camp" I find their excuse very preposterous. Why can't they disband their so-called faction to rally behind Nana, the sole flagbearer of NPP? Nobody is side-lining them but their evilness is what is keeping them away from Nana.

Let us boot them out now. The benefit we shall gain will be tenfold much more than if we let them remain in their positions while they constantly engage in nefarious activities with intent to bring about the defeat of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo in 2016. Why should they be that wicked?

They want President Mahama, upon all his exhibited acts of corruption, incompetence and callousness to continue in power until 2020 as long as it is not Alan Cash the NPP flagbearer. Have we realised how wicked some Ghanaians can be? As long as it is not Alan who is in the driver's seat, they care not about whatever happens. What a typical Ghanaian mindedness?!

If we kick Afoko and Agyepong out, we can do successful damage control long before the campaign for 2016 elections start. All that we need to do is to give people enlightenment on why we have taken, or took, the action of sacking whoever.

Do we prefer to win the election to alleviate the sufferings of the poor Ghanaian masses or we still want to linger in the economic pain afflicting us today all because of the unprecedented corruption masterminded by NDC and spearhead by President Mahama?

I am on the side of all those who want to see the arses of Kwabena Agyepong and Paul Afoko, two arrogant schemers, off NPP headquarters in Accra. They can remain ordinary members of the party but not leaders.

Have they gone into hiding? If yes, why have they? For the sake of the suffering Ghanaians, Kwabena and Paul must tender their resignation; bow out honourably before they are pushed.

Why should we pity those that are themselves pitiless? Why should we have mercy on people who are determined to cause our downfall? Why should we sit down, waiting for the harm to be caused first, and then say, had we known...? It is better to always be proactive than reactive.

If my admonition would be adhered to, all the anguish over defeat that is scarily staring us in the face will vanish, only to be replaced by smiles.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson