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Infinite Kigali Gibberish From Creative Source

Tue, 25 Dec 2012 Source: Nuhu, Kashaa

It is awfully disgusting, disheartening and apathetic to reading a series of articles entitled “The Road to Kigali” from a Professor of creative writing. With such rich syntax professed to heave significance contribution to Ghana’s infantile democracy is crammed with abhorrence discourse with recourse to tribal bigotry. I do not covet the position of the author for the belabor on the EC to dispel the discomfort of flagrant electoral lost of the NPP. However, the presence of his family and opulent influence could have added more numbers to the NPP than the long range academic missiles thrown from the US to cause mayhem in our lone legal mother-land.

“The Road to Kigali” simply means, ethnic cleansing by the majority Akan group over the other minority groups according to the cogent tribal and sectarian squabbles by this writer. Needless to say, the owner of the aforementioned article is an Akyem, who hides behind the umbrella body of Akan to dilate his sordid chauvinism for the other minority groups in Ghana. Ashanti, the predominant tribe of the Akan with a widely honored King is highly affable and obliging, unlike the hostile Akyem who see everything good through their own transparent sight.

The author of the foresaid piece is attainably contradicting his position on the yet to storm Supreme Court by the NPP and the Chief Justice. In one breath, the author casted doubt on the integrity of the head of the Judiciary but upon a whisper from a parrot on the ethnicity of the Justice and realizing she was an appointee of the erstwhile NPP government, this bigot changed a stance on Mrs. Wood. This indeed is a revelation worth noting on the ailing motive article with the title “The Road to Kigali”.

Suddenly, the Nassau Community College lecturer, so they say quickly with much uppity turns the vile on the NDC as though the latter authored “The Road to Kigali”. The assertion that, the NDC will resort to violence should the Supreme Court overturn the EC declaration in part 6 of the series is frivolous and outlandish but a defeat on the principle and intent of the article “The Road to Kigali” I petrified over the double standard and amoral stance taken by the writer to avert the actual drive of the damn write up.

The EC boss who performed his constitutional mandate of declaring President Mahama the winner of the 2012 polls but received infinite salvo from both academic maharishis and the plebeians of the opposition New Patriotic Party is an Akan. Why would Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan as part of the Akan group whose birth right it is to become President declares an “Otani” the President elect at the expense of Nana Akufo-Addo? Why does the author of twaddle Kigali article think the EC head is not an Akan and does not recognize the pre-destined aphorism? It is very pathetic for an academic bulldozer to stoop so low to the gutter to incite vulnerable Ghanaians with his long study and hard earned knowledge with the sole aim of placing Ghanaians on savage of insurgency. How insensitive?

The arguments and salient features of “The Road to Kigali” is an affront on academic elucidation. The frantic effort to curb racism in all spheres of human life including games, sports, religion, academic and others are enough reminder of the writer of this article to appreciate human existence. How does it feel when a white child throws a banana at a Negro with reference to monkey in the United States? Tribalism is the trivial of racism and both need the same magnitude of denunciation.

Democracy is what to be questioned in developing countries with less than 50% of the people as amateurish in formal education yet seeks the Whiteman’s system of choosing leaders to govern. We must make a concerted effort to educate our people to understand and demystify the intricacies of modern democracy and move forward as a Nation, than the constant reminders of our past brutalities of military juntas. After all, the Nation Ghana had experienced two decades of rule by the ballot and is a signatory to many international conventions. America with her centuries of experience in democracy once went through trying times.

As alluded in one of the series by the author of The Road to Kigali “For those of us who have lived, experienced and actively participated in an advanced democratic culture such as that of the United States”. It will be extremely outrageous for any true Ghanaian to sit somewhere with no contribution, active participation and experience of our “injustice” kind of democracy so to speak, to propel and fan genocidal comments as a form of participating in Ghana’s politics. The impetus at which this fake Ghanaian who believes, lived and contributed to the development of democracy in the United States writes, exposed the heinous purpose of his articles for Mother-Ghana penchant to the “All die- be die mantra of the NPP.

I want to promise to disappoint this professor of creative writing by scrounging the words of the late President JEA Mills of blessed memory that, “Ghana will not die, Ghana will live to give thanks and glory to our maker” The intercessory prayers from a cross section of religious groups over the months are much more powerful to neutralize the ill motive of “The Road to Kigali” The evil forces unleashed from any part of the world to work on innocent Ghanaians to rise against each other shall bounce back to the sender. We are sick and tired of the scoffs travesty in the name of freedom of speech.

Not withstanding, it is more ludicrous and appalling to read the directorate to “Kigali” from the article when the warmonger himself is seeking sanctuary or academic prowess elsewhere in New York. How does one take part in a dance by producing the throbbing sound of the drums far away from the dancers? Kigali is the capital of Rwanda, which perpetuated genocide in the 1998 among the Hutus and Tutsis. The Hutus who felt more superior to their Tutsi brothers had to massacre the Tutsi minority from the land of Rwanda. That is what the author of “The Road to Kigali” wants the Akans to do to the other minority ethnic groups in Ghana. What a shameful display of pedagogic aptitude!!

Needles to mention, the writer had a restricted practical appreciation of many ethnic persuasions in Ghana. The petite information about non Akan ethnic groups in Ghana by this columnist is gathered from our history text books which do not offer readers much practical knowledge of the aborigines but failed and resided on the scanty ideas to spew acerbic invective to extol the most rural sect of Akyem among the Akans.

Ashanti region where one can find the largest Zongo slums chiefly occupied by non Akans share boundary with the Palace of the Ashanti King. This by a large extent phantom the perception by the author of Kigali that, the Ashantis as the majority and most powerful and influential of the Akan who without them cannot flex muscle in terms of politics do not envisage any ethnic purification of other minority groups. In fact, the mutual intelligible nature of some other minority ethnic group dialect with the Ashanti parlance makes the whole Kigali message a fiasco. The idea will never be endorsed by the most powerful KING, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

Further, Both NDC and NPP have members of diverse ethnicities and as such will make nonsense of the assertion to wipe out minority ethnic groups from Ghanaian politics. The odium by Kigali author for non Akans is unimaginably colossal to be conceived by a true Ghanaian. Such Characters have divided loyalty for their nation, considering the venom and potency of their vile to put Ghana on the mutiny attest to it. I believe at the end, marauder of that kind shall be put in the dustbin of history.

If this doom writer who has no respect for state institutions but thinks violence is the key must first descend to the battle field from his hide out for Ghanaians to take him serious. The chants and ethnocentric detestation by this educationist in his writings are sickening and choking. Is about time this writer put an end to the gibberish and saves Ghanaians a briefing space. If not, I have one more thing to say to the author that, the anger of the powerless is a waste.

Ghana has a President, be it “Kwashiorkor, Trokosi or Otani” President, nothing is going to stop the investiture on the 7th of January, 2013. You either manage with the situation or you shut your stinky cursed mouth up and live with the anguish. The Supreme Court is wide open for any “idiot” as opined by Asiedu Nkatia to present a case. Ghana will continue to be the beacon of hope for Africa and lead the way in democratic dispensation.

God bless the good people of this country and God bless our homeland Ghana.

Kashaa Nuhu [email protected]

Columnist: Nuhu, Kashaa